Application by Health Secretary, NSW Ministry of Health
(No. IRC 242943 of 2024)
Before President Taylor
26 November 2024
Clause No. Subject Matter
Conditions of Employment
Commencing rates of Pay
Grading Committee
No Extra Claims
Area, Incidence and Duration
1. Title
This Award shall be known as the
Public Hospitals Library
Staff (State) Award 2024.
2. Conditions of
The conditions of employment for employees covered by this Award
shall be as prescribed by the Public Hospitals (Professional and Associated
Staff) Conditions of Employment (State) Award 2024, as varied or replaced from
time to time.
3. Salaries
Full time Library Staff employees shall be paid the salaries as set
out in the Health Professionals Salaries (State) Award 2024, as varied or
replaced from time to time.
The classifications of library staff shall be as follows:
Library Technician
Library Assistant
4. Definitions
“Employer” means the Secretary of the Ministry of Health exercising
employer functions on behalf of the Government of New South Wales.
“Hospital” means a public hospital as defined under section 15 of
the Health Services Act 1997, as
amended or varied from time to time.
“Librarian” means an employee appointed as such who possesses
qualifications acceptable for professional membership
of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) or other
combination of qualifications and experience deemed by the
employer to be equivalent, that meets the minimum standard of skill and
knowledge inherent in the ALIA standard.
“Library Technician” means an
employee appointed as such who possesses qualifications acceptable for library technician membership of the
Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) or other combination of
qualifications and experience deemed by the employer to be equivalent that meets the minimum standard
of skill and knowledge
inherent in the ALIA standard.
“Library Assistant” means an employee
appointed as such who is eligible for enrolment in a course
of study that leads to a qualification acceptable
for either professional or library technician membership of the Australian
Library and Information Association (ALIA).
“Local Health District” means a Local Health District constituted
pursuant to section 17 of the Health
Services Act 1997, as amended or varied from time to time.
“Union” means the Health Services
Union NSW.
“Weekly Rates” will be ascertained by dividing the annual amount
by 52.17857 or a weekly
rate can be multiplied
by 52.17857 to obtain an annual amount.
5. Descriptors
Library Assistant
A practitioner at this level:
(a) Performs routine
activities to gain practical experience required for the
operation of information
systems and services to clients.
(b) Requires
ability to develop skills in, and knowledge of library and information
standards, procedures, practices and operations, and specific library
collections obtained from formal course work and/or workplace training.
(c) Exercises
judgment, where a choice of action is available within the application of
clearly established standards, practices and procedures.
(d) Works under
direct supervision of a senior paraprofessional or a professional, but
exercises increasing autonomy in prioritising and completing tasks. This may
involve working co-operatively in the organisation of work.
(e) The outcome
of work undertaken is usually of direct, but short-term effect
on clients, collections and co- workers.
Library Technician
Grade 1 - A para-professional practitioner at this level:
(a) Performs and/or
assists in co-ordinating activities required for the operation and maintenance
of library and information services and systems.
(b) Requires sound
knowledge and skill and the ability to develop expertise in library and
information management concepts necessary
to undertake a varied range of tasks in library
procedures and operations.
(c) Exercises judgment
in dealing with a range
of general or specialist tasks
and problems, with reference
to established standards, practices and procedures. Some adaptation of systems,
standards or practices may be
(d) Works under general supervision of a senior
paraprofessional or a professional or manager. Works either
individually or co-operatively as a member of a team, or as the leader of a
small non-hierarchical team.
(e) The outcome of work
is usually direct or short-term to intermediate but may be
long term in its effect on
clients, collections and co-workers. Work may assist in the formulation of
procedures or policies.
Grade 1 - A professional practitioner at this level:
(a) Provides
professional library and information services and/or assists in the development
of library and information services and systems. May co-ordinate discrete
library and information management projects
or assist in the operations and systems of a unit, team or library service.
(b) Requires sound knowledge of library and information service
concepts, principles and theory, and a sound understanding of library systems,
practices and procedures.
(c) Exercises
judgment in dealing with a range of operational and/or conceptual tasks and
problems with reference to established standards, practices and procedures. Is
able to adapt systems, standards or priorities
and deviate to a limited
extent from precedent. With experience may solve non-routine problems by applying principle and theory with reference to
(d) Works under
general supervision of a senior professional or manager. Works either
individually or co- operatively as a member of a team or as the leader of a
small non-hierarchical team.
(e) The outcome of work
is usually direct or short-term to intermediate but may be long
term in its effect on clients, collections and
co-workers. Work may assist in the formulation of procedures or policies and
contribute to the body of professional knowledge.
Grade 2 - An experienced professional practitioner and/or developing specialist at this level:
(a) Provides
complex or specialist library and information services. May
co-ordinate/supervise a discrete library and information management project, or
the operations and systems of a unit, team or library service. This is the
first level at which a Librarian may be responsible for managing a budget.
(b) Requires a
well-developed knowledge of library and information management concepts,
principles and theory, and well-developed skills in the application of library
and information systems, collections, services or subject knowledge.
(c) Exercises
judgment and initiative in dealing with a wide range of complex tasks and
problems, with reference to established standards, practices and procedures. Is
able to adapt systems, standards or priorities and deviate substantially from
(d) Works under
general direction of a senior professional or manager. Works either
individually as a specialist or co-operatively as a member of a non-hierarchical team, or as a leader or supervisor of a team or discrete project.
(e) The outcome
of work including
decisions is direct
but may be long term in its effect on clients, collections and co-workers. May assist in
the formulation of policy and advice to senior management. Work often
contributes to the body of professional knowledge.
Grade 3 - A senior professional practitioner, manager and/or specialist at this level:
(a) Manages and/or
provides complex or specialist library
and information services. May manage substantial library and information
management projects, or the operations and systems of a unit, team or library service.
(b) Requires
substantial knowledge of library and information management concepts,
principles and theory. Has a high-level of proficiency and expertise in specific systems,
collections, services or subject
knowledge. Requires either
management expertise or standing as a recognised internal authority in an area of the discipline of significance to
the organisation.
(c) Exercises
judgment and initiative in dealing with a range of complex and detailed
operational or conceptual problems and tasks that may extend beyond the
immediate work area. May develop and/or introduce enhancements to practices,
systems and procedures with limited reference to precedent. Demonstrates a sound understanding and ability to interpret professional standards, practices and theory.
(d) Works under guidance of a senior
professional or manager.
Work may be reviewed periodically or at key stages for soundness of judgment and
adherence to organisational objectives and policies.
(e) The outcome
of work including
decisions is usually
intermediate to long term and may have considerable
effect and impact on the objectives and performance of service delivery for
clients, collections and co- workers within
the legal, library and information management context. May formulate
policy and advice to senior
management. Work often contributes to the body of professional, subject or
policy area of knowledge.
Grade 4 - A principal professional practitioner and/or senior
manager and/or senior
specialist at this level:
(a) Leads and
manages significant organisational service/s, project/s or program/s, and/or
provides authoritative highly specialised advice to senior management, the
organisation as a whole, or external parties. May initiate and implement a
major library and information management project or program or, oversee the operations and systems of a significant unit, team or library service,
or may contribute towards
the research activities at a tertiary teaching hospital.
(b) Requires and
applies significant knowledge of library and information management concepts,
principles and theory extending across multiple aspects of the profession. Also
requires either significant management expertise or standing as a recognised
internal or external authority on systems, collections, services or subject knowledge, or an area of the discipline of significance to the
organisation, industry or profession.
(c) Exercises
independent or interpretive judgment and initiative in dealing with a range of
highly complex and detailed operational or conceptual problems and tasks. Is
able to create new systems, standards or approaches and interprets information
where there is little or no precedent. Demonstrates an extensive understanding of professional standards and multiple aspects
of library and information services
that may require new or unique
(d) Works with
occasional managerial or professional review or independently as a recognised
specialist. Work is primarily reviewed for effectiveness and progress towards
agreed organisational objectives.
(e) The outcome of
work including decisions has significant long-term effect, and usually
contributes substantially to organisational performance, and/or to the body of
professional or subject knowledge. Work is expected to have significant policy,
legal or service delivery implications at the organisational level and may also
have an impact at the State or National level.
6. Commencing Rates of
(a) An employee
appointed as a Librarian who has a qualification acceptable for appointment
that required three years full-time study (or equivalent for part-time) shall
have a commencing salary of the rate prescribed for the first year of service
as set out in the Health Professional Salaries (State) Award 2024, as varied or
replaced from time to time.
(b) An employee
appointed as a Librarian who has a qualification acceptable for appointment that required a minimum of four years full-time study
(or equivalent for part-time) shall have a commencing salary of the rate prescribed for the second
year of service as set out in the Health
Professional Salaries (State)
Award 2024, as varied or replaced from time to time.
7. Grading Committee
A committee consisting of two representatives of the employer and
two representatives of the Union shall be constituted to consider and recommend to the employer
upon application by the Union or a hospital/Local Health District:
(a) The grading
of any new position or variation of grading of a position
as the result of substantial change in the duties
and/or responsibilities or any grading anomaly; and
(b) The date of the effect of the grading recommended.
Provided that –
(i) an employee
shall, whilst the grading of the position is under consideration, be ineligible
to be a member of the committee;
(ii) the committee
shall not, without sufficient reason, recommend the retrospective operation of
any grading or remuneration; and
(iii) where a
retrospective date of effect is recommended such date shall not be earlier than
a date six months prior to the date on which the matter was referred to the
8. No Extra Claims
The Commission makes this Award on the basis that the parties have
provided the following undertaking: Other than as provided for in the Industrial
Relations Act 1996, there shall be no further claims/demands or proceedings
instituted before the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales for
extra or reduced wages, salaries, rates of pay, allowances or conditions of
employment with respect to the employees covered by the Award that take effect
prior to 30 June 2025 by a party to this Award.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties may, during the term of this
Award, discuss additional opportunities for system improvements and, if agreed,
a further pay increase may be provided to recognise the contribution of
employees to those system improvements.
9. Area, Incidence and
(a) This Award
takes effect from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024 and shall remain
in force for a period of one year.
(b) This Award
rescinds and replaces the Public Hospitals Library Staff (State) Award 2023
published 19 September 2023 (395 I.G.
206) and all variations thereof.
(c) This Award
shall apply to persons employed in classifications contained herein employed in
the New South Wales Health
Service under s115(1)
of the Health Services
Act 1997, or their successors, assignees or transmittees, excluding the County of Yancowinna.
Taylor J, President.
Printed by
the authority of the Industrial Registrar.