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New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission
(Industrial Gazette)

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Health Employees' (State) Award 2024
Page No.340
DescriptionAIRC - Award of Industrial Relations Commission
Publication No.C9886
Award Code 380  
Date Posted01/24/2025

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Health Employees' (State) Award 2024




Application by Health Secretary, NSW Ministry of Health.


(No. IRC 242851 of 2024)


Before President Taylor

26 November 2024












Clause No.        Subject Matter


1                    Definitions


3                    Salaries and Wages


5                    Leading Hands


7                    Exemptions


9                    Conditions of Service


11               Dispute Resolution


13               Anti-Discrimination


15               No Extra Claims


17               Area, Incidence and Duration PART B




Table 1 - Salaries


Table 2 Allowances




1.  Definitions


Unless the context otherwise indicates or requires the several expressions hereunder defined shall have their respective meanings assigned to them: -


(i)        "ADA" means the adjusted daily average of occupied beds calculated in accordance with the following formula:



Daily Average + Neo-natal Adjustment + Non-inpatient Adjustment





Daily =

Total Occupied Bed Days for Period Less Unqualified Baby Bed Days


Number of Days in the Period

Neo-natal =

Total Bed Days of Unqualified Babies for the Period


2 x Number of Days in the Period

Non inpatient =

Total NIOOS Equivalents for the Period


10 x Number of Days in the Period


Note: Total NIOOS Equivalents for the Period equals the individual NIOOS plus the equivalent number of Group NIOOS (Non-inpatient Group Sessions x 1.3) plus the equivalent number of Dental NIOOS (Non- inpatient Dental Flow x 3.8)


(ii)      "Aide" means a person appointed as such who is wholly or substantially engaged in all or any of the following duties:


(a)       media making;


(b)       preparation of solutions etc. of a routine character;


(c)       washing, sorting, classifying, decontaminating or packing of glassware, slides, instruments or other equipment;


(d)       filing or packing of medicinal preparations and issuing of ward pharmacy stocks; or


(e)       other duties of a similar nature.


(iii)     "Anaesthetic and Operating Theatre Technician" means a person employed as such who is wholly or mainly engaged in assembling, checking, maintaining and monitoring anaesthetic equipment before, during, and after operation.


(iv)     "Animal Technician" means a person appointed as such who is required to assist in medical procedures with animals such as surgical techniques, production of disease, anaesthesia and post-operative care.


(v)       Apprentices -


(a)       "Adult Apprentice" means any person entering on an apprenticeship or continuing in an apprenticeship (including a probationary or trainee apprenticeship) on or after their twenty-first birthday.


(b)       "Apprentice" means an employee who is party to an apprenticeship contract and includes a person who is employed as an apprentice but in respect of whom an apprenticeship contract is not yet in force.


(c)       "Apprenticeship" means an apprenticeship established under Division 2 of Part 2 of the


Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001.


(d)       "Apprenticeship Trade Course" means the trade course provided by the Department of Technical and Further Education or its successors which is appropriate to the trade classification of an apprentice. These courses are presently known as the "Commercial Cookery Trade Course" and the "Parks and Gardens Trade Course".


(vi)     "Boiler Attendant" (with Maintenance of Plant) means a person employed as such who is the holder of a boiler certificate and whose ordinary duties include, in addition to the maintenance of low pressure boilers, responsibility for the maintenance of all steam services and plant within the hospital.


(vii)    Care Service Employees


(a)       Grade 1 - New Entrant - means an employee with less than 500 hours' relevant work experience who performs basic duties under direct supervision. Such employees perform routine functions requiring understanding of clear rules and procedures. Work is performed using established practices, procedures and instructions, including compliance with documentation requirements as determined by the employer. Problems should be referred to a more senior staff member.


Indicative tasks an employee at this level may perform are as follows:


Typical Duties:


Care Stream

Support Stream

Maintenance Stream

Carry out simple tasks under supervision to assist a higher grade

employee attending to the personal needs of patients.

General assistance to higher grade employees in the full range of domestic duties.

General labouring assistance to higher-grade employees in the full

range of gardening and maintenance duties.


(b)       Grade 1 - means an employee who works under limited supervision individually or in a team environment. Employees at this level work within established guidelines including compliance with documentation requirements as determined by the employer. In some situations detailed instructions may be necessary. Indicative tasks an employee at this level may perform are as follows.


Typical Duties:


Care Stream

Support Stream

Maintenance Stream

Under limited supervision, provide assistance to patients in carrying out  simple  personal  care  tasks

which shall include but not be limited to:

Performance under limited supervision of the full range of domestic duties including but not limited to:

Performance under limited supervision of labouring duties associated  with  gardening  and

general maintenance activities, including but not limited to:

-      Supervise daily hygiene e.g. assisting with showers or baths,

shaving, cutting nails;

-               General       cleaning                of accommodation food service and

general areas;

- Sweeping;

- Hosing;

-    lay out clothes and assist in dressing;

- General waiting, table service and clearing duties;

- Garbage collection and disposal;

keeping the outside of buildings clean and tidy;

- make beds and tidy rooms;

- Assistance in the preparation of food, including the cooking and/or preparation of light refreshments;

-      Mowing lawns and assisting gardening staff in labouring.


(c)       Grade 2 - means an employee with relevant experience who works individually or in a team environment and is responsible for the quality of their own work, subject to general supervision, including compliance with documentation requirements as determined by the employer. Indicative tasks an employee at this level may perform are as follows.


Typical Duties:


Care Stream

Support Stream

Maintenance Stream

Provide a wide range of personal care services to patients, under limited supervision and in accordance with the patient’s Care

Plan, including:

Assist a higher grade worker in the planning, cooking and preparation of the full range of meals.

Undertake basic repairs to buildings, equipment, appliances, and similar items not calling for trades skills or knowledge.

- Assist and support patients with

medication    utilising    medication compliance aids;

Drive a sedan or utility.

Work with and undertake limited

coordination of the work of other maintenance workers.

- Simple wound dressing;


Perform gardening duties.


- Implementation of continence programs as identified in the Care


- Attend to routine urinalysis, blood pressure, temperature and

pulse checks;

- Blood sugar level checks etc and assist and support diabetic patients in the management of their insulinand diet, recognising the signs of both Hyper and Hypo-Glycemia.

- Recognise, report and respond appropriately to changes in the condition of patients, within the skills and  competence of the employee and the policies and procedures of the organisation.


- Assist in the development and implementation of patient care plans


- Assist in the development and implementation of programs of activities for patients.

(viii)   "Cardiac Technician" means a person who performs ECGs, Exercise Stress Testing and Holter Loop Recorders.


(ix)     "Cardiac Technologist - Grade 1" means a person who has attained a Bachelor of Science Degree or qualifications or competencies deemed equivalent by the employer and may be required to perform ECGs, Exercise Stress Testing, Holter-Loop event recorders as well as VVI pacemakers, dual chamber pacing/cardiac catheter and Implantable Cardiac defibrillators (ICDs).


(x)       "Cardiac Technologist - Grade 2" means a person who has attained a Post Graduate Degree in Sonography or qualifications or competencies deemed equivalent by the employer and performs Cardiac Sonography or Electrophysiological Studies (EPS).


(xi)     "Central Linen Service" is a laundry which supplies a linen service to two or more separate hospitals.


(xii)    "Centralised Food Production Unit (CFPU)" means a centralised food production unit established by a Health Service or the employer that produces and supplies bulk food produce in advance.


The CFPU produces but is not limited to cook chill food in the form of extended life cook chill and/or short shelf life cook chill product. The CFPU can also produce bulk food as cook freeze product, and as prepared non-cooked items including but not limited to items such as salad vegetables, fruit, desserts, prepared cold meats etc. This food is produced using such technologies as Extended Life Cook Chill (ELCC), Short Term Cook Chill (STCC) and Cook Freeze (CF) and distributed to receiving/finishing and satellite kitchens which may be within or adjacent to the CFPU or off site.


(xiii)   "CFPU Chef" means a person appointed to such a position in a CFPU and who is accountable for the preparation, production and portioning of bulk food products and other non-cooked items in the CFPU. The CFPU Chef is responsible for the supervision of staff.


(xiv)   "CFPU Cook"


(a)       Level 2 - means a person appointed to such a position in a CFPU and who is responsible for the preparation, production and portioning of bulk food products and other non-cooked items and associated food production tasks. The CFPU Cook is responsible for the supervision of employees working in the above processes.


(b)       Level 1 - means a person appointed to such a position in a CFPU and under the supervision of a CFPU Cook Level 2 who assists in the preparation, production and portioning of bulk food products and other non-cooked items.


(xv)    "Chef" means a person employed as such in a hospital with a daily average of occupied beds of not less than 100 and who may be required by the employer to supervise staff, give any necessary instruction in all branches of cooking and be responsible for requisitioning stores required for the preparation and serving of meals.


The average daily number of meals prepared and served by the kitchen or kitchens for which the chef is responsible shall determine their grading as follows:


Grade A - 2,000 or more


Grade B - 1,000 and less than 2,000 Grade C - less than 1000


(xvi)   "Chief Cardiac Technologist" means a person who can perform all the functions of a Cardiac Technologist and who is responsible for the management of the department including the development of operational protocols.




(A)      "Cook (Grade A)" means a person employed as a cook in a hospital having at the preceding 30 June and ADA of 50 or more occupied beds and who is working in a kitchen in which meals are prepared for an average of 100 or more persons and who is principally engaged, other than as an assistant to another cook, either:


(a)       on the cooking of meats, poultry and fish; or


(b)       on the cooking of cakes, pastries and sweets; or


(c)       on a combination of work specified in (a) and (b), of this subclause; or


(d)       on relieving a chef or other cooks engaged on the work specified in (a), (b) or (c) of this subclause; or


(e)       as a cook responsible for supervising the work of other cooks in the kitchen.


In respect of the hospitals specified hereunder, Cook Grade A means a person employed as a cook in the following kitchens:


The Sydney Hospital: Main kitchen and main nurses' home kitchen Prince of Wales Hospital: Main kitchen


Royal Prince Alfred Hospital: Main kitchen and diet kitchen General Hospital: Main kitchen


The Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children: Main kitchen The Royal North Shore Hospital: Main kitchen


who is principally engaged, other than as an assistant to another cook; either


(a)       on the cooking of meats, poultry and fish; or


(b)       on the cooking of cakes, pastries and sweets; or


(c)       on a combination of the work specified in (a) and (b) of this paragraph; or


(d)       on relieving a chef or other cooks engaged on the work specified in subparagraphs (a), (b) or (c) of this paragraph; or


(e)       as a cook responsible for supervising the work of other cooks in a kitchen where meals are prepared for an average of 100 or more persons.


Provided that subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this paragraph immediately above shall have no application in respect of cooks in the diet kitchen of the General Hospital of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.


(B)      "Cook (Grade B)" means a person employed as a cook, other than a chef, cook (Grade A), or an assistant cook.


(xviii) "Employer" means the Secretary of the Ministry of Health exercising functions on behalf of the Government of New South Wales.


(xix)   "Forensic Mortuary Technician" means a person responsible for undertaking a range of duties to assist with the completion of forensic autopsies under the supervision and general direction of the medical officer responsible for the autopsy. They will be responsible for using their technical skills, knowledge and experience to assist the medical officer to undertake medical examination. A Forensic Mortuary Technician will be required to hold a minimum qualification equivalent to Certificate Level IV in a relevant field as determined by NSW Health. They will be responsible for the following:


(a)       Removal of body parts under supervision;


(b)       Reconstructions, including complex reconstructions under supervision;


(c)       Assist with and undertake collection and sending away of samples for analysis, including filing and distribution;


(d)       Participate in DVI;


(e)       The use of CT scanning or X-Ray;


(f)        Photography of deceased persons;


(g)       Recording, storing and management of unblocked tissue;


(h)       Whole organ and tissue receipt, repatriation, packaging, storage, retention and transportation;


(i)        The management of deceased persons, including destitute persons, that encompasses timely management, admission, storage and release, and preparation of for identification and viewing;


(j)        Participate in quality control and audit activities;


(k)       Mortuary maintenance, cleaning, ordering, stocking and restocking;


(l)        Training of Autopsy Assistants and Forensic Mortuary Technicians; and


(m)      Other duties within the scope of the Post Mortem Assistant classification.


(xx)    A Senior Forensic Mortuary Technician may work under the general direction of the medical officer and may be responsible for supervising the Forensic Mortuary Technicians. They will be required to hold a minimum qualification at least equivalent to a Diploma in a relevant field, as determined by NSW Health. They will be responsible for the following:


(a)       Removal of any/all body parts;


(b)       Advanced reconstructions;


(c)       The use of CT scanning or x-ray;


(d)       Coordinate and undertake photography of deceased persons;


(e)       Coordinate and lead team members in DVI activities;


(f)        Coordinate and undertake collection and sending away of samples for analysis, including filing and distribution;


(g)       The coordination, monitoring and management of deceased persons including timely management, admission, storage and release and preparation of for identification and viewing;


(h)       Quality control and audit activities;


(i)        Coordinate mortuary maintenance, cleaning, ordering, stocking and restocking;


(j)        Coordinate training of Post Mortem Assistants and Forensic Mortuary Technicians;


(k)       Participate into the development of procedures and guidelines for mortuary operating procedures;


(l)        Technical supervision of Post Mortem Assistants and Forensic Mortuary Technicians, including staff development;


(m)      Supervisory activities related to mortuary functions;


(n)       Participate in autopsy related research;


(o)       Participate in professional development activities where required, including presentation at seminars; and


(p)       Other duties and functions without limitation within the scope of the Post Mortem Assistant and/or Forensic Mortuary Technician classifications.


(xxi)   "Gardener" means a person employed as such whose duties include any or all of the following, namely, propagation of seeds, planting out, pruning and shaping of trees and shrubs, layout of gardens and general gardening duties.


(xxii)  "Head Gardener" means a person employed as such who, in addition to performing gardening duties is required as part of his/her ordinary duty to supervise and control a staff of not less than three others, one of whom is a gardener.




"Health and Security Assistant" means a person who has a Class 1A security licence under the Security Industry Act 1997 and who has the following responsibilities:


(i)        Undertakes all security related duties of a security officer as directed by the employer; and


(ii)       In addition:


(a)       Undertakes limited duties associated with the care of patients and the provision of general assistance in wards; and/or


(b)       Cleaning duties; and/or


(c)       Undertaking routine clerical/administrative work (Level 1); and/or


(d)       The primary functions usually undertaken by the classification of Hospital Assistant Grade 1,2 or 3; and/or


(e)       The primary functions of any other classification of staff agreed to between the employer and the Union


Where a Health and Security Assistant, during a shift, has the responsibility of being able to be involved in an immediate response to manage aggressive individuals and related security incidents, they must be able to immediately interrupt or cease their current activity in order to provide that response.


Where a Health and Security Assistant is recruited as part of a Ministry of Health co-ordinated recruitment campaign they can be employed for a period of four months without a class 1A security licence, but cannot continue to be employed for longer than four months without a licence. During the time prior to obtaining a 1A security licence they cannot undertake the duties set out in (i) above.


(xxiv) "Health Service" means a Local Health District constituted under section 8 of the Health Services Act 1997, a Statutory Health Corporation constituted under section 11 of that Act, an Affiliated Health Organisation constituted under section 13 of that Act and the Public Health System Support Division of the NSW Health Service, as amended from time to time.


(xxv)  "Heart/Lung Assistant" means a person employed as such and who assists the Heart/Lung Technician in the assembly, dismantling and cleaning of heart/lung equipment.


(xxvi) "Heart/Lung Technician" means a person employed as such and whose duties require them to be skilled in the assembly, operation, dismantling and cleaning of heart/lung machines and the operation of cardiac monitoring equipment.




"Home Supervisor" means a person employed as such who is required to supervise resident staff quarters.




"Hospital" means a public hospital as defined in section 15 of the Health Services Act 1997, as amended or varied from time to time.


(xxix) "Hospital Assistant" -


(a)       Grade I means an employee appointed as such who is required to perform general cleaning duties and other duties of a house-hold-chore type, excepting those specified in the definition of Hospital Assistant, Grade II. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it shall include duties traditionally associated with the former classifications of Ward Assistant (save as to those duties specified in the definition of Hospital Assistant, Grade II), Maid, Seamstress, and/or Female Attendant.


(b)       Grade II means an employee, male or female, appointed as such who is required to perform, in addition to the duties appropriate to a Hospital Assistant, Grade I, duties such as high cleaning, outside cleaning, stripping and/or sealing of floors, portering of patients and/or heavy equipment, etc, loading and/or unloading of commercial-type washing machines, cleaning of tooth and vomit bowls, sanitising of bed pans and other equipment, the cooking and/or preparing of light refreshments (e.g., eggs, toast, salads), making unoccupied beds. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing it shall include duties traditionally associated with the former classifications of Dressmaker, Kitchenman, Laundry Employee (male), Laundry Employee-Female, Porter (all grades), Porter/Cleaner (all grades), Lift Attendant, Laboratory Attendant-Male, Attendant- Vehicle Parking, General Useful, Incinerator Attendant, Gardener's Labourer, General Reliever (male).


(c)       Grade III means an employee appointed as such who is required to perform any of the duties previously performed by persons appointed under the classifications of Storeman, Handyman, Assistant Cook, Patrol Officer or Operating Theatre Orderly.


(xxx)  "Laundry Assistant Foreperson" means a person employed as such in a hospital with an ADA of occupied beds of not less than 100 beds and who is regularly required to assist in the supervision of laundry staff.


(xxxi) "Leading Hand" means an employee who is placed in charge of not less than two (2) other employees of substantially similar classification but does not include an employee whose classification denotes supervisory responsibility.




"Linen Supply Officer" means a person appointed as such who is required, in hospitals where linen is supplied from a central linen service, to be in control of the linen store, be responsible for linen stocks in wards and departments and the requisitioning of linen from the central linen service.




"Maintenance Supervisor (Non-Tradesman)" means a person employed as such: and


(a)       who assists the engineer in the supervision of staff and the general maintenance work of the hospital and, in addition, relieves them during their absence, or


(b)       who, where there is no engineer, is responsible for the operation of the steam raising plant and general maintenance work.




"Museum Technician" means a person appointed as such who is responsible for the preservation, maintenance and cataloguing of museum and pathological specimens.




A "Patient Transport Officer" is an employee who at the time of appointment holds a minimum current Basic Life Support accreditation or equivalent or who has successfully completed any other relevant training and work experience as determined by the employer to become a Patient Transport Officer. Such an employee may be required to successfully complete further instruction/in-service courses necessary for Patient Transport Officers as determined by the employer and as provided by the employer.


This category of employee will be involved in patient transport using basic life support skills.


This definition does not apply to HealthShare Patient Transport Officers captured under the HealthShare NSW Patient Transport Officer (State) Award 2022’ as varied or amended from time to time.


This definition is effective from 4 April 2023 (391 IG 1195)




"Pharmacy Assistants"


(a)       Pharmacy Assistant Grade 1 - means a person appointed as such who is engaged in drug distribution duties, hospital pharmacy production and dispensing activities under the supervision of a Registered Pharmacist and/or Pharmacy Technician.


(b)       Pharmacy Assistant Grade 2 - means a person appointed as such who is engaged in drug distribution duties, hospital pharmacy production and dispensing activities under the supervision of a Registered Pharmacist and/or Pharmacy Technician, and who holds a qualification in a relevant field recognised by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia or up to the level of Certificate III in Community Pharmacy issued by a Registered Training Organisation or has qualifications deemed by the employer to be equivalent.




"Pharmacy Technician Grade 1" means a person appointed to such a position and who has successfully completed a qualification in a relevant field recognised by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia or up to the level of Certificate III issued by a Registered Training Organisation in Hospital and Community Pharmacy (e.g. Charles Sturt University) or has qualifications deemed by the employer to be equivalent.




"Pharmacy Technician - Grade 2" means a person who is appointed to such a position and who has successfully completed a nationally recognised Pharmacy Technician Certificate Course at Certificate Level IV or has qualifications deemed by the employer to be equivalent. Such person is under the supervision of a Pharmacist and/or a more senior Pharmacy Technician.




"Pharmacy Technician - Grade 3" means a person who has successfully completed a nationally recognised Pharmacy Technician Certificate Course at Certificate Level IV or has qualifications deemed by the employer to be equivalent, has relevant pharmacy experience and displays competency in performing complex tasks under supervision of a Pharmacist in specialist areas of practice such as, but not limited to, cytotoxic drug reconstitution, sterile production, clinical trials, information systems management, etc. This position may also be supervised by a Grade 4 Pharmacy Technician. This classification may operate in a supervisory capacity such as in a Deputy Senior/Second-in-Charge position. Jobs at this level have greater responsibilities than those at Grade 1 and 2.


(xl)  "Pharmacy Technician - Grade 4" means a person appointed to such a position who has successfully completed a recognised Pharmacy Technician Certificate at Certificate Level IV or has qualifications deemed by the employer to be equivalent, and who has extensive experience working within a pharmacy as a Pharmacy Technician Grade 2 and/or Grade 3 and has accredited qualifications in management studies of a formal nature recognised by the Health Service (these studies may be conducted by the Health Service on a local internal basis). Generally, the position would be primarily responsible for the management of all Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacy Assistants in a large unit. The position would carry responsibility for the effective management and development of pharmacy support services under the direction of the Director or Deputy Director of Pharmacy. Participate on departmental committees and continuous education/ management training programs. Inherent in this position is the ability to display competency in performing complex tasks with limited supervision.


(xli)    "Post Mortem Assistant" means a person employed as such who assists in the performance of not less than 200 post mortems per year, and whose duties may require them to remove organs under the supervision of a Medical Officer.


(xlii)  "Residential Services Assistant" means a person other than a registered nurse, enrolled nurse or residential care nurse, who is employed in the delivery of domestic services to clients in residential settings conducted by or on behalf of hospitals or area health services, and which are located either in the general community or in the grounds of hospitals excepting any "off-campus" or "satellite" group homes generated from the Weemala Unit of the Royal Rehabilitation Service.


(xliii)  "Senior Anaesthetic and Operating Theatre Technician" is a person holding the Diploma issued by the Society of Anaesthetic and Operating Theatre Technicians who has a minimum of two years post- graduate service as an Anaesthetic and Operating Theatre Technician and is in charge of two or more Anaesthetic and Operating Theatre Technicians.


(xliv)  "Senior Cardiac Technologist" means a person who can perform all duties of Cardiac Technologist Grade 1 and assists the Chief Cardiac Technologist with management, either through:


undertaking supervisory duties in a Deputy or Second in Charge role overseeing other Cardiac Technicians and/or Cardiac Technologists;




having responsibility for the day to day running of a discreet function within the department.


(xlv) "Senior Security Officer" means a person appointed as such who undertakes the duties of a security officer and in addition performs such duties as the operation of specialised security equipment, leading teams and training. Persons in this position are to hold a current security licence at the appropriate level to perform the above duties and be able to use discretionary judgement in relation to the assessment of security risks within a healthcare environment.


(xlvi)  "Sterilisation Technician - Grade 1" means a person who is primarily involved in the sterilisation of hospital equipment and utensils and who is employed in a Sterile Supply Department of the Health Service. At this level the technician will be performing routine basic tasks and is under routine supervision.


(xlvii) "Sterilisation Technician - Grade 2" means a person who has completed a Certificate in Sterilisation Technology at TAFE and is performing more complex tasks than a Grade 1 employee under only general supervision.




"Sterilisation Technician - Grade 3" means a person who performs the duties of a Sterilisation Technician - Grade 2 who in addition is in a supervisory position or performing specialised tasks at a high degree of competency.


(xlix) "Surgical Dresser" means an employee who is required to undertake advanced duties associated with the care of patients such as special enemata, catheterisation, bowel lavation, and/or other specialised work in wards and theatres.


(l)        "Team Leader, Central Linen Service" A person appointed as such who can undertake a range of duties utilising approved workplace operating procedures within a Central Linen Service. This may include duties involved in the sorting, preparation, laundering and folding of linen items, as well as the inspection, repair and finishing of such linen items. In addition, the position will be responsible for the operational activities of a team of Hospital Assistants Grade 2 and their production outputs. The position holder will be required to exhibit team leadership, and an ability to assist and mentor other employees.


(li)      "Technical Assistant Grade II" means a person appointed as such who is wholly or substantially engaged in routine laboratory procedures of a technical or special nature including routine bio-chemical, bacteriological or haematological tests or counts.


(lii)     A "Trainee Patient Transport Officer" is an employee who is undertaking relevant training and work experience as determined by the employer to become a Patient Transport Officer. Under the supervision of a Patient Transport Officer or Patient Transport Nurses Escort, this category of employee is involved in patient transport using basic life support skills.


This definition does not apply to HealthShare Trainee Patient Transport Officers captured under the ‘HealthShare NSW Patient Transport Officer (State) Award 2023’ as varied or amended from time to time.


This definition is effective from 4 April 2022.


(liii)    "Union" means the Health Services Union NSW.


(liv)  "Wardsperson" means an employee who is required to undertake limited duties associated with the care of patients such as pre-operative shaves, routine enemata, bathing of patients, general assistance in wards and cleaning duties.


2.  Salaries and Wages


Employees shall be paid not less than as set in Table 1 - Salaries, of Part B, Monetary Rates.


3.  Leading Hands


An employee appointed as leading hand who in addition to their ordinary duties, is in charge of not less than two other employees shall be paid an allowance above their ordinary rate as set out in Table 2 - Allowances, of Part B, Monetary Rates.


4.  Exemptions


This Award shall not apply to:


(i)        Members, novices or aspirants of religious orders in public hospitals, the names of whom are included or hereafter shall be included in the third schedule to the Health Services Act 1997.


(ii)      Employees of Stewart House Preventorium


5.  Conditions of Service


The Health Employees Conditions of Employment (State) Award 2023, as varied or replaced from time to time, shall apply to all persons covered by this Award.


In addition, the Health Industry Status of Employment (State) Award 2023, as varied or replaced from time to time, shall also apply to relevant employees.


6.  Dispute Resolution


The dispute resolution procedure of the said Health Employees Conditions of Employment (State) Award 2023, as varied or replaced from time to time, shall apply.


7.  Anti-Discrimination


(i)        It is the intention of the parties bound by this Award to seek to achieve the object in section 3(f) of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 to prevent and eliminate discrimination in the workplace. This includes discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, marital status, disability, homosexuality, transgender identity, age and responsibilities as a carer.


(ii)      It follows that in fulfilling their obligations under the dispute resolution procedure prescribed by this Award the parties have obligations to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the operation of the provisions of this Award are not directly or indirectly discriminatory in their effects. It will be consistent with the fulfillment of these obligations for the parties to make application to vary any provision of the Award which, by its terms or operation, has a direct or indirect discriminatory effect.


(iii)     Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, it is unlawful to victimise an employee because the employee has made or may make or has been involved in a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment.


(iv)     Nothing in this clause is to be taken to affect:


(a)       any conduct or act which is specifically exempted from anti-discrimination legislation;


(b)       offering or providing junior rates of pay to persons under 21 years of age;


(c)       any act or practice of a body established to propagate religion which is exempted under section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977;


(d)       a party to this Award from pursuing matters of unlawful discrimination in any State or Federal jurisdiction.


(v)       This clause does not create legal rights or obligations in addition to those imposed upon the parties by the legislation referred to in this clause.




(a)       Employers and employees may also be subject to Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation.


(b)       Section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 provides:


"Nothing in this Act affects ... any other act or practice of a body established to propagate religion that conforms to the doctrines of that religion or is necessary to avoid injury to the religious susceptibilities of the adherents of that religion.


8.  No Extra Claims


The Commission makes this Award on the basis that the parties have provided the following undertaking: Other than as provided for in the Industrial Relations Act 1996, there shall be no further claims/demands or proceedings instituted before the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales for extra or reduced wages, salaries, rates of pay, allowances or conditions of employment with respect to the employees covered by the Award that take effect prior to 30 June 2025 by a party to this Award.


For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties may, during the term of this Award, discuss additional opportunities for system improvements and, if agreed, a further pay increase may be provided to recognise the contribution of employees to those system improvements.


9.  Area, Incidence and Duration


(i)        This Award takes effect from 1 July 2024 and shall remain in force for a period of one year. The rates and allowances in the second column in the tables of Part B - Monetary Rates will apply from the first full pay period on or after (ffppoa) 1 July 2024.


(ii)      This Award rescinds and replaces the Health Employees (State) Award 2023 published 25 August 2023 (394 I.G. 1538) and all variations thereof.


(iii)     This Award shall apply to persons employed in classifications contained herein employed in the New South Wales Health Service under section 115(1) of the Health Services Act 1997, or their successors, assignees or transmittees, excluding the County of Yancowinna.


Part B




In the period 1 July 2024 to the commencement of the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024, the applicable rates of pay are those that applied immediately prior to the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024.


Table 1 Salaries



Rate from ffppoa 1/07/2024

Per week


Medical/Technical Group


1st Year


2nd Year




Technical Assistant Grade 1

1st Year


2nd Year




Technical Assistant Grade 2

1st Year


2nd Year




Cytology Scanner

Trainee Cytology Scanner

1st Year


On completion of 12 months’ satisfactory service and the issue of a certificate by the hospital that the Trainee is competent to carry out the full range of duties of a scanner, a Trainee shall be entitled to be classified as Cytology Scanner, 1st year.

Cytology Scanner

1st Year


2nd Year





Pharmacy Assistant

Grade 1

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year


4th Year and Thereafter


Grade 2

1st Year


2nd Year and Thereafter


Pharmacy Technician

Grade 1

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year


4th Year and Thereafter


Grade 2

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year


4th Year and Thereafter


Grade 3

1st Year


2nd Year and Thereafter


Grade 4

1st Year


2nd Year and Thereafter


Sterilisation Technician

Grade 1

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year and Thereafter


Grade 2

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year and Thereafter


Grade 3

1st Year


2nd Year and Thereafter


Post Mortem Assistant 200 Post Mortem p.a.

200 Post-mortems p.a.

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year and Thereafter


Senior - Westmead

Senior Post Mortem Assistant (Westmead)


Classification (NSW Health Pathology Employment Division within Forensic Mortuaries only)

Rate from ffppoa 1/07/2023

Per week


Forensic Mortuary Technician

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year


4th Year and Thereafter


Senior Forensic Mortuary Technician

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year and Thereafter


Museum Technician

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year


4th Year and Thereafter


Animal Technician

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year


4th Year


Animal Attendant

One Salary Rate


Research Mechanic

One Salary Rate


Operations Assistants


On completion of three years’ training, a Trainee shall be classified as Assistant.



Operations Assistant

Others - First 3 Years


Other Subsequent years


Provided that an assistant who has served five (5) years in the classification and is certified by the hospital as competent to assist in any type of surgical operation, shall be entitled to be classified as Senior.





Anaesthetic and Operating Theatre Technician

Without Diploma


With Diploma


Senior Anaesthetic Technician


Senior Anaesthetic Technician (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital)


Institute of Tropical Medicine - Prince Henry



Attendant In-Charge


Surgical Instrument Repairer

One Salary Rate


Patient Support Assistant

Central Coast Area Health Service

1st Year




Patient Services Assistant

Western Sydney Area Health Service

Grade 1


Grade 2 and Thereafter


Support Services Officer

Northern Sydney and Western Sydney Area Health Service

One Salary Rate



1st Year




Chief Wardsperson

1st Year




Senior Chief Wardsperson

1st Year




Surgical Dresser

1st Year


2nd Year




Surgical Dresser S.T.D. Clinic

1st Year




Surgical Dresser Royal North Shore Hospital

1st Year


2nd Year




Chief Surgical Dresser

1st Year


2nd Year




Chief Surgical Dresser Royal North Shore Hospital

1st Year


2nd Year




Senior Chief Surgical Dresser

1st Year


2nd Year




Senior Chief Surgical Dresser Royal North Shore Hospital

1st Year


2nd Year




Heart / Lung


Heart/Lung Assistant


Heart/Lung Technician


Cardiac Technician

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4 and Thereafter


Cardiac Technologists

Grade 1

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


Year 6


Year 7


Year 8 and Thereafter


Grade 2 - (Sonographer or EPS)

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3 and Thereafter



Year 1


Year 2 and Thereafter



Year 1


Year 2 and Thereafter


Neurophysiological Technician


Trainee Neurophysiological Technician


Provided that promotion to Electro-Cardiograph Recorder/Technician is conditional upon the employee having completed 12 months satisfactory service and the hospital having issued a certificate to the effect that the employee is competent to perform the duties required. Provided that promotion to Neurophysiological/Technician is conditional upon the employee satisfying the requirements of the course in Neurophysiology conducted by the New South Wales Institute of Psychiatry or such other qualifications deemed by the Ministry of Health be appropriate.


1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year and Thereafter



In Charge of 2 or more employees


St George, New Children's, RNSH, Royal Newcastle


RPAH, POW, PHH, Westmead


Domestic Group

Surgical Bootmaker

In-Charge of Other Bootmakers/Repairers




Surgical Boot Repairer

One Salary Rate


Care Service Employee

New Entrant


Grade 1


Grade 2 and Thereafter


Hospital Assistant

Grade 1


Grade 2


Grade 3 and Thereafter


Housekeeper/Domestic Supervisor - not including Food Services

Under 100 beds


100 beds but less than 200 beds


200 beds but less than 300 beds


300 beds but less than 400 beds


400 beds but less than 500 beds


500 beds and over


Home Supervisor

100 beds but less than 200 beds


200 beds but less than 300 beds


300 beds but less than 400 beds


400 beds but less than 500 beds


500 beds and over



Assistant Foreperson

One Salary Rate


Supply Officer

Linen Supply Officer <300 Bed


Linen Supply Officer 300-499 Bed


Linen Supply Officer 500+ Bed


Team Leader - Central Linen Service

Team Leader Central Linen


Sewing Room Supervisor

Sewing Room Supervisor in charge of 2-6 Dressmakers/Seamstresses


Sewing Room Supervisor in charge of 7-11 Dressmakers/Seamstresses


Sewing Room Supervisor in charge of 12 or more Dressmakers/Seamstresses


Trainee Catering Officer

1st Year


2nd Year






1st Six Months


2nd Six Months


3rd Six Months


4th Six Months


5th Six Months


6th Six Months



Cook - Grade A


Cook - Grade B


Centralised Food Production Unit

CFPU Cook - Level 1


CFPU Cook - Level 2



Chef - Grade A


Chef - Grade B


Chef - Grade C


Centralised Food Production Unit

CFPU Chef - Level 1


CFPU Chef - Level 2


CFPU Chef - Level 3


Maintenance/General Group

Maintenance Supervisor

Maintenance Supervisor (Non-Trades) In charge of staff


Maintenance Supervisor (Non-Trades) Otherwise


Boiler Attendant

Boiler Attendant Maintenance of Plant


Boiler Attendant Other





Fire Safety Officers

Fire Safety Officer - Level 1 - Over 700 beds


Fire Safety Officer - Level 2 - 300-700 beds


Fire Safety Officer - Level 3 - Less than 300 beds


Motor Vehicle

Motor Vehicle Driver <2950 Kilograms


Motor Vehicle Driver 2951 Kg and up to 4650 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 4651 Kg and up to 6250 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 6251 Kg and up to 7700 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 7701 Kg and up to 9200 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 9201 Kg and up to 10800 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 10801 Kg and up to 12350 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 12351 Kg and up to 13950 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 13951 Kg and up to 15500 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 15501 Kg and up to 16950 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 16951 Kg and up to 18400 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 18401 Kg and up to 19750 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 19751 Kg and up to 21100 Kg


Motor Vehicle Driver 21101 Kg and up to 22450 Kg


Tyre Fitter

One Salary Rate


Ambulance Support Officer

One Salary Rate


Patient Transport Officer (Non HealthShare)

Trainee Patient Transport Officer


Patient Transport Officer




1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year


4th Year



Gardener without Certificate


Gardener with Certificate


Head Gardener without Certificate


Head Gardener with Certificate



Instructor - Rehabilitation (Tradesman)

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year and Thereafter


Training Officer (Non-Trade)

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year and Thereafter


Health and Security Assistant

One Salary Rate



One Salary Rate



1st Year


2nd Year and Thereafter


Printing Operators

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year and Thereafter


Child Care Worker

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year


4th year


5th Year


6th Year


7th Year and Thereafter


Diversional Therapist with Diploma

1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year


4th year


5th Year and Thereafter


Residential Services Assistant

1st Year of Service


2nd Year of Service


3rd Year of Service


4th Year of Service


5th Year of Service and Thereafter



Table 2 - Allowances


Allowance Description

Rate from ffppoa



Special Allowance Post-mortem Assistants and Senior Post Mortem Assistants (per week)


Senior Laundry Staff - Technical Certificate (per week)


Leading Hand

Leading Hand in charge of 2 to 5 employees (per week)


Leading Hand in charge of 6 to 10 employees (per week)


Leading Hand in charge of 11 to 15 employees (per week)


Leading Hand in charge of 16 to 19 employees (per week)


Automatic Rotary Press operation (per hour)


Housekeeper/Domestic Supervisor Nurse Home (per week)


Boiler Attendant

Boiler Attendant's Certificate - other employees (per week)


Boiler Attendant's Certificate and Flash Type Generator (per week)



Boiler Attendant/Fireman - Specified Hospitals (per week)


Boiler Attendant/Fireman - Additional duties (per week)


Fire Safety Duties

Ancillary Fire Safety Duties - Less than 100 beds (per week)


Ancillary Fire Safety Duties - 100 beds or more (per week)



Gardener without certificate in charge of 2 or more employees (per week)



Apprentice Cook/Gardener - 1st year exam (per week)


Apprentice Cook/Gardener - 2nd year exam (per week)


Apprentice Cook/Gardener - 3rd year exam (per week)





I. Taylor J, President.






Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar.


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