Nurses' (Local Government) Residential Aged Care Consolidated
(State) Award 2021
This reprint of the consolidated
award is published under the authority of the Industrial Registrar pursuant to
section 390 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996, and under
clause 6.6 of the Industrial Relations Commission Rules 2022.
I certify that the form of
this reprint, incorporating the variations set out in the schedule, is correct
as at 1 September 2023.
ROBINSON, Industrial Registrar
Schedule of Variations Incorporated
Variation Serial No.
Date of Publication
Effective Date
Industrial Gazette Reference
Page No.
20 January 2023
1 September 2022
22 December 2023
Clause No. Subject
1. Definitions
2. Hours of Work
and Free Time of Employees Other Than Directors of Nursing
3. Hours
of Work and Free Time of Directors of Nursing
4. Remuneration
5. Rosters
6. Salaries
7. Recognition
of Service and Experience
8. Average
Occupied Beds
9. Special
10. Continuing
Education Allowance
11. Climatic
and Isolation Allowance
12. Penalty
Rates for Shift Work and Weekend Work
13. Expense
Allowance for Directors of Nursing
14. Telephone
15. Public
16. Uniform
and Laundry Allowance
17. Higher
Grade Duty
18. Overtime
19. Payment
and Particulars of Salaries
20. Proportion
21. Part-time,
Casual and Temporary Employees
22. Annual
23. Annual
Leave Loading
24. Sick
25. Long
Service Leave
26. Compassionate
27. Parental
28. Personal/Carer’s
29. Staff
30. Labour
31. Medical
Examination of Nurses
32. Escort
33. Deputy
Director of Nursing and Assistant Director of Nursing
34. Nursing
Unit Managers
35. Fares
and Expenses
36. Registration
or Enrolment Pending
37. Termination
of Employment
38. Award
Benefits to be Continuous
39. Special
Provisions Relating to Trainee Enrolled Nurses
40. Trainee
Enrolled Nurse
41. Trainee
Assistant in Nursing
42. Right
of Entry
43. Redundancy
44. Attendance
at Meetings and Fire Drills
45. Training
for Nurses
46. Resolution
of Disputes
47. Anti-Discrimination
48. Enterprise
49. Exemptions
50. Secure
51. Superannuation
52. Introduction
of Change
53. Area, Incidence and Duration
Table 1 -
Table 2 - Other
Rates and Allowances
Table 3 -
Continuing Education Allowances
Table 4 -
Assistant in Nursing - Monetary Rates for Trainees
Table 5 -
Assistant in Nursing - Monetary Rates for School Based Traineeships
Table 6 -
Assistant in Nursing - Wages - School Based Traineeships
1. Definitions
The following definitions apply in this award, except where
otherwise clearly indicated.
(i) "Approved
fund" means:
(a) Aware Super (formerly known as First
State Super);
(b) Health Employees Superannuation Trust
Australia (HESTA);
(c) any superannuation fund as agreed between
the Association and employer(s), provided that the fund is a complying
regulated fund and holds a Certificate of Compliance issued by the Australian
Prudential Regulation Authority.
Provided further that the Association will not unreasonably withhold
agreement unless it establishes good and proper reasons;
(d) any superannuation fund operating within a
place of employment prior to 1 July 2000 provided that the fund is a complying
regulated fund, holds a Certificate of Compliance issued by the Australian
Prudential Regulation Authority, and the Association agrees to the continued
approval of that fund. Provided that the
Association will not unreasonably withhold agreement unless it establishes good
and proper reasons;
(e) any superannuation fund nominated by the
employee and approved by the employer in accordance with section 124 of the Industrial
Relations Act 1996 (NSW) ("the 1996 Act").
(ii) "Assistant
in Nursing" means - a person, other than a registered nurse, trainee or
enrolled nurse who is employed in nursing duties in a facility.
(iii) "Assistant
Director of Nursing" means:
(a) A person
appointed as such in any sized facility and includes a person appointed as the
nurse in charge during the evening or night in a facility where the adjusted
daily average of occupied beds is not less than 150.
(b) A person
appointed as such to a position approved by the employer including persons
appointed to be in charge of a ward or group of wards.
(iv) "Association"
means the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association.
(v) "Board"
means the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.
(vi) "Complying
regulated fund" means a superannuation fund that is regulated under the Superannuation
Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) and has been issued with a Certificate of Compliance by the
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.
(vii) "Clinical
Nurse Consultant" means - a registered nurse appointed as such to the
position, who has had at least five years' post registration experience and who
has in addition approved post registration nursing qualifications relevant to
the field in which they are appointed or such other
qualifications or experience deemed appropriate by the employer.
(viii) "Clinical
Nurse Educator" means - a registered nurse with relevant post registration
certificate qualifications or experience deemed appropriate by the employer,
who is required to implement and evaluate educational programmes at the nursing
The Clinical Nurse Educator will cater for the delivery
of clinical nurse education at the nursing home. The Clinical Nurse Educator may also be
responsible for new employee orientation at the nursing home.
A nurse will achieve Clinical Nurse Educator status on
a personal basis by being required by the nursing home to provide the
educational programmes detailed above.
(a) Nothing in this
clause will affect the role carried out by the Clinical Nurse Specialist as a
specialist resource and the Clinical Nurse Consultant in the primary role of
clinical consulting, researching etc.
(ix) "Clinical
Nurse Specialist": -
(a) In facilities
of 250 ADA and above, the definition of a Clinical Nurse Specialist is:
"Clinical Nurse Specialist" means - a
registered nurse with specific post registration qualifications and twelve
months experience working in the clinical area of their specified post
registration qualification; or a registered nurse with four years post
registration experience in a specific clinical area and working in the clinical
area of their specified post registration experience.
(b) In facilities of
less than 250 ADA the definition for Clinical Nurse Specialist is:
"Clinical Nurse Specialist" means - a
registered nurse with specific post registration qualifications and twelve
months experience working in the clinical areas of their specified post registration
(x) "Day
Worker" means - a worker who works their ordinary hours from Monday to
Friday inclusive and who commences work on such days at or after 6am and before
10am, otherwise than as part of the shift system.
(xi) "Deputy
Director of Nursing" means - a person appointed to that position or deemed
to hold that position pursuant to clause 33, Deputy Director of Nursing and
Assistant Director of Nursing, of this award.
(xii) "Director
of Nursing" means a registered nurse who is registered by their employer
with the Health Administration Corporation as the person in charge of the
facility. There will be only one person in each facility entitled to be
classified as Director of Nursing or whatever title the senior nursing
administrator is known by in the individual facility and will include
"Director of Nursing" as defined by Part 7, Division 4, 104 (3) of
the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW).
(xiii) "Enrolled
Nurse" means - a person enrolled by the Board as such.
(xiv) "Experience"
in relation to an enrolled nurse or assistant in nursing means experience both
before and/or after the commencement of this award whether within New South
Wales or elsewhere and in the case of an enrolled nurse or assistant in nursing
who was formerly a student nurse includes experience as such student nurse.
(xv) "Facility"
means - a nursing home or residential aged care facility
(xvi) "Industry of
Nursing" means - the industry of persons engaged in New South Wales in the
profession of nursing in nursing homes and hostels.
(xvii) "Nurse"
includes Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses and
Assistants in Nursing.
(xviii) "Nurse
Educator" means - a registered nurse with a post registration certificate,
who has relevant experience or other qualifications deemed appropriate by the
employer, and who is appointed to a position of Nurse Educator.
A Nurse Educator will be responsible for the
development, implementation, and delivery of nursing education programmes
within a nursing home or group of nursing homes. Nurse education programmes
will mean courses conducted such as post registration certificates, continuing
nurse education, orientation programmes including new graduate programmes, post
enrolment courses for enrolled nurses and where applicable general staff development
A person appointed to a position of Nurse Educator who
holds relevant tertiary qualifications in education or tertiary postgraduate
specialist clinical nursing qualifications will commence on the 3rd year rate
of the salary scale.
A person appointed as the sole nurse educator for a
group of nursing homes will be paid at the 3rd year rate of the salary scale.
Incremental progression for Nurse Educators will be on completion
of 12 months satisfactory full-time equivalent service, provided
that progression will not be beyond the 3rd year rate unless the person
possesses the qualifications detailed in the two previous paragraphs. Persons appointed to the 3rd year rate by
virtue of paragraphs 3 and 4 above will progress to the 4th year rate after
completion of 12 months satisfactory full time
(xix) "Nursing
Home" means a facility at which residential care (within the meaning of
the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth)) is provided,
(a) a facility at
which care is provided in relation to an allocated place (within the meaning of
that Act) that requires a high level of residential care (within the meaning of
that Act), or
(b) a facility that
belongs to a class of facilities prescribed by the regulations
(xx) "Ordinary
time earnings" for the exclusive purpose of clauses relating to
superannuation means remuneration for an employee’s weekly number of hours of
work, excluding overtime hours, calculated at the ordinary-time rate of pay,
including the following:
(a) Monday to Friday shift premiums for
ordinary hours of work;
(b) Weekend shift premiums for ordinary hours
of work;
(c) Public holiday loadings;
(d) any percentage addition payable to casual
employees for ordinary hours of work;
(e) ordinary time award allowances (not
including expense-related allowances);
(f) over-award payments for ordinary hours of
(xxi) "Qualified employee" means:
(a) A full-time or part-time employee who has
completed at least four weeks' service in the industry of nursing. Provided that once this period has elapsed,
payments in accordance with clause 51 will be made for the entire period of
service with the employer;
(b) A casual employee who has earned in excess of $2000.00 ordinary-time earnings during their
employment with an employer in the course of any one year (1 July to 30
June). Provided further that any casual
employee who is deemed to be a qualified employee prior to the operative date
of this award will continue to be qualified.
(xxii) "Registered
Nurse" means - a person registered by the Board as such.
(xxiii) "Senior
Nurse Educator" means - a registered nurse with a post registration certificate
or appropriate qualifications, who has, or is working towards, recognised
tertiary qualifications in education or equivalent and has demonstrated
experience and skills in the field of education, and who is appointed to a
position of Senior Nurse Educator.
A Senior Nurse Educator will be responsible for one or
more Nurse Educators in the planning, co-ordination, delivery
and evaluation of educational programmes such as post registration certificate
courses, continuing nurse education, orientation programmes including new
graduate programmes, post enrolment courses for enrolled nurses and where
applicable general staff development courses either in a nursing home or in a
group of nursing homes.
Incremental progression will be on completion of 12 months'
satisfactory service.
(xxiv) "Service"
for the purpose of clause 6, Salaries, of this award, means - service before or
after the commencement of this award in New South Wales or elsewhere as a
registered nurse, plus any actual periods on and from 1 January 1971, during
which a registered nurse undertook a prescribed geriatric, infants', midwifery,
mothercraft or psychiatric training course, or attended a post-graduate course
recognised by the Board whether in New South Wales or elsewhere; provided that
in the case of service elsewhere than in New South Wales where the period of
the prescribed course of training is less than the period of the prescribed
course of training in New South Wales, the nurses will serve a period after
graduation equal to the difference between the period of the prescribed course
elsewhere than in New South Wales and the period of the prescribed course in
New South Wales before becoming entitled to be paid as a registered nurse,
general nurse, geriatric nurse, infants' nurse, midwifery nurse, mothercraft
nurse or psychiatric nurse as the case may be.
(xxv) "Shift
Worker" means - a worker who is not a day worker as defined.
(xxvi) "They"
may be used to refer to multiple people or as a gender
neutral way of referring to a singular person.
(xxvii) "Trainee
Enrolled Nurse" means - a person who is being trained to become an
enrolled nurse in a nursing home recognised by the Board for that purpose.
2. Hours of Work and
Free Time of Employees Other Than Directors of Nursing
(i) The ordinary hours
of work for day workers, other than Directors of Nursing, exclusive of meal times, will be 152 hours per 28 calendar days, to be
worked Monday to Friday, inclusive, and to commence on such days at or after
6am and before 10am.
(ii) The
ordinary hours of work for shift workers, other than Directors of Nursing,
exclusive of meal
times, will not exceed an
average of 38 hours per week in each roster cycle.
(a) The
hours of work prescribed in subclauses (i) and (ii) of this clause will, where possible, be arranged in
such a manner that in each roster cycle of 28 calendar days each employee will
not work their ordinary hours of work on more than 19 days in the cycle.
(b) Notwithstanding
the provision of paragraph (a) of this subclause, employees may, with the
agreement of the employer, work shifts of less than eight hours each over 20
days in each cycle of 28 days.
(c) Provided that on the occasion of an employee's written request, and with
the consent of the employer, a 9.5-day fortnight may be worked instead of the
19-day month.
NOTE: This subclause is designed to ensure that rosters
achieve increased leisure time for nurses, rather than reduced daily hours. This
can be achieved by the working of shifts of longer than eight hours per day,
with the result that less than 19 days are worked in 28, but without the
accrual of an additional day off, as well as by the working of a 19-day month
with an accrued additional day off.
(iv) Each
shift will consist of no more than ten hours on a day shift or 11 hours on a
night shift with not less than eight hours break between each shift; provided
that an employee will not work more than seven consecutive shifts unless the employee
so requests and the Director of Nursing agrees. Provided
also that an employee will not work more than two quick shifts in any period of
seven days, i.e., an evening shift followed by a morning shift, where the break
between ordinary shifts is less than ten hours.
(v) The
employer is to decide when employees take their additional days off prescribed
in subclause (iii) of this clause (as a consequence of the implementation of the 38-hour week).
Where necessary, the employer must consult with the affected employees to
ascertain the employees’ preferences and must take any such preferences into
account when arriving at a decision. Where practicable, additional days off
duty will be consecutive with the rostered days off duty prescribed in
subclause (xiv) of this clause.
(vi) Once set, the
additional day off duty may not be changed, except in accordance with the
provisions of clause 5, Rosters.
(vii) Where
the employer’s decision (in accordance with subclause (v) of this clause) is
that an employee’s additional days off be accumulated, no more than six days
may be accumulated in any one year of employment. By mutual agreement this may
be extended to no more than 12 days at any one time.
(a) Except
for breaks for meals, the hours of duty each day will be continuous.
(b) "Broken
shift" for the purposes of this subclause means a shift worked by a
permanent part-time employee that includes a break (other than a meal break) of
not more than four hours and where the span of hours is not more than 12 hours.
(c) Notwithstanding
paragraph (a) above and subclause (iv) of this clause, an employer association
representing an employer may apply to the Association for permission to
implement broken shifts.
(d) Broken shifts
may be worked without the permission of the Association, but only where:
(1) it is for a
period of one month or less; and
(2) it is by reason
of an emergency in the roster, e.g., absence of another employee due to sick
leave, annual leave on short notice or resignation; and
(3) the affected
employees agree to work the broken shifts.
(a) Each employee
will be allowed a break of not less than 30 minutes and not more than 60
minutes for each meal occurring on duty.
(b) Where practicable,
employees will not be required to work more than five hours without a meal
(x) Two
separate ten-minute intervals (in addition to meal breaks) will be allowed each
employee on duty during each ordinary shift of 7.6 hours or more; where less
than 7.6 ordinary hours are worked, employees will be allowed one ten-minute
interval in each four-hour period. Subject to agreement between the employer
and the employee, such intervals may alternatively be taken as one 20-minute
interval, or as one ten-minute interval with the employee allowed to proceed
off duty ten minutes before the completion of the normal shift finishing time.
Such interval(s) will count as working time.
(xi) Subclauses (ix)
and (x) of this clause will not apply to an employee who, before going on night
duty, is provided with a meal between 9pm and 11pm and who is allowed two
intervals of 20 minutes each during the period of night duty, but such
intervals will count as working time and will be paid for as such.
(a) Except
as provided for in paragraph (b) of this subclause, an employee will not be
employed on night duty for a longer period than eight consecutive weeks. After
having served a period of night duty, an employee will not be required to serve
a further period on night duty until they have been off night duty for a period
equivalent to the previous period on night duty.
(b) The
provisions of paragraph (a) will not apply to an Assistant Director of Nursing,
a Nursing Unit Manager or a registered nurse in charge, as the case
may be, who is employed permanently in charge at night, nor to an employee who
requests to be employed on night duty and the Director of Nursing consents.
(c) Moreover,
except in cases of emergency, a trainee enrolled nurse will not be employed on
night duty for more than ten weeks in any one year of training nor will a
trainee enrolled nurse who is sitting for their final examination be required
to perform night duty during a period of at least two weeks prior to the
respective examination or on the two nights following such examination.
(xiii) An
employee changing from night duty to day duty or from day duty to night duty
will be free from duty during the 20 hours immediately preceding the
commencement of the changed duty.
(a) Each
employee will be free from duty for not less than two full days in each week or
four full days in each fortnight or eight full days in each 28-day cycle and no
duties will be performed by the employee on any of such free days except for
overtime. Where practicable, days off will be consecutive and will not be
preceded by an evening shift or a night shift unless an additional eight hours
are granted as sleeping time. An evening shift will be one which commences at
or after 1pm and before 4pm.
(b) An employee, at
their request, may be given free-from-duty time in one or more periods but no
period will be less than one full day.
(c) For the purpose
of this subclause, "full day" means - from midnight to midnight or
midday to midday.
(a) Employees may
be required to remain "on call". Any such time on call will not be
counted as time worked (except insofar as an employee may take up actual duty
in response to a call) but will be paid for in accordance with clause 9,
Special Allowances. Provided, however, that no employee will be required to
remain on call whilst on leave or on the day before entering upon leave.
(b) No
employee will be required to remain on call while on a rostered day or days off
nor on completion of the shift on the day preceding a rostered day off. This
provision will not apply where in special circumstances it is necessary for an
employer to place staff on call on rostered days off or on completion of the
shift on the day preceding a rostered day off in order to ensure the provision of services.
(xvi) All rostered time
off duty occupied by a trainee enrolled nurse in attendance at lectures and
demonstrations given in the course of instruction in
the theory and practice of nursing or during the time necessarily occupied in
attending at and sitting for prescribed examinations will be deemed to be time
(xvii) The provisions of
paragraphs (a) and (b) of subclause (xii) and of subclause (xiii) and of
paragraph (a) of subclause (xiv) of this clause, will not apply if the employee
is required to perform duty to enable the nursing service of the employer to be
carried on or where another employee is absent from duty on account of illness
or in an emergency.
3. Hours of Work and
Free Time of Directors of Nursing
(i) A Director of
Nursing will be free from duty for not less than nine days in each 28
consecutive days and such days free from duty may be taken in one or more
(ii) If any of the
days mentioned in subclause (i) of this clause cannot
be taken by reason of emergency, such day or days will be given and taken
within 28 days of becoming due.
(iii) A Director of
Nursing will, where practicable, inform their employer by giving not less than
seven days' notice of the days they propose to be free from duty; provided that
such days will be subject to the approval of the employer, and such approval
will not be unreasonably withheld.
4. Remuneration
(i) Where
an employer intends to offer remuneration packaging generally to employees
under this award, the employer will notify the Association at least 21 days
prior to making that general offer that it intends to make a general offer of
remuneration packaging to employees under this award.
(ii) Where the
employer offers remuneration packaging to an individual employee, the employer
will allow the employee a period of no less than 21 days to seek independent
advice on the terms of the proposed remuneration packaging.
(iii) Remuneration
packaging will be introduced by agreement between an employer and the employee.
Neither the employee nor the employer will be compelled to enter
into a salary packaging arrangement. Employees may exercise their rights
to continue to receive their applicable salary.
(iv) The terms and
conditions of a package offered to an employee will not, when viewed
objectively, be less favourable than the entitlements otherwise available under
the award and will be subject to the following provisions:
(a) The employer
will ensure that the structure of any package complies with taxation and other
relevant laws.
(b) All award
conditions, other than the salary and those conditions as agreed in paragraph
(c) below will continue to apply.
(c) Where
packaging arrangements apply with a Director of Nursing (DON) or a Deputy
Director of Nursing (DDON), the employer and employee may by mutual agreement
delete the application of certain award clauses, excepting clauses 22, Annual
Leave; 24, Sick Leave; 25, Long Service Leave; and 28, Personal/Carer’s Leave.
(i) Employees
will have the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution (SGC) calculated on their
award salary prior to the application of any remuneration packaging
(v) A copy of the
agreement will be made available to the employee.
(vi) The employee
will be entitled to inspect details of the payments made under the terms of
this agreement.
(vii) The
configuration of the remuneration package will remain in force for the period
agreed between the employee and the employer.
(viii) Where at the end
of the Fringe Benefit Tax year the full amount allocated to a specific benefit
has not been utilised, it will be paid as salary, which will be subject to
appropriate taxation requirements. By agreement between the employer and the
employee, any unused benefit may be carried forward to the next period on the
basis that any FBT obligation is accepted by the employee.
(ix) In the event
that the employer ceases to attract exemption from payment of Fringe Benefit
Tax, the employer may terminate all remuneration packaging arrangements and the
employee's salary will revert to the applicable award classification rate the
employee would have been entitled to receive but for the remuneration packaging
(x) One months notice by either party is required for change or
termination of a remuneration packaging agreement, unless
the change or termination is brought about by legislation or an increase to the
award wage.
(xi) In the event
that the employee ceases to be employed by the employer this agreement will
cease to apply as at the date of termination. Benefits not paid on or before
the date of termination will be treated as salary and the appropriate tax
(xii) Pay increases
granted to employees in accordance with this award will also apply to employees
subject to remuneration packaging arrangements.
(xiii) Any allowance,
penalty rate, overtime, payment for unused leave entitlements, other than any
payments for leave taken whilst employed, will be calculated by reference to
the salary which would have applied to the employee in the absence of any
remuneration packaging arrangements.
5. Rosters
(i) The
ordinary hours of work for each employee, other than the Director of Nursing,
will be displayed on a roster in a place conveniently accessible to employees.
(ii) The roster
will, where practicable, be displayed at least two weeks, and in any event not less
than one week, prior to the commencing date of the first working period in the
(iii) Notwithstanding
the foregoing provisions of this clause, a roster may be altered at any time to
enable the nursing service of the facility to be carried on where another
employee is absent from duty on account of illness or in an emergency; provided
that where any such alteration involves an employee working on a day which
would otherwise have been such employee's day off, the day off in lieu thereof
will be as mutually arranged.
(iv) Prior to the
date of the changed shift, such change of roster will be notified verbally or
in writing to the employee concerned.
(v) Where an
employee is entitled to an additional day off duty in accordance with clause 2,
Hours of Work and Free Time of Employees other than Directors of Nursing, of
this award, such day is to be shown on the roster of hours for that employee.
(vi) All rosters will
be retained for at least six years.
6. Salaries
(i) The
minimum salaries per week will be as set out in Table 1 - Salaries, of Part B,
Monetary Rates.
7. Recognition of
Service and Experience
(i) The
employer will notify each nurse, in writing, of the requirements of this clause
at the time of the nurse's commencement of employment. If the employer does not
so notify the nurse, then the requirements of this clause will not commence
until the employer does so notify the nurse.
(ii) From
the time of commencement of employment
the nurse has three months in which to provide documentary evidence to their
employer detailing any other `service' or `experience', as defined in clause 1,
Definitions, not disclosed at the time of commencement. This evidence, in the
absence of other documentary evidence may take the form of a statutory declaration.
(iii) Until such time
as the nurse furnishes any such documentation contemplated in subclause (ii)
above, the employer will pay the nurse at the level for which proof has been
(iv) If within three
months of commencing employment a nurse does provide documentary evidence of
other previous service or experience not disclosed at the time of commencement,
the employer will pay the nurse at the appropriate rate as and from the date of
commencement that would have been paid from that date had the additional
evidence been provided at that time.
(v) If a nurse
provides documentary evidence of other previous service or experience not
disclosed at the time of commencement after the said three months period, the
nurse will be paid a rate appropriate for the previous service or experience
then proved, but only from the date of providing that evidence to the employer.
(vi) A nurse who is
working as a nurse for more than one organisation will notify each employer
under this award within one month of the end of each quarter of their hours
worked with those other employers in the last quarter.
(vii) A nurse who is entitled
to progress to the next year of service or experience (by reason of hours
worked with other employers) as and from a particular date must provide proof
of that entitlement within three months of that entitlement arising. If that
proof is so provided, the nurse will be paid at the higher rate as and from the
date they were entitled to progress to the next year of service or experience.
If the proof is provided outside that three-month period, the nurse will be
paid at the higher rate only from the date that proof is provided.
8. Average Occupied
The average will be taken for the 12 months ended 30 June in
each and every year and such average will relate to
the salary of the Director of Nursing and Deputy Director of Nursing for the
succeeding year. On request, an employer will furnish to the Association a
statement in writing showing the adjusted daily average of occupied beds for
the twelve months ending on the preceding 30 June.
9. Special Allowances
(a) A
registered nurse in charge during the day, evening or night of a facility
having a daily average of occupied beds of less than 150 will be paid, in
addition to their appropriate salary, whilst so in charge, the relevant sum set
out in Item 1 of Table 2, Other Rates and Allowances, of Part B Monetary Rates,
per shift.
(b) A
registered nurse who is designated to be in charge of a shift in a ward will be paid, in addition
to their appropriate salary, the sum set out in Item 2 of the said Table 2, per
(c) This subclause
will not apply to registered nurses holding classified positions of a higher
grade than a registered nurse.
(d) An enrolled
nurse will not be required to be in charge of a
facility, shift, ward or unit.
(a) An
employee required by their employer to be on call otherwise than as provided
for in paragraph (b) of this subclause will be paid the sum set out in Item 3
of Table 2 for each period of 24 hours or part thereof, provided that only one
allowance will be payable in any period of 24 hours.
(b) An
employee required to be on call on rostered days off in accordance with
paragraph (b) of subclause (xv) of clause 2, Hours of Work and Free Time of
Employees Other Than Directors of Nursing, will be paid the sum set out in Item
4 of Table 2 for each period of 24 hours or part thereof, provided that only
one allowance will be payable in any period of 24 hours.
(c) An employee who
is directed to remain on call during a meal break will be paid the sum set out
in Item 5 of Table 2, provided that no allowance will be paid if, during a
period of 24 hours, including such period of on call, the employee is entitled
to receive the allowance prescribed in paragraph (a) of subclause (ii) of this
(d) Where an
employee on remote call leaves the facility and is recalled to duty, they will
be reimbursed all reasonable fares and expenses actually incurred, provided
that where an employee uses a motor car in those circumstances the allowance
payable will be calculated utilising the rate per kilometre in Item 6 of Table
(e) This subclause
will not apply to a Director of Nursing, subsidiary nursing home Director of
Nursing, Deputy Director of Nursing or Assistant Director of Nursing.
(iii) Where an employee
is called upon and agrees to use their own private vehicle for official
business, payment of an allowance will be made by utilising the rate per
kilometre in Item 6 of Table 2. This subclause will apply to all employees.
10. Continuing
Education Allowance
(i) A
registered nurse or enrolled nurse who holds a continuing education
qualification in a clinical field, in addition to the qualification leading to
registration or enrolment, will be paid an allowance subject to the conditions
set out in this clause.
(ii) The
qualification must be accepted by the employer to be directly relevant to the
competency and skills used by the employee in the duties of the position.
(iii) The allowance
is not payable to Deputy Directors of Nursing or Directors of Nursing unless it
can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the employer that more than fifty
per cent of the employee’s time is spent doing clinical work.
(iv) The allowance is
not payable to Clinical Nurse Specialists, Clinical Nurse Consultants or Clinical
Nurse Educators.
(v) An RN or EN
holding more than one relevant qualification is only entitled to the payment of
one allowance, being the allowance of the highest monetary value.
(vi) The employee
claiming entitlement to a continuing education allowance must provide evidence
to the employer that they hold that qualification.
(vii) An
RN who holds a relevant postgraduate certificate in a clinical field (not
including a hospital certificate) that is accepted by the employer to be
directly relevant to the competency and skills used by the RN in carrying out
the duties of the position will be paid a weekly allowance as set out in Item 1
of Table 3, Continuing Education Allowances of Part B, Monetary Rates.
(viii) An
RN who holds a relevant postgraduate diploma or degree in a clinical field
(other than a nursing undergraduate degree) that is accepted by the employer to
be directly relevant to the competency and skills used by the RN in carrying
out the duties of the position will be paid a weekly allowance as set out in
Item 2 of Table 3, Continuing Education Allowances of Part B, Monetary Rates.
(ix) An
RN who holds a relevant master’s degree or doctorate in a clinical field that
is accepted by the employer to be directly relevant to the competency and
skills used by the RN in carrying out the duties of the position will be paid a
weekly allowance as set out in Item 3 of Table 3, Continuing Education
Allowances of Part B, Monetary Rates.
(x) An
EN who holds a relevant certificate IV qualification in a clinical field (not
including a certificate IV qualification which has the effect of upgrading the
qualification leading to enrolment) that is accepted by the employer to be
directly relevant to the competency and skills used by the EN in carrying out
the duties of the position will be paid a weekly allowance as set out in Item 4
of Table 3, Continuing Education Allowances of Part B, Monetary Rates.
(xi) The allowances
set out in subclauses (vii), (viii), (ix) and (x) hereof are not included in
the employee’s ordinary rate of pay and will not constitute part of the
all-purpose rate.
(xii) A registered
nurse or enrolled nurse who is employed on a part-time or casual basis will be
paid these allowances on a pro rata basis.
(xiii) The rates for
these allowances will be adjusted in accordance with increases in other
wage-related allowances contained in this award.
(xiv) Where a
disagreement or dispute arises concerning the eligibility of an employee for
payment of a continuing education allowance, and such disagreement or dispute
is not resolved by the process set out in subclauses (i),
(ii) and (iii) of clause 46, Resolution of Disputes, negotiations between the
employer and the Association must occur prior to referral to the Industrial
Relations Commission for determination.
11. Climatic and
Isolation Allowance
(i) Subject to subclause
(ii) of this clause, persons employed in facilities in places situated upon or
to the west of a line drawn as herein specified will be paid the sum per week
as set out in Item 7 of Table 2 - Other Rates and Allowances, of Part B,
Monetary Rates, in addition to the salary to which they are otherwise
entitled. The line will be drawn as
Commencing at Tocumwal and then on to the following towns
in the order stated, namely, Lockhart, Narrandera, Leeton, Peak Hill,
Gilgandra, Dunedoo, Coolah, Boggabri, Inverell and
(ii) Persons
employed in facilities in places situated upon or to the west of a line drawn
as herein specified will be paid the sum per week as set out in Item 8 of the
said Table 2 in addition to the salary to which they are otherwise entitled.
The line will be drawn as follows:
Commencing at a point on the right bank of the Murray
River opposite Swan Hill (Victoria), and then on to the following towns in the
order stated, namely, Hay, Hillston, Nyngan, Walgett, Collarenebri
and Mungindi.
(iii) Except for the
computation of overtime, the allowances prescribed by this clause will be
regarded as part of the salary for the purposes of this award.
(iv) The allowances
prescribed by this clause are not cumulative.
(v) An employee who
works less than 38 hours per week will be entitled to the allowances prescribed
by this clause in the same proportion as the average hours worked each week
bears to 38 hours.
12. Penalty Rates for
Shift Work and Weekend Work
(i) Employees
working afternoon or night shift will be paid the following percentages in
addition to the ordinary rate for such shift. Provided that employees who work
less than 38 hours per week will only be entitled to the additional rates where
their shifts commence prior to 6am or finish subsequent to
Afternoon shift commencing at 10am and before 1pm
10 per cent
Afternoon shift commencing at 1pm and before 4pm
12.5 per cent
Night shift commencing at 4pm and before 4am
15 per cent
Night shift commencing at 4am and before 6am
10 per cent
(ii) "Ordinary
rate" and "ordinary time" will not include any percentages addition
by reason of the fact that an employee works less than 38 hours per week, but
will include amounts payable under clause 6, Salaries, subclauses (i) and (ii) of clause 9, Special Allowances, and subclauses
(i) and (ii) of clause 11, Climatic and Isolation
(iii) For the
purposes of this clause, day, afternoon and night
shifts will be defined as follows:
"Day shift" means - a shift which commences
at or after 6am and before 10am
"Afternoon shift" - means a shift which
commences at or after 10am and before 4pm
"Night shift" means - a shift which commences
at or after 4pm and before 6am on the day following.
(iv) Employees whose ordinary
working hours include work on a Saturday and/or Sunday, will be paid for
ordinary hours worked between midnight on Friday and midnight on Saturday at
the rate of time and one-half and for ordinary hours worked between midnight on
Saturday and midnight on Sunday at the rate of time and three-quarters. These
extra rates will be in substitution for and not cumulative upon the shift
premiums prescribed in subclause (i) of this clause.
The foregoing paragraph will apply to employees who
work less than 38 hours per week, but such employees will not be entitled to be
paid in addition any allowance prescribed by clause 21, Part-time, Casual and
Temporary Employees, in respect of their employment between midnight on Friday
and midnight on Sunday.
(v) The additional
payments prescribed by this clause will not form part of the employee's
ordinary pay for the purposes of this award, except as provided in clause 22,
Annual Leave.
13. Expense Allowance
for Directors of Nursing
(i) The
Director of Nursing will be paid the appropriate sum as set out in Item 9 of
Table 2 - Other Rates and Allowances, of Part B, Monetary Rates, according to
the adjusted daily average of the facility.
Payment equal to one quarter of the annual amount is to
be made at the end of each three month period
subsequent to appointment as Director of Nursing or Subsidiary Nursing Home
Director of Nursing in a particular nursing home.
(ii) Provided that
this clause will only apply to persons employed as at
12 December 1994 in nursing homes conducted by members of Aged and Community
Services Australia.
14. Telephone
(i) If
an employee is required, for the purpose of their employment, to be on call on
a regular basis or where an employee is required by their employer to have a
telephone installed for the purpose of their employment, the employer will be
responsible for the following payments:
(a) Where the
employee already has a telephone installed:
(i) three-quarters
of the cost of rental of the telephone;
(ii) the cost of all
official trunk line calls.
(b) Where the
employee does not have the telephone installed:
(i) the
cost of installation of the telephone;
(ii) three-quarters
of the cost of rental of the telephone;
(iii) the cost of all
official trunk line calls.
(ii) Provided that
this clause will not apply to persons employed in facilities conducted by
members of Aged and Community Services Australia.
15. Public Holidays
(i) The following days
will be public holidays: New Year's Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter
Saturday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Queen's Birthday, Labour Day, Christmas
Day, Boxing Day, and any other day or part thereof proclaimed and observed as a
public holiday within the area in which the facility is situated. All five-day
workers will be allowed every public holiday prescribed by this subclause
without loss of pay.
(ii) In
addition to those public holidays prescribed in subclause (i) of this clause, employees are entitled to
an extra public holiday each year. Such public holiday will occur on a day
between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day as determined by the employer
following consultation with the Association. This subclause will apply in
substitution for any additional local public holiday or half public holiday
proclaimed in a local government area.
(a) A
full time employee who is covered by paragraph (b) of subclause (i) of clause 22, Annual Leave, and who is
required to and does work on a public holiday prescribed by subclauses (i) and (ii) of this clause will have one day or one half
day, as appropriate, added to their period of annual leave and will be paid at
the rate of time and one-half for the time actually worked.
Such payment is in lieu of any additional rate for work
or weekend work which would otherwise be payable had the day shift not been a
public holiday. In lieu of adding to annual leave under this paragraph, an
employee may elect to be paid for the time actually worked
at the rate of time and one-half in addition to their ordinary weekly rate.
Such election will be made on the commencement of employment and then on the
anniversary date each year. The employee may not alter such election during the
year except with the agreement of the employer. Where payment is made in lieu
of leave in respect of the time worked on a public holiday, payment will be
made for a minimum of four hours' work, and any balance of the day or shift not
worked will be paid at ordinary rates.
(b) Where a public
holiday falls on a rostered day off of a full-time shift worker as defined in
clause 1, Definitions, who receives four weeks annual leave in accordance with
paragraph (b) of subclause (i) of clause 22, Annual
Leave, such shift worker will be paid one day's pay in addition to the weekly
rate or, if the employee so elects, will have one day added to the period of
annual leave prescribed by paragraph (b) of subclause (i)
of clause 22.
(c) For the
purposes of this subclause, the hourly rate of pay will be calculated on the basis of one thirty-eighth of the appropriate
ordinary weekly rate of pay prescribed in clause 6, Salaries.
(iv) Employees
engaged upon a seven-day shift roster and who are required to work on any
public holiday prescribed by subclause (i) of this
clause will be paid, in addition to their ordinary pay for that day, an
allowance of 50 per cent of their ordinary day's pay for work performed within
ordinary hours and double time and a half for all time worked outside ordinary
16. Uniform and
Laundry Allowance
(i) Subject
to subclause (iii) of this clause, sufficient suitable and serviceable
uniforms, including one pair of shoes per annum which will be of a recognised
acceptable standard for the performance of nursing duties, and one cardigan or
jacket, will be supplied free of cost to each employee required to wear a
uniform or part of a uniform. An employee to whom a new uniform or part of a
uniform has been issued who, without good reason, fails to return the
corresponding article last supplied will not be entitled to have such article
replaced without payment therefore at a reasonable price.
(ii) An employee, on
leaving the service of an employer, will return any uniform or part thereof supplied
by that employer which is still in use immediately prior to leaving.
(a) In lieu of
supplying uniforms and shoes to an employee, an employer will pay the said
employee the sum per week set in Item 10 of Table 2 - Other Rates and
Allowances of Part B, Monetary Rates for uniforms and the sum per week set out
in Item 11 of the said Table 2 for shoes.
(b) In lieu of
supplying a cardigan or jacket to an employee, an employer will pay the said
employee the sum per week set out in Item 12 of Table 2.
(c) In lieu of
supplying stockings to a female employee, an employer will pay the said
employee the sum per week set out in Item 13 of Table 2.
(d) In lieu of
supplying socks to an employee, the employer will pay the said employee the sum
per week set out in Item 14 of Table 2.
(iv) If, in any
facility, the uniforms of an employee are not laundered at the expense of the
facility, the sum per week set out in Item 15 of Table 2 will be paid to the
said employee. Provided that the payment of such laundry allowance will not be
made to any employee on absences exceeding one week.
(v) Where the
employer requires any employee to wear headwear, the facility will provide
headwear free of charge to the employee.
(vi) The allowances
referred to in subclause (iii) are also payable during any period of paid
17. Higher Grade Duty
(i) Subject to
subclauses (ii), (iii) and (iv) of this clause, an employee who is called upon
to relieve an employee in a higher classification or is called upon to act in a
vacant position of a higher classification, will be entitled to receive for the
period of relief or the period during which they so act the minimum payment for
such higher classification.
(ii) The provisions of subclause (i) of this clause will not apply where the employee of the
higher classification is off duty pursuant to clause 3, Hours of Work and Free
Time of Directors of Nursing, except insofar as a Director of Nursing
accumulates days off for a continuous period of one week or more; nor when an
employee in a higher grade is absent from duty by reason of their additional
day off duty as a consequence of working a 38 hour week.
(iii) Further,
the provisions of subclause (i) of this
clause will not apply where a Director of Nursing is absent from duty for a
period of three working days or less for any reason other than pursuant to the
said clause 3.
(iv) Subject
to subclauses (ii) and (iii) above, the provisions of subclause (i) will not apply where a day worker is being
relieved and is absent from duty for a period of three consecutive working days
or less
18. Overtime
(i) Employees
will work reasonable overtime when required by the employer.
(ii) An
employee may refuse to work overtime in circumstances where the working of such
overtime would result in the employee working hours which are unreasonable.
(iii) For the
purposes of subclause (ii) what is unreasonable or otherwise will be determined
having regard to:
(a) any risk to
employee health and safety;
(b) the employee’s
personal circumstances including any family and carer responsibilities;
(c) the needs of
the facility;
(d) the notice (if
any) given by the employer of the overtime and by the employee of their
intention to refuse it; and
(e) any other
relevant matter.
(iv) This subclause
is subject to subclause (x) below.
(a) Subject to
paragraph (b) of this subclause, all time worked by employees other than
Directors of Nursing in excess of the rostered daily ordinary hours of work
will be overtime and will be paid for at the rate of time and one-half for the
first two hours and double time thereafter in respect of each overtime shift
worked or in respect of overtime worked prior to or at the conclusion of a
normal shift. Provided that overtime worked on Sundays will be paid for at the
rate of double time and on public holidays at the rate of double time and
(b) All
time worked by employees pursuant to PART I - PERMANENT PART-TIME EMPLOYEES of
clause 21 Part-time, Casual and Temporary Employees, in excess of the rostered
daily ordinary hours of work prescribed for the majority of full-time employees
employed on that shift in the ward or section concerned will be paid for at the
rate of time and one-half for the first two hours and double time thereafter,
except that on Sundays such overtime will be paid for at the rate of double
time and on public holidays at the rate of double time and one-half.
Time worked up to the rostered daily ordinary hours of
work prescribed for a majority of the full-time
employees employed on that shift in the ward or section concerned will not be
regarded as overtime but an extension of the contract hours for that day and
will be paid at the ordinary rate of pay.
(v) The ordinary
hours of work for Directors of Nursing will be 38 per week and will not,
without payment of overtime at the rate of time and one-half, exceed:
(a) 43 hours in any
week; or
(b) 86 hours in any
fortnight; or
(c) 129 hours in
any 21 consecutive days; or
(d) 172 hours in any
28 consecutive days.
(vi) An
employee required to work overtime following on the completion of their normal
shift for more than two hours will be allowed 20 minutes for the partaking of a
meal and a further 20 minutes after each subsequent four hours overtime; all
such time will be counted as time worked, provided that the benefits of this
subclause will not apply to an employee employed pursuant to PART I - PERMANENT
PART-TIME EMPLOYEES of clause 21 Part-time, Casual and Temporary Employees,
until the expiration of the normal shift for a majority of the full-time
employees employed on that shift in the ward or section concerned.
(vii) An
employee recalled to
work overtime after
leaving the employer's premises and who is required to work for more than four
hours will be allowed 20 minutes for the partaking of a meal and a further 20
minutes after each subsequent four hours' overtime; all such time will be
counted as time worked.
(viii) The meals
referred to in subclauses (vi) and (vii) of this clause will be allowed to the
employee free of charge. Where the facility is unable to provide such meals,
the sum per meal set out Item 16 of Table 2 will be paid to the employee
(ix) Where an
employee is required to work an overtime shift on their rostered day off, the
appropriate meal breaks for that shift, as prescribed by clause 2, Hours of
Work and Free Time of Employees other than Directors of Nursing, will apply.
(x) Employees
who work so much overtime:
(a) between the
termination of their ordinary work on any day or shift and the commencement of
their ordinary work on the next day or shift that they have not had at least
eight consecutive hours off duty between these times; or
(b) on a Saturday, a
Sunday or a public holiday, not being ordinary working
days, or on a rostered day off without having had eight consecutive hours off
duty in the 24 hours preceding the ordinary commencing time on the next
ordinary day or shift,
will, subject to this subclause, be released after
completion of such overtime until they have had eight consecutive hours off
duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such
absence. If on the instruction of the employer such an employee resumes or
continues to work without having such eight consecutive hours off duty, they
will be paid at double time of the appropriate rate applicable on such day
until they are released from duty for such period and they then will be
entitled to be absent until they have had eight consecutive hours off duty
without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence.
(xi) An employee
recalled to work overtime after leaving the employer's
premises will be paid for a minimum of four hours work at the appropriate rate
for each time so recalled. If the work required is completed in less than four
hours, the employee will be released from duty;
provided that this subclause does not apply to a Director of Nursing.
(xii) By
agreement between the employee and employer, an employee may be compensated by
way of time off in lieu of payment of overtime on the following basis:
(a) Time off in
lieu of overtime must be taken at ordinary rates within three months of it
being accrued.
(b) Where it is not
possible for a nurse to take the time off in lieu of overtime within the
three-month period, it is to be paid out at the appropriate overtime rate based
on the rates of pay applying at the time payment is made.
(c) Nurses cannot
be compelled to take time off in lieu of overtime.
(d) Time off in lieu
of overtime should only be considered as an option in those circumstances where
the employer is able to provide adequate replacement staff to ensure that the
level of the quality of service that would otherwise have been provided had the
overtime been worked, is in fact provided.
(e) Records of all
time off in lieu of overtime owing to nurses and taken by nurses must be
maintained by the employer.
19. Payment and
Particulars of Salaries
(i) All
salaries and other payments will be paid weekly or fortnightly, provided that
payment for any overtime worked may be deferred to the pay day next following
the completion of the working cycle within which such overtime is worked, but
for no longer; provided further that the payment of shift and weekend penalties
relating to work performed in the second week of a fortnightly roster period
may be deferred to the pay day next following the completion of the working
cycle within which such shifts were worked, but for no longer. Provided further
that, for the purpose of adjustments of wages related to variations in the
basic wage, the pay period will be deemed to be weekly.
(ii) Employees
will have their salary paid into one account with a bank or other financial
institution in New South Wales as nominated by the employee. Salaries will be
deposited by facilities in sufficient time to ensure that wages are available
for withdrawal by employees by no later than pay day, provided that this
requirement will not apply where employees nominate accounts with non-bank
financial institutions; but in such cases facilities will take all reasonable
steps to ensure that the wages of such employees are available for withdrawal
by no later than pay day.
(iii) Notwithstanding
the provisions of subclause (ii) of this clause, an employee who has given or
has been given the required notice of termination of employment, in accordance
with clause 37, Termination of Employment, will be paid all moneys due to them
prior to ceasing duty on the last day of employment.
Where an employee is summarily dismissed or their
services are terminated without due notice, any moneys due to them will be paid
as soon as possible after such dismissal or termination but
in any case not more than three days thereafter.
(iv) On each pay day
an employee, in respect of the payment then due, will be furnished with a
written statement containing the following particulars, namely: name, the
amount of ordinary salary, the total number of hours or overtime worked, if
any, the amount of any overtime payment, the amount of any other moneys paid
and the purpose for which they are paid, the amount of the deductions made from
the total earnings and the nature thereof.
20. Proportion
Except in cases of emergency, not more than four enrolled
nurses and/or assistants in nursing to each registered nurse will be employed
in a facility and for this purpose a Director of Nursing who is a registered
nurse will count; provided that the proportions specified by this clause may be
altered in respect of any particular facility by agreement between the facility
concerned and the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association.
21. Part-Time, Casual
and Temporary Employees
(i) A
permanent part-time employee is one who is permanently appointed by a facility
to work a specified number of hours which are less than those prescribed for a
full-time employee. By agreement between employer and employee, the specified
number of hours may be balanced over a week and/or a fortnightly period,
provided that the average weekly hours will be deemed to be the specified
number of hours for the purposes of accrual of annual leave, long service leave
and sick leave. Provided further that there will be no interruption to the
continuity of employment merely by reason of an employee working on a
"week on, week off" basis in accordance with this subclause.
(ii) Employees
engaged under Part I of this clause will be paid an hourly rate calculated on
the basis of one thirty-eighth of the appropriate rate prescribed by clause 6,
Salaries, and where applicable, one thirty-eighth of the appropriate allowance
or allowances prescribed by clause 9, Special Allowances, with a minimum
payment of two hours for each start, and one thirty-eighth of the appropriate
allowances prescribed by clause 16, Uniform and Laundry Allowance, but will not
be entitled to an additional day off or part thereof as prescribed by
subclauses (iii) and (v) of clause 2, Hours of Work and Free Time of Employees
Other than Directors of Nursing.
(iii) Four
weeks annual leave on ordinary pay is to be granted on completion of each 12
months' service. The provisions of subclauses (iii) to (ix) of clause 22,
Annual Leave, and clause 23, Annual Leave Loading, will apply to employees
engaged under this Part of this clause. The remaining provisions of the said
clause 22 will not apply.
Where an employee has any period of permanent part-time
employment during any 12 month qualifying period for
annual leave, payment for such annual leave will be calculated on the basis of
the proportion that the average number of hours worked each week bears to 38.
(iv) A
public holiday occurring on an ordinary working day will be allowed to
employees without loss of pay; provided that an employee who is required to and
does work on a public holiday will have one day or one half day, as appropriate, added to their period of annual leave and
be paid at the rate of one half time extra for the time actually worked. Such
payment is in lieu of any additional rate for shift work or weekend work which
would otherwise be payable had the day not been a public holiday. In lieu of
adding to annual leave under this paragraph, an employee may elect to be paid
for the time actually worked at the rate of time and
one-half in addition to their ordinary weekly rate. Such election will be made
on the commencement of employment and then on the anniversary date each year.
The employee may not alter such election during the year except with the
agreement of the employer. Where payment is made in lieu of leave in respect of
time worked on a public holiday, payment will be made for a minimum of four
hours work, and any balance of the day or shift not worked will be paid at
ordinary rates.
(v) To the leave
prescribed by subclause (iii) of this Part of this clause there will be added
one working day for each public holiday or one half
working day for each half public holiday which occurs on what would have been
an ordinary working day during a period of annual leave.
(vi) For
the purpose of this Part of this clause, the following are to be public
holidays, namely: New Year's Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Saturday,
Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Queen's Birthday, local Labour Day, Christmas Day,
Boxing Day and any other day duly proclaimed and
observed as a public holiday within the area in which the facility is situated.
(vii) In addition to
those public holidays prescribed in subclause (iv) of this Part I of this
clause, there will be an extra public holiday each year. Such public holiday
will occur on the August Bank Holiday or a date which is agreed upon by the
Association and Aged and Community Services Australia,
and Leading Age Services Australia NSW-ACT. The
foregoing does not apply in areas where, in each year:
(a) a day in
addition to the ten named public holidays specified in subclause (vi) of this
Part of this clause are proclaimed and observed as a public holiday; or
(b) two half days in
addition to the ten named public holidays specified in the said subclause (vi)
are proclaimed and observed as half public holidays.
(viii) In areas where
in each year one half day in addition to the ten named public holidays
specified in the said subclause (vi) is proclaimed and observed as a half
public holiday, for the purposes of this award the whole day is to be regarded
and observed as a public holiday, and no additional public holiday which would
otherwise apply as a result of this subclause will be
(ix) Employees
engaged under this Part of this clause will be entitled to all other benefits
of this award not otherwise expressly provided for herein in the same
proportion as their ordinary hours of work bear to full-time hours.
(i) A
casual employee is one engaged on an hourly basis otherwise than as a permanent
part-time or full-time employee.
(ii) A
casual employee will be paid an hourly rate calculated on the basis of one thirty-eighth
of the appropriate rate prescribed by clause 6, Salaries, and, where
applicable, one thirty-eighth of the appropriate allowance or allowances
prescribed by clause 9, Special Allowances, plus ten per cent thereof, with a
minimum payment of two hours for each start, and one thirty-eighth of the
appropriate allowances prescribed by clause 16, Uniform and Laundry Allowance.
(iii) With respect to
a casual employee, the provisions of clause 3, Hours of Work and Free Time of
Directors of Nursing; clause 5, Rosters; clause 13, Expense Allowance for
Directors of Nursing; clause 18, Overtime; clause 22, Annual Leave; clause 23,
Annual Leave Loading; clause 24, Sick Leave; clause 25, Long Service Leave;
clause 26, Compassionate Leave; clause 33, Deputy Director of Nursing and
Assistant Director of Nursing; clause 35, Fares and Expenses, will not apply.
Further, casual employees will not be entitled to an additional day off or part
thereof as prescribed by subclauses (iii) and (v) of clause 2, Hours of Work
and Free Time of Employees Other than Directors of Nursing.
(iv) For the
entitlement to payment in respect of annual leave, see Annual Holidays Act
1944 (NSW).
(v) For the
entitlement to payment in respect of long service leave, see Long Service
Leave Act 1955 (NSW).
(vi) A casual
employee who is required to and does work on a public holiday as defined in
subclauses (i) and (ii) of clause 15, Public
Holidays, will be paid for the time actually worked at the rate of double time
and one-half, such payment being in lieu of weekend or shift allowances which
would otherwise be payable had the day not been a public holiday; provided that
a casual employee will not be entitled to be paid, in addition, the allowance
of ten per cent prescribed in subclause (ii) of this Part in respect of such
(i) A
temporary employee is one engaged for a set period not exceeding 13 weeks,
provided that fixed term contracts of employment, whether for periods greater
or lesser than 13 weeks, must not be offered in preference to ongoing contracts
unless they are necessary to meet the genuine operational requirements of the
employer, which may include but not be limited to parental leave, limited term
funding arrangements, long term leave relief, forthcoming service reductions,
and anticipated peak demand times
(ii) A temporary
employee will be paid, in addition to all rates and allowances to which the
said employee is entitled under this award, an allowance equal to ten per cent
of the rates prescribed for their classification by clause 6, Salaries,
provided that this subclause will cease to apply upon:
(a) the said period
of engagement being extended after the said period of
13 weeks;
(b) the employer and
the employee agreeing during the said period of 13
weeks that the employee will be employed on a permanent part-time or full-time
(iii) For entitlement
to payment in respect of annual leave, see Annual Holidays Act 1944
22. Annual Leave
(i) Annual leave on full
pay is to be granted on completion of each 12 months service as follows:
(a) Employees
required to work on a seven-day basis - six weeks annual leave.
(b) All
other employees - four weeks annual leave.
(a) An employee to
whom paragraph (a) of subclause (i) of this clause
applies and who is required to and does work on a public holiday will be paid,
in addition to the appropriate ordinary weekly rate of pay, at the rate of one
half time extra for the time actually worked on such
holiday. Such payment will be in lieu of
any additional rate for shift work or weekend work which would otherwise be
payable had the day not been a public holiday.
(b) To
the leave prescribed by paragraph (a) of subclause (i) there will be added one working day or one half working day for
each special public holiday or half public holiday, not being one of the ten
specifically named public holidays prescribed by subclause (i)
of clause 15, Public Holidays (or a special day proclaimed in lieu of any of them)
which may occur during the qualifying period for annual leave or during the
period of annual leave.
(c) To
the leave prescribed by paragraph (b) of subclause (i) of this clause there will be added one working day or one half
working day for each public holiday or half public holiday which occurs on what
would have been an ordinary working day during a period of annual leave;
provided that in the case of a full-time shift worker the provisions of this
paragraph will apply to any public holiday falling during the period of annual
(a) An employee
will be eligible for annual leave when 12 months have elapsed since the date on
which the first annual leave would have begun if taken immediately it had
become due or, if the employee has not previously had annual leave, since the
commencement of employment.
(b) Credit of time
towards an allocated day off duty will not accrue when an employee is absent in
accordance with subclause (i) of this clause.
Employees entitled to allocated days off duty in accordance with clause 2,
Hours of Work and Free Time of Employees Other Than Directors of Nursing, will
accrue credit towards an allocated day off duty in respect of each day those
employees are absent on additional annual leave in accordance with paragraph
(b) of subclause (ii) of this clause and paragraph (a) of subclause (iii) of
clause 15, Public Holidays.
(iv) Annual leave
will be given and taken either in one consecutive period or two periods or, if
the employer and employee so agree, in either three or four separate periods
but not otherwise. Provided that no employee will be compelled to take annual
leave in periods of less than one week in place of any other leave provided for
by this award.
(a) Annual leave
will be given and will be taken within a period of six months after the date
when the right to annual leave accrued; provided that
the giving and taking of such leave may be postponed by mutual agreement
between the parties for a further period not exceeding six months.
(b) Nothing in this
subclause will prevent an employer by agreement with the employee from allowing
annual leave to an employee before the right thereto has accrued, but where
leave is taken in such a case a further period of annual leave will not
commence to accrue until the expiration of the 12 months in respect of which
annual leave was taken before it accrued.
(c) The employer
will give each employee, where practicable, three months
notice of the date upon which they will enter upon leave and, in any
event, such notice will not be less than 28 days.
(a) Each employee
before going on leave will be paid for the period of the leave at the ordinary
rate of salary to which they are entitled under this award. Where an employee
has any period of permanent part-time employment during any 12-month qualifying
period for annual leave, payment for such annual leave will be calculated on the basis of the proportion that the average number of
hours worked each week bears to 38.
(b) An employee to whom
paragraph (a) of subclause (i) applies will be paid
during the first 28 consecutive days while on annual leave their ordinary rate
of salary plus shift allowances and weekend penalties relating to ordinary time
the employee would have worked if they had not been on annual leave. Additional
annual leave accrued under subclause (ix) attracts shift allowances and weekend
penalties relating to ordinary time the employee would have worked if they had
not been on annual leave. Provided that the provisions of the preceding
paragraphs of this subclause will not apply to public holidays which occur
during a period of annual leave or days which have been added to annual leave
in accordance with paragraph (b) of subclause (ii) of this clause and subclause
(ii) of clause 15, Public Holidays.
(vii) Except as
provided in subclauses (viii) and (ix) of this clause, payment for annual leave
will not be made or accepted in lieu of annual leave.
(viii) Where
the employment of an employee is terminated, the employee will be entitled to
receive, in addition to all other amounts due, in respect of service of less
than one year an amount equal to one-twelfth (6/46 in respect of employees
rostered to work on a seven-day basis) of their ordinary pay for that period of
employment, together with payment for any days added to annual leave in
accordance with subclause (iii) of the said clause 15.
(a) In addition to
the leave prescribed by subclause (i) of this clause,
employees who work their ordinary hours on Sundays and/or public holidays
prescribed by clause 15 are entitled to receive additional annual leave as
Number of ordinary shifts worked on Sundays and/or
public holidays during a qualifying period of employment for annual leave
purposes -
4 to 10
day additional annual leave
11 to 17
2 days additional
annual leave
18 to 24
3 days additional
annual leave
25 to 31
4 days additional
annual leave
32 or more
5 days additional
annual leave
Provided that an employee may elect to be paid when
proceeding on annual leave an amount equivalent to the value of their
additional leave entitlement in lieu of taking the additional leave. Such
election is to be made in writing by the employee at the commencement of each
year of employment and is irrevocable during the currency of that year of
(b) On termination
of employment, employees are to be paid for any untaken annual leave due under
this subclause, together with payment for any leave in respect of an
uncompleted year of employment calculated in accordance with this subclause,
together with payment for any untaken annual leave due in accordance with
subclause (viii) of this clause.
(c) Permanent
part-time employees will be entitled to the benefits of this subclause in the
same proportion as their average weekly hours of work bear to full-time hours.
23. Annual Leave
(i) Before
an employee is given and takes their annual holiday or where, by agreement
between the employer and the employee, the annual holiday is given and taken in
more than one separate period, then before each of such separate periods the
employer will pay the employee a loading determined in accordance with this
(ii) The loading is
payable in addition to the pay for the period of holiday given and taken and
due to the employee under paragraph (b) of subclause (i)
and paragraph (c) of subclause (ii) of clause 22, Annual Leave, or in the case
of permanent part-time employees, for the period of holiday given and taken and
due to the employee in accordance with the provisions of the Annual Holidays
Act 1944 (NSW).
(iii) The
loading is the amount payable for the period or the separate periods, as the
case may be, at the rate per week of 17½ per cent of the appropriate ordinary
weekly time rate of pay prescribed by this award for the classification in
which the employee was employed immediately before commencing their annual
holiday, together with any allowances prescribed by subclauses (i) and (ii) of clause 9, Special Allowances.
(iv) No loading is
payable to an employee who takes an annual holiday wholly or partly in advance;
provided that, if the employment of such an employee continues until the day
when the employee would have become entitled under the said clause 22, to an
annual holiday, the loading then becomes payable in respect of the period of
such holiday and is to be calculated in accordance with subclause (iii) of this
clause, applying the award rates and wages payable on that day.
(a) When
the employment of an employee is terminated by the employer for a cause other
than misconduct, and at the time of the termination the employee has not been
given and has not taken the whole of an annual holiday to which the employee
became entitled, they will be paid a loading calculated in accordance with
subclause (iii) of this clause for the period not taken.
(b) Except as
provided by paragraph (a) of this subclause, no loading is payable on the
termination of an employee's employment.
(vi) This clause
extends to an employee who is given and takes an annual holiday and who would
have worked as a shift worker if they had not been on holidays; provided that,
if the amount to which the employee would have been entitled by way of shift
work allowances and weekend penalty rates for the ordinary time (not including
time on a public or special holiday) which the employee would have worked
during the period of the holiday exceeds the loading calculated in accordance
with this clause, then that amount will be paid to the employee in lieu of the
24. Sick Leave
(i) Subject
to the following limitations and conditions, an employee will be entitled to
sick leave on full pay calculated by allowing 76 rostered ordinary hours of
work for each year of continuous service, less any sick leave on full pay
already taken.
(a) An employee
during their first year of employment with an employer will be entitled to sick
leave at the rate of 7.6 hours at the end of each of the first five months
continuous service. Upon completion of six months continuous service the
employee will be entitled to a further 38 hours sick leave. For
the purpose of this subclause, where service is continuous, each new
entitlement will accrue at the monthly anniversary date of the commencement of
employment, i.e., a person starting on 6 March would be entitled to their first
7.6 hours on 6 April.
(b) An employee will
not be entitled to sick leave on full pay for any period in respect of which
such employee is entitled to workers' compensation; provided, however, that an
employer will pay to an employee who has sick leave entitlement under this
clause, the difference between the amount received as workers' compensation and
full pay. The employee's sick leave entitlement under this clause will, for
each week during which such difference is paid, be reduced by that proportion
of 38 hours which the difference paid bears to full pay.
(c) All periods of
sickness will be certified to by the Director of Nursing of the facility or by
the employee's own legally qualified medical practitioner. The employer may
dispense with the requirements of a medical certificate when the absence does
not exceed two consecutive days or where, in the employer's opinion, the
circumstances are such as not to warrant such requirement.
(d) Each employee
will notify their employer of an absence from work due to illness or injury
prior to the commencement of their rostered shift or as soon as practicable
thereafter and will, as far as possible, inform the employer of the estimated
duration of the absence.
(ii) The employer
will not change the rostered hours of work of an employee fixed by the roster
or rosters applicable to the 14 days immediately following the commencement of
sick leave merely by reason of the fact that they are on sick leave.
(iii) For
the purpose of this clause, "service" means - service in the
employment of an employer.
(iv) For
the purpose of this clause, continuity of service in the employment will not be
broken by:
(a) absences from
such employment on account of illness;
(b) absences from
such employment for the purposes of pursuing a post-graduate course in nursing
(i.e. a course which results in obtaining a certificate, diploma or
qualifications whether in Australia or elsewhere) and where the course is
pursued outside Australia an employee will be deemed to be absent for the
purpose of pursuing the course throughout the time reasonably occupied
travelling to the place of study and return to Australia, the actual duration
of the course, a period of three months after completion of the course before
returning to Australia and a period of one month after returning to Australia,
provided that subclauses (iii) and (iv) will only apply to persons employed in
facilities conducted by members of Aged & Community Services Australia.
(v) Permanent
Part-time Employees - A permanent part-time employee will be entitled to sick
leave in the same proportion of 76 hours as the average weekly hours worked
over the preceding 12 months or from the time of commencement of employment,
whichever is the lesser, bears to 38 ordinary hours. Such entitlements will be subject to all the
above conditions applying to full-time employees.
(vi) With respect to
an employee who is eligible for sick leave and who produces a satisfactory
medical certificate to the effect that they have been incapacitated for a
period of at least one week's duration while on annual leave, the employer may
re -credit such employee with an equivalent period of annual leave, provided
that no such re-crediting will be granted to an employee on leave prior to
retirement, resignation or termination of services and provided further the
employer is satisfied on the circumstances and the nature of the incapacity.
(vii) Subject to the
provision of a satisfactory medical certificate and sick leave being due, extended or long service leave will be re-credited where an
illness of at least one week's duration occurs during the period of extended or
long service leave; provided that the period of leave does not occur prior to
retirement, resignation or termination of services.
25. Long Service Leave
(i) For
long service leave falling due prior to 20 February 1981, see Long Service
Leave Act 1955 (NSW).
(ii) For long
service leave falling due after 20 February 1981, the following provisions will
(i) Every
employee after ten years' continuous service with the same employer will be
entitled to two months' long service leave on full pay; after 15 years'
continuous service to an additional one month's long service leave on full pay;
and for each five years' continuous service thereafter to an additional one and
one-half months' long service leave on full pay.
Such leave will be taken at a time to be mutually
arranged between the employer and the employee as soon as practicable after
each period of leave falls due, having regard to the reasonable preferences of
each party. Where required by the employer, the term "as soon as
practicable" will mean that leave is taken by the employee within 12
months of the date that the leave falls due. The leave is to be taken in one
continuous period unless the employer and employee agree otherwise.
Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this
clause, an employer and an employee may mutually agree that the taking of the
leave be deferred beyond the initial twelve months referred to above. In such a
case the employer and employee may agree that the employee will be paid for
that leave at the rate of pay applicable at the time of the agreement to
further postpone the leave, and not at the rate of pay applicable at the time
that the leave is taken. For any such
agreement to be valid, it must be in writing and be signed by both the employer
and the employee.
(ii) Where the
service of an employee with at least five years' service is terminated, the
employee will be entitled to long service leave as follows:
For the first five years’ service - one month.
For the next ten years’ service - a proportionate
amount calculated on the basis of one month for each
additional five years. For the purpose of calculation, each completed whole month
of continuous service gives an entitlement equal to 0.0722 weeks’ pay.
For all subsequent service - a proportionate amount
calculated on the basis of 1.5 months for each
additional five years. For the purpose of calculation,
each completed whole year of continuous service gives an entitlement equal to
1.2996 weeks’ pay.
(b) Subject to
paragraph (a) of this subclause, where an employee has acquired a right to long
service leave, then:
(i) If,
before such leave has been entered upon, the employment of such employee has
been terminated, such employee will be entitled to receive the monetary value
of the leave to which such employee has become entitled, computed at the rate
of salary which such employee had been receiving immediately prior to the
termination of employment.
(ii) If such
employee dies before entering upon such extended leave, or if, after having
entered upon the same, dies before its termination, their widow/widower or, in
the case of a widow/widower leaving children, their children or their guardians
or other dependent relatives or their legal representatives, will be entitled
to receive the monetary value of the leave not taken or not completed, as the
case may be, and computed at the rate of salary which the employee had been
receiving at the time of death.
(c) For the purpose
of this clause:
(i) Continuous
service in the same facility prior to the coming into force of this award will
be taken into account.
(ii) One month
equals four and one-third weeks.
(iii) Continuous
service will be deemed not to have been broken by:
(1) absence of an
employee from the facility while a member of the Defence Forces of the
Commonwealth in time of war;
(2) any period of
absence on leave without pay not exceeding six months.
(d) Where any
employee has been granted a period of long service leave prior to the coming
into force of this award, the amount of such leave will be debited against the
amount of leave due under this award.
(e) Except
where the total actual service is less than five years -
(i) all
service in facilities to which subclause (i) of
clause 11, Climatic and Isolation Allowance, applies will be counted as one and
one-half times the actual time served;
(ii) all service in
a facility to which subclause (ii) of the said clause 11 applies will be
counted as twice the actual time served.
(f) Any period(s)
of part-time employment with the same employer will count towards long service
leave as provided for in paragraphs (a) and (e) of this subclause. Such long
service leave will be paid for on the basis of the
proportion that the average number of hours worked per week bears to 38.
(g) Where an
employee has accrued a right to an allocated day off duty on pay prior to
entering a period of long service leave, such day will be taken on the next
working day immediately following the period of long service leave.
An employee returning to duty from long service leave
will be given the next allocated day off duty in sequence, irrespective of
whether sufficient credits have been accumulated or not.
26. Compassionate
(i) In
general, compassionate leave with pay should be granted only in extraordinary
or emergent circumstances where a member of the staff of a facility is forced
to absent himself/herself from duty because of urgent pressing necessity, and
such leave as is granted should be limited to the time necessary to cover the
immediate emergency.
(ii) Any absence
occasioned by personal exigencies which might fairly be regarded as an
obligation on the employee rather than the employer to make good, should be
covered by the grant of leave without pay or, if the employee so desires,
charged against their annual leave credit.
(iii) The
following basic principles should be kept in mind when dealing with
(i) An
employee, other than a casual employee, will be entitled to a maximum of two
days compassionate leave without deduction of pay, on each occasion of the
death of a person as prescribed in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph.
Provided that, where the employee is involved in funeral arrangements,
travelling, etc., leave may be allowed for up to three days.
(ii) The
employee must notify the employer as soon as practicable of the intention to
take compassionate leave and will, if required by the employer, provide, to the
satisfaction of the employer, proof of death.
(iii) Compassionate
leave will be available to the employee in respect to the death of a person
prescribed for the purposes of personal/carer's leave as set out in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (c) of
subclause (i) of clause 28, Personal/Carer’s Leave, provided that, for the purpose of
compassionate leave, the employee need not have been responsible for the care
of the person concerned.
(iv) An employee will
not be entitled to compassionate leave under this clause during any period in
respect of which the employee has been granted other leave.
(v) Compassionate
leave may be taken in conjunction with other leave available under subclauses
(ii), (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) of the said clause 28. In determining such a
request, the employer will give consideration to the
circumstances of the employee and the reasonable operational requirements of
the business.
(b) Illnesses in the
family - Except in very special circumstances, leave with pay should be limited
to one day which, as a general rule, would prove
sufficient time to meet the immediate emergency and allow the employee to make
any other arrangements necessary. It would be expected that no
one but the employee would be available to care for the sick member of
the family.
(iv) The above
principles are not intended to codify completely purposes for which
compassionate leave with pay may be allowed. The element of unforeseen
emergency could be present in other situations, e.g., floods and bushfires,
which clearly prevent attendance for duty.
(v) In view of the
purpose for which compassionate leave is intended, it is not possible to
prescribe a precise limitation of the amount of leave to be granted in a given period. It is suggested, however, that only under
the most exceptional circumstances should leave exceeding a total of three days
be granted to an employee in any year.
(vi) Bereavement
entitlements for casual employees
(a) Subject to the
evidentiary and notice requirements set out in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph
(a) of subclause (iii) of clause 26, Compassionate Leave, casual employees are
entitled to not be available to attend work, or to leave work upon the death in
Australia of a person prescribed in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (c) of
subclause (i) of clause 28, Personal/Carer’s Leave.
(b) The employer and
the employee will agree on the period for which the employee will be entitled
to not be available to attend work. In the absence of agreement, the employee
is entitled to not be available to attend work for up to 48 hours (i.e. two days) per occasion. The casual employee is not
entitled to any payment for the period of non-attendance.
(c) An employer
must not fail to re-engage a casual employee because the employee accessed the
entitlements provided for in this clause. The rights of an employer to engage
or not engage a casual employee are otherwise not affected.
(vii) The provisions
of this clause will have no application to employees of bodies established by
the Catholic Church to propagate religion.
27. Parental Leave
(i) Refer
to the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW). The following provisions will also apply in
addition to those set out in the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW).
(ii) An employer
must not fail to re-engage a regular casual employee (see section 53(2) of the
Act) because:
(a) the employee or
employee's spouse is pregnant; or
(b) the employee is
or has been immediately absent on parental leave.
The rights of an employer in relation to engagement and
re-engagement of casual employees are not affected, other than in accordance with
this clause.
(iii) Right
to request
(a) An
employee entitled to parental leave may request the employer to allow the
(i) to
extend the period of simultaneous unpaid parental leave use up to a maximum of
eight weeks;
(ii) to
extend the period of unpaid parental leave for a further continuous period of
leave not exceeding 12 months;
(iii) to
return from a period of parental leave on a part-time basis until the child
reaches school age;
to assist the employee in reconciling work and parental
(b) The employer
will consider the request having regard to the employee's circumstances and,
provided the request is genuinely based on the employee's parental
responsibilities, may only refuse the request on reasonable grounds related to
the effect on the workplace or the employer's business. Such grounds might include cost, lack of
adequate replacement staff, loss of efficiency and the impact on customer
(c) Employee's
request and the employer's decision to be in writing
The employee's request and the employer's decision made
under subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) of subclause (iii) of clause 27,
Parental Leave and subparagraph (iii) of (a) of subclause (iii) of clause 27,
Parental Leave must be recorded in writing
(d) Request to
return to work part-time
Where an employee wishes to make a request under
subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (a) of subclause (iii) of clause 27, Parental
Leave, such a request must be made as soon as possible but no less than seven
weeks prior to the date upon which the employee is due to return to work from
parental leave.
(iv) Communication
during parental leave
(a) Where
an employee is on parental leave and a definite decision has been made to
introduce significant change at the workplace, the employer will take
reasonable steps to:
(i) make
information available in relation to any significant effect the change will
have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held
before commencing parental leave; and
(ii) provide an
opportunity for the employee to discuss any significant effect the change will
have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held
before commencing parental leave.
(b) The employee
will take reasonable steps to inform the employer about any significant matter
that will affect the employee's decision regarding the duration of parental
leave to be taken, whether the employee intends to return to work and whether
the employee intends to request to return to work on a part-time basis.
(c) The employee will
also notify the employer of changes of address or other contact details which
might affect the employer's capacity to comply with paragraph (a).
28. Personal/Carer’s
(i) Use of Sick Leave
(a) An employee,
other than a casual employee, with responsibilities in relation to a class of
person set out in set out in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (c) of subclause (i) of clause 28, Personal/Carer’s Leave who needs the
employee’s care and support, will be entitled to use, in accordance with this
subclause, any current or accrued sick leave entitlement, provided for at
clause 24, Sick Leave of this award, for absences to provide care and support
for such persons when they are ill, or who require care due to an unexpected
emergency. Such leave may be taken for part of a single day.
(b) The
employee will, if required,
(i) establish
either by production of a medical certificate or statutory declaration, the
illness of the person concerned and that the illness is such as to require care
by another person, or
(ii) establish by
production of documentation acceptable to the employer or a statutory
declaration, the nature of the emergency and that such emergency resulted in
the person concerned requiring care by the employee.
In normal circumstances, an employee must not take
carer's leave under this subclause where another person had taken leave to care
for the same person.
(c) The
entitlement to use sick leave in accordance with this subclause is subject to:
(i) the
employee being responsible for the care and support of the person concerned;
(ii) the
person concerned being:
(1) a spouse of the
employee; or
(2) a de facto
spouse, who, in relation to a person, is a person of the opposite sex to the
first mentioned person who lives with the first mentioned person as the husband
or wife of that person on a bona fide domestic basis although not legally
married to that person; or
(3) a child or an
adult child (including an adopted child, a step child,
a foster child or an ex nuptial child), parent (including a foster parent and
legal guardian), grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the employee or spouse
or de facto spouse of the employee; or
(4) a same sex partner
who lives with the employee as the de facto partner of that employee on a bona
fide domestic basis; or
(5) a relative of
the employee who is a member of the same household where, for the purposes of
this subparagraph:
(a) "relative"
means - a person related by blood, marriage or affinity;
(b) "affinity"
means - a relationship that one spouse because of marriage has
to blood relatives of the other; and
(c) "household"
means - a family group living in the same domestic dwelling.
(d) An
employee will, wherever practicable, give the employer notice, prior to the
absence, of the intention to take leave, the name of the person requiring care
and that person's relationship to the employee, the reasons for taking such
leave and the estimated length of absence.
If it is not practicable for the employee to give prior notice of
absence, the employee will notify the employer by telephone of such absence at
the first opportunity on the day of absence.
Note: In the unlikely event that more than 10 days sick
leave in any year is to be used for caring purposes the employer and employee
will discuss appropriate arrangements which, as far as practicable, take
account of the employer’s and employee’s requirements.
Where the parties are unable to reach agreement the
disputes procedure at clause 46, Resolution of Disputes, should be followed.
(ii) Unpaid
Leave for Family Purpose
(a) An employee may
elect, with the consent of the employer, to take unpaid leave for the purpose
of providing care and support to a class of person set out in subparagraph (ii)
of paragraph (c) of subclause (i) of clause 28,
Personal/Carer’s Leave above who is ill or who requires care due to an unexpected emergency.
(iii) Annual
(a) An
employee may elect, with the consent of the employer to take annual leave not
exceeding ten days in single-day periods, or part thereof, in any calendar year
at a time or times agreed by the parties.
(b) Access to annual
leave, as prescribed in paragraph (a) of this subclause, will be exclusive of
any shutdown period provided for elsewhere under this award.
(c) An employee and
employer may agree to defer payment of the annual leave loading in respect of
single day absences, until at least five consecutive annual leave days are
(d) An employee may
elect with the employer's agreement to take annual leave at any time within a
period of 24 months from the date at which it falls due.
(iv) Time
Off in Lieu of Payment for Overtime
(a) For
the purpose only of providing care and support for a person in accordance with
subclause (i) of this clause, and despite the provisions
of subclause (xii) of clause 18, Overtime, the following provisions will apply.
(b) An employee may
elect, with the consent of the employer, to take time off in lieu of payment
for overtime at a time or times agreed with the employer within 12 months of
the said election.
(c) Overtime taken
as time off during ordinary time hours will be taken at the ordinary time rate,
that is, an hour for each hour worked.
(d) If, having
elected to take time as leave in accordance with paragraph (a) of this
subclause, the leave is not taken for whatever reason, payment for time accrued
at overtime rates will be made at the expiry of the 12-month period or on
(e) Where no
election is made in accordance with the said paragraph (a), the employee will
be paid overtime rates in accordance with this award.
(v) Make-up
(a) An employee may
elect, with the consent of the employer, to work "make-up time",
under which the employee takes time off ordinary hours and works those hours at a later time, during the spread of ordinary hours
provided in this award, at the ordinary rate of pay.
(b) An employee on
shift work may elect, with the consent of the employer, to work "make-up
time" (under which the employee takes time off ordinary hours and works
those hours at a later time), at the shift work rate
which would have been applicable to the hours taken off.
(vi) Additional
Rostered Days Off
(a) An employee may
elect, with the consent of the employer, to take a rostered day off at any
(b) An employee may
elect, with the consent of the employer, to take rostered days off in part day
(c) An employee may
elect, with the consent of the employer, to accrue some or all rostered days
off for the purpose of creating a bank to be drawn upon at a time mutually
agreed between the employer and employee, or subject to reasonable notice by
the employee or the employer.
(d) This subclause
is subject to the employer informing each union which is both party to this
award and which has members employed at the particular enterprise of its
intention to introduce an enterprise system of RDO flexibility,
and providing a reasonable opportunity for the union(s) to participate
in negotiations.
(vii) Personal Carers
Entitlement for casual employees -
(a) Subject to the
evidentiary and notice requirements in paragraph (b) of subclause (i) of clause 28, Personal/Carer’s Leave and paragraph (d)
of subclause (i) of clause 28, Personal/Carer’s Leave
casual employees are entitled to not be available to attend work, or to leave
work if they need to care for a person prescribed in subclause subparagraph
(ii) of paragraph (c) of subclause (i) of of this clause who are sick and require care and support,
or who require care due to an unexpected emergency, or the birth of a child.
(b) The employer and
the employee will agree on the period for which the employee will be entitled
to not be available to attend work. In the absence of agreement, the employee
is entitled to not be available to attend work for up to 48 hours (i.e. two days) per occasion. The casual employee is not
entitled to any payment for the period of non-attendance.
(c) An employer
must not fail to re-engage a casual employee because the employee accessed the
entitlements provided for in this clause. The rights of an employer to engage
or not to engage a casual employee are otherwise not affected.
(viii) The provisions
of this clause will have no application to employees of bodies established by
the Catholic Church to propagate religion.
29. Staff Amenities
(i) The employer
will provide for the use of employees:
(a) toilet facilities; provided that this
provision will not apply to a facility the registered number of beds of which
is less than nine;
(b) a full-length locker fitted with lock and key or other
suitable place for the safe keeping of clothing and personal effects of such employee.
(ii) An employer
will provide for employees morning and afternoon tea,
supper and early morning tea (which will include tea or coffee, together with
milk and sugar).
(iii) Where an
employee requests, the employer will provide an employee with meals of a
reasonable standard. The employer may make a charge, provided that the charge
for breakfast will be the sum set out in Item 17 of Table 2 - Other Rates and
Allowances, of Part B, Monetary Rates, and the sum set out in Item 18 of the
said Table 2 for other meals.
(iv) The charges
referred to in subclause (iii) of this clause are to be adjusted in accordance
with the movement in wage rates following State Wage Case decisions. The employers are entitled to set prices for
meals at a level to cover labour and ingredient costs (not indirect costs).
30. Labour Flexibility
(i) Nurses will not be
required to perform as a matter of routine duties: washing, sweeping, polishing
and/or dusting of floors, walls, windows, corridors, annexes, bathrooms or verandas, except in an emergency.
(ii) Nothing in
subclause (i) of this clause will preclude the
employment of nurses in the washing of beds, bedspreads, mattresses, bedside tables or the like, following the discharge of a patient
suffering a notifiable infectious disease.
(iii) Nothing in
subclause (i) of this clause will preclude any nurse
from being required to perform all or any of the specified duties, at any time
when domestic staff is not available to perform them; provided that the
employer has made all reasonable efforts to obtain domestic staff.
(iv) Subject to
subclause (i) of this clause, an employer may direct
a nurse to carry out such duties as are within the limits of the nurse's skill,
competence and training. Such duties may include work
which is incidental or peripheral to the nurse's main tasks, provided that such
duties are not designed to promote deskilling.
Any employer may direct a nurse to carry out duties and
use such equipment as may be required, provided that the nurse has been
properly trained or has otherwise acquired the necessary skills in the use of
such equipment. Any such direction issued by the employer will be consistent
with the employer's responsibility to provide a safe and healthy working
environment for nurses and the employer's duty of care to residents.
(v) Assistants in
Nursing may be employed under this award to perform mixed functions, provided
(a) The
primary duties performed by the Assistant in Nursing, being the delivery of
direct care to residents, occupy no less than the majority of the hours for
which they are employed in any 28 day
(b) The Assistant in
Nursing will be paid at the appropriate rate for an Assistant in Nursing for
all work performed for their employer in that classification.
(c) An Assistant in
Nursing will not be required to perform mixed functions where the employer does
not provide adequate staff to ensure that the level of the quality of the
service that would have otherwise been provided if the Assistant in Nursing did
not perform mixed functions, is in fact
(d) Subject to
paragraph (a) of this subclause, an Assistant in Nursing may perform duties
associated with a resident's well being and comfort,
including functions of a laundry, kitchen or other
personal support nature.
31. Medical
Examination of Nurses
On commencement of employment the employee will be notified
of the availability of the following provisions, which the employer will
provide at the request of the employee:
(i) For
protection against tuberculosis:
(a) Before a nurse
commences duty, a PA chest x-ray examination of the nurse, unless a
radiologist's report of a normal chest x-ray taken within the previous six
months is available.
(b) As soon as
practicable after the nurse commences duty, a Mantoux test on the nurse, then -
(i) where
the Mantoux test is negative, immunisation with BCG vaccine;
(ii) where the Mantoux
test is positive (otherwise than as a result of BCG
vaccination), referral to a chest clinic for assessment.
(c) A Mantoux test
annually to -
(i) previously
Mantoux-negative nursing staff;
(ii) nursing staff
whose Mantoux reaction has been converted by BCG vaccination.
(d) A chest x-ray
annually to nursing staff whose Mantoux reaction is positive (otherwise than as a result of BCG vaccination).
(e) Where a nurse
has been caring for open tuberculosis cases, a PA chest x-ray examination of
the nurse one year after completion of employment.
(ii) For protection
against other communicable diseases:
(a) where a nurse
has not had a complete course of immunisation against diphtheria, tetanus,
poliomyelitis, measles, mumps and hepatitis, immunisation against those diseases;
(b) booster
immunisation against tetanus at ten-year intervals;
(c) a rubella
antibody test and, where a nurse has a negative result, rubella immunisation.
(iii) For protection
against radiation exposure, nurses required to work in close
proximity to a source of ionising radiation should be provided with a
film badge or personal radiation dosimeter, and a record should be maintained
of the radiation exposure measured by such film badge or dosimeter.
(iv) The costs
involved in the various screening and protection procedures should be borne by
the employer.
32. Escort Duty
(i) Periods
during which an employee, other than a Director of Nursing, is engaged in nursing
duties, in other words, in attendance on a patient, will be paid as working
time under this award. Where applicable, overtime will be payable.
(ii) All reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed.
(iii) Rostered time
will be paid as such, even though an employee may be travelling, in hotel/motel
accommodation or waiting for transport.
(iv) In respect of
non-rostered time not spent in nursing duties -
(a) Periods in
hotel/motel accommodation or waiting for transport will not be counted as
working time.
(b) Periods
travelling will count as working time.
33. Deputy Director of
Nursing and Assistant Director of Nursing
(i) Subject to subclause
(ii) of this clause, the following appointments will be made in nursing homes
with daily averages of occupied beds as specified hereunder:
Less than 150 beds - a Deputy Director of Nursing.
150 beds and over - a Deputy Director of Nursing and
Assistant Director of Nursing.
(ii) There
is no requirement to appoint a Deputy Director of Nursing in nursing homes of
40 beds and under in the following circumstances:
(a) the
registered nurses at the nursing home are all given the same duties and no
registered nurse is delegated Deputy Director of Nursing duties; and
(b) the Director of Nursing perceives no
requirement for a Deputy Director of Nursing to be employed.
Provided that no Deputy Director of Nursing employed as
at 16 December 1994 will be dismissed or demoted from
that position as a result of the implementation of this subclause.
(iii) Where a
decision is made, pursuant to subclause (ii) of this clause, not to appoint a
Deputy Director of Nursing, the employer will notify the Association in writing
of that decision within 14 days and must certify that the requirements of
paragraphs (a) and (b) of subclause (ii) have been met.
(iv) In the event of
a dispute arising as to the operation of this clause, the procedures set out in
clause 46, Resolution of Disputes, will be followed.
(v) Appointments
under subclause (i) of this clause will be made
within two calendar months of the date this award becomes operative and
thereafter within two calendar months of the occurrence of a vacancy. In
default of appointment within the said period of two calendar months, the
registered nurse employed as such or in a higher classification who has
customarily relieved in the vacant position, or if no one has so customarily
relieved, the general nurse employed in the same or the next senior
classification below the vacant position with the longest service in such
classification at the nursing home will be deemed to be appointed until such
time as another appointment is made by the nursing home.
(vi) This clause will
not apply to a nursing home using members, novices or
aspirants of religious orders where a member of an order carries out the duties
under this clause of an Assistant Director of Nursing or Deputy Director of
(vii) This clause will
not apply to a nursing home which is owned by two or more registered nurses who
are actively engaged as Directors of Nursing in the running of the nursing
34. Nursing Unit
No person appointed to any level of the former
classification of Nursing Unit Manager as at 1 March
1999 will be dismissed or demoted as a result of the deletion of that classification
from this award. Provided that the
salary rates appearing under that classification in Table 1 - Salaries, of Part
B, Monetary Rates, are to be payable, on a strictly personal basis, only to
those persons appointed to such positions as at 1 March
35. Fares and Expenses
(i) An
employee required to travel in the performance of duty will be reimbursed first
class fares (including sleeper accommodation) and all reasonable out-of-pocket
(a) An employee who
is engaged for an indefinite period and who remains in the employment for at
least six months will be reimbursed forward fares from the place of engagement,
provided that the distance of normal travel there from to the employment
exceeds 40 kilometres.
(b) An employee who
is engaged for an indefinite period, and who is dismissed within six months for
any reason other than misconduct or inefficiency, will be reimbursed forward
fares from the place of engagement, provided that the distance of normal travel
there from to the employment exceeds 40 kilometres, and will also be reimbursed
return fares to such place of engagement or the employee's immediate
destination, whichever is the cheaper.
(iii) An employee who
is engaged for a definite period and who completes the period of engagement or
who is dismissed before completing such period for any reason other than
misconduct or inefficiency, will be reimbursed forward fares from the place of
engagement, provided that the distance of normal travel there from to the
employment exceeds 40 kilometres, and will also be reimbursed return fares to
such place of engagement or to the employee's immediate destination, whichever
is the cheaper.
(iv) Fares within the
meaning of this clause will include only fares incurred in respect of travel
within New South Wales.
(v) An employee who
claims reimbursement of fares pursuant to this clause will furnish to the employer,
if so required, satisfactory proof that they have not received from another
employer reimbursement in respect of those fares.
36. Registration or
Enrolment Pending
(i) A
registered nurse or enrolled nurse who has trained outside New South Wales will
be paid as a registered nurse or enrolled nurse as from the date they are
notified that they are eligible for registration or enrolment as a registered
nurse or enrolled nurse; provided that they make
application for registration within seven days after being so notified.
(ii) They notify the
employer as soon as possible after they have applied.
Termination of Employment
(i) Except for misconduct justifying summary
dismissal, the services of an employee will be terminated only by notice or by
the payment of salary in lieu thereof other than a Director of Nursing, as follows;
Employee’s period
of continuous service with the employer at the end of the day the notice is
Not more than 1
1 week
More than 1 year
but not more than 3 years
2 weeks
More than 3 years
but not more than 5 years
3 weeks
More than 5 years
4 weeks
In the case of
a Director of Nursing payment of salary in lieu thereof notice period can be
made, except that where the employment of a Director of Nursing is terminated
within 13 weeks of their engagement, there will be given 14 days
notice or the payment of 14 days salary in lieu thereof.
(ii) No employee will, without the consent of
the employer, resign without having given seven days' notice (or, in the case
of a Director of Nursing, 28 days' notice) of the intention so to do or
forfeiting salary earned during the pay period current at the time of
resignation; provided that in no circumstances will the employee other than the
Director of Nursing forfeit more than seven days' pay and the Director of
Nursing more than 28 days' pay at the rates prescribed for their classification
by clause 6, Salaries.
(iii) Statement of Employment
Upon the
termination of the services of an employee, the employer will furnish the
employee with a written statement, duly signed by or on behalf of the employer,
setting out the period of the employment and the capacity in which the employee
was employed. In addition, an employer
will provide to Assistants in Nursing a statement of in-service training and/or
education which the employee has undertaken.
(iv) Employees who have accrued additional days
off duty pursuant to subclause (vii) of clause 2, Hours of Work and Free Time
of Employees Other Than Directors of Nursing, will be paid for such accrued
time as ordinary rate of pay upon termination.
38. Award Benefits to
be Continuous
(i) In
the event of any change of ownership, licensee or management of any facility
covered by this award, all employee rights and benefits provided by this award
will continue as if no such change in ownership, licensee or management had
taken place, and no employee will be dismissed for the reason of such change.
(ii) Where such
changes do occur, no employee will be paid out for accrued annual leave, long
service leave or any other benefits, but such benefits will be continuous.
(iii) No employee,
full-time or part-time, will have their employment terminated or be required to
take leave without pay where such termination or leave is used to avoid the
requirements of any Act or to avoid payment of any rights or benefits provided
by this award.
39. Special Provisions
Relating to Trainee Enrolled Nurses
(i) Where
a trainee enrolled nurse has transferred from one training school to another,
the time allowed by the Board in the first training school will be counted in
computing salary.
(ii) A trainee
enrolled nurse, who is absent from training for not more than two weeks,
exclusive of annual leave, in any period of 12 months training will, for the
purpose of annual increase in salary under clause 6, Salaries, be deemed to
have completed the particular year of training 12 calendar months after the
commencement thereof notwithstanding such absence, but if absent for more than
the aforesaid time in any such period, the particular year of training will not
be deemed to have been completed until the employee has served the actual
period of excess of such time.
40. Trainee Enrolled
(i) Objective:
The objective of this clause is to assist with the
establishment of a system of traineeships for Trainee Enrolled Nurses, which
provides approved training in conjunction with employment
and which is to be at the same AQF level as the existing Certificate IV course.
(ii) Application:
(a) This clause
applies only to the employment of Trainee Enrolled Nurses undertaking
Certificate IV in Nursing whilst performing the duties of a Trainee Enrolled
(b) The system is
neither designed nor intended for those who are already trained and job ready.
(iii) Definitions:
"Structured Training" means - training which is specified in the Training Plan, which is
part of the Training Contract registered with the relevant NSW Training
Authority. It includes training
undertaken both on and off-the-job in a Traineeship and involves formal
instruction, both theoretical and practical, and supervised practice. The
training reflects the requirements of a Traineeship approved by the relevant
NSW Training Authority.
"Trainee" is an individual who is signatory to
a Training Contract registered with the relevant NSW Training Authority and is
involved in paid work and structured training both on and off the job. A
trainee can be full time, part time or school-based.
"Traineeship" means - a system of training,
which has been approved by the relevant NSW Training Authority and includes
full time traineeships and part time traineeships including school-based
"Training Contract" means - a contract entered into for the purposes of establishing a Traineeship
under the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 (NSW).
"Training Plan" means - a programme of
training which forms part of a Training Contract registered with the relevant
NSW Training Authority.
"Relevant NSW Training Authority" means - the
Department of Education, or successor organisation.
"School Based Trainee Enrolled Nurse" is a
student enrolled in the Higher School Certificate, or equivalent qualification,
who is undertaking a Traineeship which forms part of a recognised component of
their HSC curriculum, and is endorsed by the relevant NSW Training Authority,
NSW Board of Studies and NSW Nurses Registration Board
as such.
(iv) Training
(a) The employer
will provide a level of registered nurse supervision during the traineeship period
in accordance with the training contract.
(b) Trainee Enrolled
Nurses will not be required to perform the duties of registered or enrolled
nurses in the event of absenteeism. In the event that
a registered or enrolled nurse needs to be replaced, existing staff including
casuals will be offered the shift, or agency staff will be used.
(c) The employer
agrees that the overall training programme will be monitored by officers of the
relevant NSW Training Authority.
Training records or work books may be utilised
as part of this monitoring process.
(d) A Traineeship
will not commence until the relevant Training Contract has been signed by the
employer and the trainee and lodged for registration with the relevant NSW
Training Authority.
(v) Full Time, Part
Time Traineeships
A full time Trainee Enrolled Nurse will be engaged as a
full-time employee for a maximum of one year’s duration.
A part time Trainee Enrolled Nurse will be engaged as a
part time employee for a maximum of two years’ duration.
A Trainee Enrolled Nurse who undertakes a Traineeship
on a part-time basis works less than full-time ordinary hours and will
undertake the approved training at the same or lesser training time than a
full-time trainee.
(vi) Employment
(a) A Trainee
Enrolled Nurse will be subject to a satisfactory probation period of up to one
month which may be reduced at the discretion of the employer.
(b) By agreement in
writing, and with the consent of the relevant NSW Training Authority, the
relevant employer and the Trainee may vary the duration of the Traineeship and
the extent of approved training. Any agreement to vary will be in accordance
with the relevant Traineeship.
(c) Where the
trainee completes the qualification in the Training Contract earlier than the
time specified in the Training Contract then the Traineeship may be concluded
by mutual agreement.
(d) A traineeship
will not be terminated before its conclusion except in accordance with the Apprenticeship
and Traineeship Act 2001 (NSW) or by mutual agreement.
(e) An employer who
chooses not to continue the employment of a Trainee upon the completion of the
Traineeship will notify, in writing, the relevant NSW Training Authority of
their decision.
(f) The Trainee
will be permitted to be absent from work without loss of continuity of
employment and/or wages to attend training in accordance with the Traineeship
(g) Where the
employment of a Trainee by an employer is continued after the completion of the
traineeship period, such employment period will be counted as service for the
purposes of this award or any other legislative entitlement.
(h) The Traineeship
Agreement may restrict the circumstances under which the Trainee may work
overtime and shiftwork in order to
ensure the training programme is successfully completed.
(i) No
Trainee Enrolled Nurses will work overtime or shiftwork
unless under the direct supervision of a registered nurse.
(ii) No Trainee
Enrolled Nurse will work shiftwork unless the parties
to a Traineeship agree that such shiftwork makes
satisfactory provision for structured training.
(iii) Such training
may be applied over a cycle in excess of a week but
must average over the relevant period no less than the amount of training
required for non-shiftwork Trainee Enrolled Nurses.
(iv) No Trainee
Enrolled Nurse will be rostered to work a shift any less than 8 hours prior to
attending off the job training requirements, or any less than 8 hours after
having completed off the job training requirements.
(i) The
Trainee Enrolled Nurse wages will be in accordance with Table 1 - Salaries, of
Part B, Monetary Rates and will be the basis for the calculation of overtime
and/or shift penalty rates prescribed by this award.
(j) A Trainee who
fails to either complete the Traineeship or who cannot for any reason be placed
in employment with the employer on successful completion of the Traineeship
will not be entitled to any severance payments
(k) All the terms
and conditions of this award or former industrial agreements that are
applicable to the Trainee Enrolled Nurse will apply unless specifically varied
by this clause.
41. Trainee Assistant
in Nursing
(i) Application
(a) This clause
will apply subject to the paragraph (b) to persons who are undertaking training
as an assistant in nursing under a Traineeship (as defined).
(b) Notwithstanding
the foregoing, clause 41, Trainee Assistant in Nursing, will not apply to
employees who were employed under this award or awards that previously covered
these employees, prior to the date of approval of a traineeship scheme relevant
to the employer, except where agreed between the employer and the relevant
(c) This clause
does not apply to the apprenticeship system or any training programme which
applies to the same occupation and achieves essentially the same training
outcome as an existing apprenticeship in an award as at
27 April 1998 or in an award that binds the employer.
(d) For the removal
of any doubt, this clause only applies to the employment of Trainees as trainee
assistants in nursing.
(e) At the
conclusion of the traineeship, this clause will cease to apply to the
employment of the trainee and general provisions under this award will apply to
the former trainee.
(ii) Objective
The objective of clause 41, Trainee Assistant in
Nursing is to assist with the establishment of a system of traineeships which
provides approved training in conjunction with employment in
order to enhance the skill levels and future employment prospects of
trainees, particularly young people and the long term unemployed. The system is neither designed nor intended
for those who are already trained and job ready. It is not intended that
existing employees will be displaced from employment by trainees. It is
intended to apply only to the employment of Trainees as assistants in nursing.
Except as provided for in subclause (iv) of clause 41, Trainee Assistant in
Nursing nothing in this clause will be taken to replace the prescription of
training requirements in this award.
(iii) Definitions
"Appropriate State Legislation" means the
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 (NSW), or any successor
"Relevant NSW Training Authority"
means the Department of Education, or successor organisation.
"School Based Trainee" means a student enrolled
in the Higher School Certificate, or equivalent qualification, who is
undertaking a traineeship which forms part of a recognised component of their
HSC curriculum,
and is endorsed by the
relevant NSW Training Authority and the NSW Board of Studies as such.
"Structured Training" means that training which is specified in the Training Plan,
which is part of the Training Contract registered with the relevant NSW
Training Authority. It includes training
undertaken both on and off the job in a Traineeship and involves formal
instruction, both theoretical and practical, and supervised practice. The
training reflects the requirements of a traineeship approved by the relevant
NSW Training Authority and leads to a qualification as set out in paragraph (f)
of subclause (iv) of clause 41, Trainee Assistant in Nursing.
"Trainee" means an employee, employed for
training as an assistant in nursing, who is bound by a Training Contract made
in accordance with this award.
"Traineeship" means a contract entered into for the purposes of establishing a Traineeship
under the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 (NSW).
"Training Plan" means a programme
of training which forms part of a Training Contract registered with the relevant
NSW Training Authority.
"Year 10" means for the purposes of this award
any person leaving school before completing Year 10 will be deemed to have
completed Year 10.
(iv) Training
(a) The Trainee
will attend an approved training course or training programme prescribed in the
Training Contract or as notified to the Trainee by the relevant NSW Training
Authority in accredited and relevant Traineeship.
(b) A Traineeship
will not commence until the relevant Training Contract, has been signed by the
employer and the Trainee and lodged for registration with the relevant NSW
Training Authority, provided that if the Training Contract is not in a standard
format a Traineeship will not commence until the Training Contract has been
registered with the relevant NSW Training Authority.
(c) The employer
will ensure that the Trainee is permitted to attend the training course or
programme provided for in the Training Contract and will ensure that the
Trainee receives the appropriate on-the-job training.
(d) The employer
will provide a level of supervision in accordance with the Training Contract
during the traineeship period.
(e) The employer
agrees that the overall training programme will be monitored by officers of the
relevant NSW Training Authority and training records or work
books may be utilised as part of this monitoring process.
(f) Training
will be directed at:
(i) the
achievement of key competencies required for successful participation in the
workplace (where these have not been achieved) (e.g.
literacy, numeracy, problem solving, team work, using technology), and as are
proposed to be included in the Australian Qualification Framework Level 1
This could be achieved through foundation competencies
which are part of endorsed competencies for an industry or enterprise; and/or
(ii) the achievement
of competencies required for successful participation in an industry or
enterprise (where there are endorsed national standards these will define these
(v) Employment
(a) A Trainee will
be engaged as a full-time employee for a maximum of one year’s duration or a
part time trainee for a maximum period of 2 years, unless the relevant NSW
Training Authority directs, the maximum duration for a traineeship will be thirty six months.
(b) A Trainee will
be subject to a satisfactory probation period of up to one month which may be
reduced at the discretion of the employer.
(c) By agreement in
writing, and with the consent of the relevant NSW Training Authority, the
relevant employer and the Trainee may vary the duration of the Traineeship and
the extent of approved training provided that any agreement to vary is in
accordance with the relevant Traineeship .
(d) Where the
trainee completes the qualification, in the Training Contract, earlier than the
time specified in the Traineeship Agreement then the traineeship may be
concluded by mutual agreement.
(e) An employer
will not terminate the employment of a Trainee without firstly having provided
written notice of termination to the Trainee concerned and the relevant NSW
Training Authority in accordance with the Training Contract or the Apprenticeship
and Traineeship Act 2001 (NSW).
An employer who chooses not to continue to the
employment of a Trainee upon the completion of the traineeship will notify, in
writing, the relevant NSW Training Authority of their decision.
(i) The
Training Contract may restrict the circumstances under which the Trainee may
work overtime and shiftwork in
order to ensure the training programme is successfully completed.
(ii) No Trainee will
work overtime or shiftwork on their own unless
consistent with the provisions of this award.
(iii) No Trainee will
work shiftwork unless the parties to this award agree
that such shiftwork makes satisfactory provision for
approved training. Such training may be applied over a cycle in
excess of a week but must average over the relevant period no less than
the amount of training required for non-shiftwork
(iv) The Trainee
wages will be the basis for the calculation of overtime and/or shift penalty
rates prescribed by this award, unless otherwise agreed by the parties to a
(g) All other terms
and conditions of this award or other industrial instruments that are
applicable to the Trainee or would be applicable to the Trainee but for clause
41, Trainee Assistant in Nursing, will apply unless specifically varied by this
(h) A Trainee who
fails to either complete the Traineeship or who cannot for any reason be placed
in full time employment with the employer on successful completion of the
Traineeship will not be entitled to any severance payments.
(i) The
trainee will be permitted to be absent from work without loss of continuity of
employment and/or wages to attend Structured Training in accordance with the
Training Contract.
(j) Where the
employment of a Trainee be an employer is continued after the completion of the
traineeship period, such traineeship period will be counted as service for the
purposes of this award or any other legislative entitlement.
(vi) Wages
(i) The
weekly wages payable to trainees are as provided in Table 4 - Wages - Trainees,
of Part B, Monetary Rates, and in accordance with subclause (v), Employment
(ii) These wage
rates will only apply to trainees while they are undertaking an approved
traineeship which includes approved training as defined in clause 41, Trainee
Assistant in Nursing.
(iii) The wage rates
prescribed by this clause do not apply to the complete trade level training
which is covered by the apprenticeship system.
(b) The wage rates
have been determined, having regard to the following criteria:
(i) the
agreement of the parties;
(ii) the nature of
the industry;
(iii) the total
training plan;
(iv) recognition that
training can be undertaken in stages;
(v) the exit skill level
in this award contemplated by the traineeship.
(c) For the
purposes of the said Table 4, "out of school" will refer only to
periods out of school beyond Year 10, and will be deemed to:
(i) include
any period of schooling beyond Year 10 which was not part of, nor contributed
to, a completed year of schooling;
(ii) include any
period during which a trainee repeats in whole or part a year of schooling
beyond Year 10;
(iii) not include any
period during a calendar year in which a year of schooling is completed; and
(iv) have effect on
an anniversary date, being 1 January in each year.
(d) At the
conclusion of the traineeship, clause 41, Trainee
Assistant in Nursing, ceases to apply to the employment of the trainee and
general provisions within this award will apply to the former trainee.
(vii) Part-Time
This subclause will apply to trainees who undertake a
traineeship on a part-time basis by working less than full-time ordinary hours
and by undertaking the approved training at the same or lesser training time
than a full-time trainee.
(a) The wage rate
will be pro rata the full-time rates based on variation in the amount of
training and/or the amount of work over the period of the traineeship, which
may also be varied on the basis of the following
trainee hours - average weekly
training time
Full-time wage rate
*NOTE: 30.4 in the
above formula represents 38 ordinary full-time hours less the average training
time for full-time trainees (i.e., 20%). A pro rata adjustment would need to be
made in the case where ordinary full-time hours were not 38.
(b) "Full-time
wage rate" means the appropriate rates as set out in Table 4 - Wages
-Trainees, of Part B and School Based Traineeships in Table 5 of Part B
(c) "Trainee
hours" will be the hours worked per week including the time spent in
approved vocational training. For the purpose of this definition, the time spent in
approved vocational training may be taken as an average for that particular
year of the Traineeship.
(d) "Average
weekly training time" is based upon the length of the traineeships
specified in the traineeship contract or training contract as follows:
x 12
of the traineeship in months
7.6 in the above formula represents the average weekly
training time for a full-time trainee whose ordinary hours are 38 per
week. A pro rata adjustment would need
to be made in the case where ordinary full-time hours were not 38.
The parties note that the training contract will
require a trainee to be employed for sufficient hours to complete all
requirements of the traineeship, including the on-the-job work experience and
demonstration of competencies. The
parties also note that this would normally result in the equivalent of a full day's
on-the-job work per week.
(e) A part-time
trainee will receive, on a pro rata basis, all employment conditions applicable
to a full-time trainee. All the
provisions of clause 41, Trainee Assistant in Nursing will apply to part-time
trainees except as specified in this -subclause.
(f) A part-time
trainee may, by agreement, transfer from a part-time to a full-time traineeship
position should one become available.
(g) The minimum
engagement periods specified in this award will also be applicable to part-time
Example of the calculation
for the wage rate for a part-time traineeship:
A school student (year 10)
commences a traineeship in Year 11 (plus one year out of school).
The ordinary hours of work in
this award is 38.
The Training Contract specifies two years (24 months)
as the length of the
"Average weekly training
time" is, therefore, 7.6 x 12/24 = 3.8 hours
"Trainee hours"
totals 15 hours. These are made up of
11 hours' work, which is worked over two days of the week, plus 1 1/2 hours
on-the-job training, plus 2 1/2 hours off-the-job approved training at school
and at a Registered Training Organisation.
the wage rate for a school leaver, plus one year out of school is:
$187 x (15= $68.90 plus any
applicable penalty rates under the award.
The wage rate varies when the
student completes Year 11 and passes the anniversary date of 1 January the
following year to begin Year 12 and/or if "trainee hours" changes.
(viii) School Based
(a) School‑Based
Trainees will not be required to attend work during the interval starting four
weeks prior to the commencement of the final Higher School Certificate
examination period and ending upon the completion of the individual's last
examination period.
(b) For the purposes
of clause 41, Trainee Assistant in Nursing, a School‑Based Trainee will
become an ordinary Trainee as at January 1 of the year
following in which they cease to be a school student.
(c) An Employer
will not terminate the employment of a Trainee without firstly having provided
written notice of termination to the Trainee, and to the relevant NSW Training
Authority in accordance with the Training Contract or the Apprenticeship and
Traineeship Act 2001 (NSW).
An Employer who chooses not to continue the employment
of a Trainee upon the completion of the traineeship will notify, in writing,
the relevant NSW Training Authority of their decision.
(d) The Trainee will
be permitted to be absent from work without loss of continuity of employment
and/or wages to attend the training in accordance with the Training Contract
(e) Where the
employment of a Trainee by an Employer is continued after the completion of the
Traineeship period, such Traineeship period will be counted as service for the
purposes of this award or any other legislative entitlements.
(f) The Training
Contract may restrict the circumstances under which the Trainee may work
overtime and shiftwork in order to
ensure that the training program is successfully completed.
(g) No Trainee will
work overtime or shiftwork on their own unless
consistent with the provisions of this award.
(h) No Trainee will
work shiftwork unless the parties to this award agree
that such shiftwork makes satisfactory provision for
approved training. Such training may be
applied over a cycle in excess of a week but must
average over the relevant period no less than the amount of training required
for non-shiftwork Trainees.
(i) The
Trainee wage will be the basis for the calculation of overtime and/or shift
penalty rates prescribed by this award, unless otherwise agreed by the parties
to a Traineeship.
(j) All other terms
and conditions of this award that are applicable to the Trainee or would be
applicable to the Trainee but for this clause will apply unless specifically
varied by this clause.
(k) A Trainee who
fails to complete the Traineeship or who is not offered employment with the
employer on successful completion of the Traineeship will not be entitled to
any severance payments.
42. Right of Entry
See Part 7 of Chapter 5 of the Industrial Relations Act
1996 (NSW).
43. Redundancy
(i) Application
(a) In respect to employers who employ 15 or
more employees immediately prior to the termination of employment of the
employees, in the terms of clause 37, Termination of Employment.
(b) Notwithstanding anything contained
elsewhere in this clause, this clause will not apply to employees with less
than one year's continuous service and the general obligation on employers will
be no more than to give such employees an indication of the impending
redundancy at the first reasonable opportunity, and to take such steps as may
be reasonable to facilitate the obtaining by the employees of suitable
alternative employment.
(c) Notwithstanding anything contained
elsewhere in this clause, this clause will not apply where employment is
terminated as a consequence of conduct that justifies
instant dismissal, including malingering, inefficiency or neglect of duty, or
in the case of casual employees or employees engaged for a specific period of
time or for a specified task or tasks or where employment is terminated due to
the ordinary and customary turnover of labour.
(d) Clause 43, Redundancy, will apply to all
full-time and part-time employees in classifications listed in Part B, Monetary
Rates, Table 1 - Salaries.
(ii) Redundancy
before Termination
(a) Where an employer has made a definite decision
that the employer no longer wishes the job the employee has been doing to be
done by anyone pursuant to paragraph (a) of subclause (i) of clause 52, Introduction of Change, and that decision may
lead to the termination of employment, the employer will hold discussions with
the employees directly affected and with the union to which they belong.
(b) The discussions will take place as soon as
is practicable after the employer has made a definite decision which will
invoke the provision of paragraph (a) of this subclause and will cover, inter
alia, any reasons for the proposed terminations, measures to avoid or minimise
the terminations and measures to mitigate any adverse effects of any
termination on the employees concerned.
(c) For the purposes of the discussion the
employer will, as soon as practicable, provide to the employees concerned and
the union to which they belong all relevant information about the proposed
terminations including the reasons for the proposed terminations, the number and categories of employees likely to be affected,
and the number of employees normally employed and the period over which the
terminations are likely to be carried out.
Provided that any employer will not be required to disclose confidential
information the disclosure of which would adversely affect the employer.
(iii) Notice
(a) Notice
for Changes in Production, Programme, Organisation or Structure
subclause sets out the notice provisions to be applied to terminations by the
employer for reasons arising from production, programme, organisation
or structure in accordance with paragraph (a) of subclause (i)
of clause 52, Introduction of Change.
(i) In order to terminate the employment of
an employee the employer shall give to the employee the following notice:
Period of continuous service
Period of notice
Less than 1 year
1 week
1 year and less
than 3 years
2 weeks
3 years and less
than 5 years
3 weeks
5 years and over
4 weeks
(ii) In addition to the notice above, employees
over 45 years of age at the time of the giving of the notice, with not less
than two years' continuous service, shall be entitled to an additional week's
(iii) Payment in lieu of the notice above shall
be made if the appropriate notice period is not given. Provided that employment
may be terminated by part of the period of notice specified and part payment in
lieu thereof.
(b) Notice for Technological Change
This subclause sets out the notice provisions
to be applied to terminations by the employer for reasons arising from
"technology" in accordance with paragraph (a) of subclause (i) of the said clause 52.
(i) In order to
terminate the employment of an employee, the employer shall give to the
employee three months notice of termination.
(ii) Payment in lieu of the notice above shall
be made if the appropriate notice period is not given. Provided that employment may be terminated by
part of the period of notice specified and part payment in lieu thereof.
(iii) The period of notice required by this
subclause to be given shall be deemed to be service with the employer for the
purposes of the Long Service Leave Act 1955, the Annual Holidays Act 1944,
or any Act amending or replacing either of these Acts.
(c) Time Off during the Notice Period
(i) During the
period of notice of termination given by the employer, an employee shall be
allowed up to one day's time off without loss of pay during each week of
notice, to a maximum of five weeks, for the purpose of seeking other
(ii) If the employee has been allowed paid
leave for more than one day during the notice period for the purpose of seeking
other employment, the employee shall, at the request of the employer, be
required to produce proof of attendance at an interview or the employee shall
not receive payment for the time absent.
(d) Employee Leaving during the Notice Period
If the employment of an employee is
terminated (other than for misconduct) before the notice period expires, the
employee shall be entitled to the same benefits and payments under this clause
had the employee remained with the employer until the expiry of such
notice. Provided that in such
circumstance the employee shall not be entitled to payment in lieu of notice.
(e) Notice to Centrelink
Where a decision has been made to terminate
the employment of employees, the employer shall notify Centrelink thereof as
soon as possible giving relevant information including the number and
categories of the employees likely to be affected and the period over which the
terminations are intended to be carried out.
(f) Centrelink Employment Separation
The employer shall, upon receipt of a request
from an employee whose employment has been terminated, provide to the employee
an "Employment Separation Certificate" in the form required by
(g) Transfer to Lower Paid Duties
Where an employee is transferred to lower
paid duties for reasons set out in subclause (i) of
the said clause 52, the employee shall be entitled to the same period of notice
of transfer as the employee would have been entitled to if the employee's
employment had been terminated, and the employer may at the employer's option
make payment in lieu thereof of an amount equal to the difference between the
former ordinary-time rate of pay and the new ordinary-time rate for the number
of weeks notice still owing.
(iv) Severance Pay
Where the employment of an employee is to be terminated
pursuant to this clause, subject to any further order of the Industrial
Relations Commission of New South Wales pursuant to paragraphs (b) or (c) of
subclause (iv) of clause 43, the employer will pay the following severance pay
in respect of a continuous period of service.
(i) If
an employee is under 45 years of age, the employer will pay in accordance with
the following scale:
Years of Service
Less than 1 year
1 year and less
than 2 years
4 weeks
2 years and less
than 3 years
7 weeks
3 years and less
than 4 years
10 weeks
4 years and less
than 5 years
12 weeks
5 years and less
than 6 years
14 weeks
6 years and over
16 weeks
(ii) Where an employee is 45 years of age or
over, the entitlement will be in accordance with the following scale:
Years of Service
Less than 1 year
1 year and less
than 2 years
5 weeks
2 years and less
than 3 years
8.75 weeks
3 years and less
than 4 years
12.5 weeks
4 years and less
than 5 years
15 weeks
5 years and less
than 6 years
17.5 weeks
6 years and over
20 weeks
(iii) "Week's pay" means the
all-purpose rate of pay for the employee concerned at the date of termination,
and will include, in addition to the ordinary rate of pay, over-award payments,
shift penalties and allowances specified in paragraph (iv) of this subclause
paid in accordance with the award covering the wages and conditions of the
(iv) For the purposes of this clause, the
following allowances in paragraphs (a) and (b) of subclause (i) of clause 9, Special Allowances, and
subclauses (i) and (ii) of clause 11, Climatic and
Isolation Allowance.
(v) A "week's pay" for a particular
employee will be determined according to the average week's pay received by the
employee in the period immediately prior to their last date of employment equal
to the number of weeks of severance pay to which the employee is entitled under
paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this subclause.
(b) Incapacity to Pay
Subject to an
application by the employer and further order of the Industrial Relations
Commission of New South Wales, an employer may pay a lesser amount (or no
amount) of severance pay than that contained in paragraph (a) of subclause (iv)
of clause 43, Redundancy.
The Commission
will have regard to such financial and other resources of the employer
concerned as the Commission thinks relevant, and the probable effect paying the
amount of severance pay in the said paragraph (a) will have on the employer.
(c) Alternative Employment
Subject to an
application by the employer and further order of the Industrial Relations
Commission, an employer may pay a lesser amount (or no amount) of severance pay
than that contained in paragraph (a) of subclause (iv) of clause 43 Redundancy, if the employer obtains acceptable alternative
employment for an employee.
(v) Upon the termination of the services of
an employee, the employer will furnish the employee with a written statement,
duly signed by or on behalf of the employer, setting out the period of the
employment and the capacity in which the employee was employed. In addition, an employer will provide to Assistants
in Nursing a statement of in-service training and/or education which the
employee has undertaken.
(vi) Employees who have accrued additional days
off duty pursuant to subclause (vii) of clause 2, Hours of Work and Free Time
of Employees Other Than Directors of Nursing, will be paid for such accrued
time as ordinary rate of pay upon termination.
(vii) Savings Clause
Nothing in this
clause will be construed so as to require the
reduction or alteration of more advantageous benefits or conditions which an
employee may be entitled to under any existing redundancy arrangement, taken as
a whole, between the union and any employer bound by this award.
44. Attendance at
Meetings and Fire Drills
(i) Any
employee required to work outside the ordinary hours of work in satisfaction of
the requirements for compulsory fire safety practices (e.g., fire drill and
evacuation procedures), contained within the NSW Health Policy Directive
PD2010_024 - Fire Safety in Health Care Facilities, will be entitled to be paid
the "ordinary rate" for the actual time spent in attendance at such
practices. Such time spent in attendance will not be viewed as overtime for the
purposes of this award.
(ii) Any employee
required to attend Occupational Health and Safety Committee and/or Board of
Management meetings in the capacity of employee representative will, if such
meetings are held outside the ordinary hours of work, be entitled to receive
payment at the "ordinary rate" for the actual time spent in
attendance at such meetings. Such time spent in attendance will not be viewed
as overtime for the purposes of this award.
(iii) For the
purposes of this clause, "ordinary rate" will include amounts payable
under clause 6, Salaries, subclauses (i) and (ii) of
clause 9, Special Allowances, and clause 11, Climatic and Isolation Allowance,
plus, where appropriate, the ten per cent loading prescribed in clause 21,
Part-time, Casual and Temporary Employees, for employees engaged otherwise than
as a full-time or permanent part-time employee.
45. Training for
(i) Each
employer will provide a minimum of 12 hours of in-service training per annum to
Assistants in Nursing.
(ii) Each employer
may make training available to nurses other than Assistants in Nursing.
(iii) Each employee
will provide to their employer details of their attendance at in-service
training and the employer will keep a record of this attendance.
(iv) Upon termination
of the employee’s employment the employer will provide to the employee a
written statement of the hours of in-service training attended by the employee.
(v) Where
practicable, such training will be provided to employees during the normal
rostered hours of work. Where it is not practicable to provide such training
during the normal rostered hours of work then:
(a) Employees will
attend in-service training outside their normal rostered working hours when
required to do so by the employer.
(b) An employer will
provide employees with two weeks notice of the
requirement to attend training outside of their normal rostered working hours.
(c) Notwithstanding
clause 18, Overtime, attendance at such training will be paid at ordinary
(d) Notwithstanding
subclause (iv) of clause 2, Hours of Work and Free Time of Employees Other Than
Directors of Nursing, attendance at such in-service training outside the normal
rostered working time of an employee will not affect the ordinary rate paid to
the employee during normal rostered working time.
46. Resolution of
Grievances and disputes will be dealt with in the following
(i) The employee is to
notify (in writing or otherwise) the employer as to the substance of the
grievance, requesting a meeting with the employer for discussions and state the
remedy sought. This meeting will take
place within two working days of the issue arising (weekends and public
holidays excepted).
(ii) If
agreement is not reached, the matter will then be referred by either party to a
higher authority (where this exists) no later than three working days after
subclause (i) above (weekends and public holidays
excepted). At the conclusion of the
discussion, the employer must provide a response to the employee’s grievance if
the matter has not been resolved, including reasons (in writing or otherwise)
for not implementing the proposed remedy.
(iii) Failing
settlement of the issue at this level, the matter will be submitted to a
committee consisting of not more than four members, two of whom will be
appointed by the facility concerned (and for the purpose of this subclause the
facility may ask their employer organisation to assist) and two by the
(iv) Whilst these
procedures are continuing, no stoppage of work or any form of ban or limitation
of work will be applied.
(v) The Association
reserves the right to vary this procedure where it is considered a safety
factor is involved.
(vi) This clause will
not interfere with the right of either party to institute proceedings for the
determination of any matter in accordance with the Industrial Relations Act
1996 (NSW).
(i) It
is the intention of the parties bound by this award to seek to achieve the
object in section 3(f) of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) to
prevent and eliminate discrimination in the workplace. This includes
discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, marital status, disability,
homosexuality, transgender identity, age and
responsibilities as a carer.
(ii) It follows that
in fulfilling their obligations under the dispute resolution procedure
prescribed by this award the parties have obligations to take all reasonable
steps to ensure that the operation of the provisions of this award are not
directly or indirectly discriminatory in their effects. It will be consistent with the fulfilment of
these obligations for the parties to make application to vary any provision of
the award which, by its terms or operation, has a direct or indirect
discriminatory effect.
(iii) Under the Anti-Discrimination
Act 1977 (NSW), it is unlawful to victimise an employee because the
employee has made or may make or has been involved in a complaint of unlawful
discrimination or harassment.
(iv) Nothing in this
clause is to be taken to affect:
(a) any conduct or
act which is specifically exempted from anti-discrimination legislation;
(b) offering or
providing junior rates of pay to persons under 21 years of age;
(c) any act or
practice of a body established to propagate religion which is exempted under
section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW);
(d) a party to this
award from pursuing matters of unlawful discrimination in any State or Federal
(v) This clause
does not create legal rights or obligations in addition to those imposed upon
the parties by legislation referred to in this clause.
(i) Employers
and employees may also be subject to Commonwealth anti-discrimination
(ii) Section 56(d)
of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) provides:
"Nothing in this Act affects any other act or
practice of a body established to propagate religion that conforms to the
doctrines of that religion or is necessary to avoid injury to the religious
susceptibilities of the adherents of that religion".
48. Enterprise
Part 1 - Parties
(i) As
part of the Structural Efficiency exercise and as an ongoing process for
improvements in productivity and efficiency, discussion should take place at an
enterprise to provide more flexible working arrangements, improvement in the
quality of working life, enhancement of skills, training and job satisfaction,
and positive assistance in the restructuring process and to encourage
consultation mechanisms across the workplace to all employees in an enterprise
and consideration of a single bargaining unit in all multi-union/union award
workplaces. Union delegates at the place of work may be involved in such
(ii) The terms of
any proposed genuine arrangement reached between an employer and employee(s) in
any enterprise will, after due processing, substitute for the provisions of
this award to the extent that they are contrary, provided that:
(a) A majority of employees affected genuinely agree.
(b) Such arrangement
is consistent with the current State Wage Case principles.
(a) Before
any arrangement requiring variation to the award is signed and processed in
accordance with Part 2 of this clause, details of such arrangements will be
forwarded in writing to the union or unions with members in that enterprise
affected by the changes and the employer association, if any, of which the
employer is a member. A union or an employer association may, within 14 days
thereof, notify the employer in writing of any objection to the proposed
arrangements, including the reasons for such objection.
(b) When an
objection is raised, the parties are to confer in an effort
to resolve the issue.
Part 2 - Procedures to be followed - Such enterprise arrangements
will be processed as follows
(i) All
employees will be provided with the current prescriptions (e.g., award,
industrial agreement, enterprise agreement or enterprise arrangement) that
apply at the place of work.
(a) Where an arrangement
is agreed between the employer and the employees or their authorised
representative at an enterprise, such arrangement will be committed to writing.
Where the arrangement is agreed between the employer
and an absolute majority of permanent employees under this award at an
enterprise, such arrangement will be committed to writing.
(b) The authorised
representative of employees at an enterprise may include a delegate, organiser
or official of the relevant union if requested to be involved by the majority of employees at the establishment.
(iii) The arrangement
will be signed by the employer, or the employer's duly authorised
representative, and the employees, or their authorised representative with whom
agreement was reached.
(iv) Where an arrangement
is objected to in accordance with paragraph (a) of subclause (iii) of Part 1 of
this clause and the objection is not resolved, an employer may make application
to the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales to vary the award to
give effect to the arrangement.
(v) The union
and/or the employer association will not unreasonably withhold consent to the
arrangements agreed upon by the parties.
(vi) If no party
objects to the arrangement, then a consent application will be made to the
Industrial Relations Commission to have the arrangement approved and the award
varied in the manner specified in subclause (vii). Such applications are to be
processed in accordance with the appropriate State Wage Case principles.
(vii) Where
an arrangement is approved by the Industrial Relations Commission and the
arrangement is contrary to any provisions of the award, then the name of the
enterprise to which the arrangement applies, the date of operation of the
arrangement, the award provisions from which the said enterprise is exempt, and
the alternative provisions which are to apply in lieu of such award provisions
(or reference to such alternative provisions), will be set out in a schedule to
the award.
(viii) Such arrangement
when approved will be displayed on a notice board at each enterprise affected.
(ix) No existing
employee will suffer a reduction in entitlement to earnings, award or over
award, for working ordinary hours of work as the result of any award changes
made as part of the implementation of the arrangement.
49. Exemptions
(i) This
award will not apply to members, novices or aspirants
of religious orders in any facility.
(ii) Clause 51,
Superannuation, will apply to all persons employed as nurses or in accordance
with the profession of nursing in the State of New South Wales excluding the
County of Yancawinna.
50. Secure Employment
(i) Objective
of this clause
The objective of this clause is for the employer to take
all reasonable steps to provide its employees with secure employment by
maximising the number of permanent positions in the employer’s workforce, in particular by ensuring that casual employees have an
opportunity to elect to become full-time or part-time employees.
(ii) Casual
(a) A
casual employee engaged by a particular employer on a regular and systematic
basis for a sequence of periods of employment under this award during a
calendar period of six months will thereafter have the right to elect to have
their ongoing contract of employment converted to permanent full-time
employment or part-time employment if the employment is to continue beyond the
conversion process prescribed by this subclause.
(b) Every
employer of such a casual employee will give the employee notice in writing of
the provisions of this subclause within four weeks of the employee having
attained such period of six months. However, the employee retains their right
of election under this subclause if the employer fails to comply with this
notice requirement.
(c) Any
casual employee who has a right to elect under paragraph (ii)(a)upon receiving
notice under paragraph (ii)(b) or after the expiry of the time for giving such
notice, may give four weeks’ notice in writing to the employer that they seek
to elect to convert their ongoing contract of employment to full-time or
part-time employment, and within four weeks of receiving such notice from the
employee, the employer will consent to or refuse the election, but will not
unreasonably so refuse. Where an employer refuses an election to convert, the
reasons for doing so will be fully stated and discussed with the employee
concerned, and a genuine attempt will be made to reach agreement. Any dispute
about a refusal of an election to convert an ongoing contract of employment
will be dealt with as far as practicable and with expedition through the disputes settlement procedure.
(d) Any casual
employee who does not, within four weeks of receiving written notice from the
employer, elect to convert their ongoing contract of employment to full-time
employment or part-time employment will be deemed to have elected against any
such conversion.
(e) Once a casual
employee has elected to become and been converted to a full-time employee or a
part-time employee, the employee may only revert to casual employment by
written agreement with the employer.
(f) If
a casual employee has elected to have their contract of employment converted to
full-time or part-time employment in accordance with paragraph (ii)(c), the
employer and employee will, in accordance with this paragraph, and subject to
paragraph (ii)(c), discuss and agree upon:
(i) whether
the employee will convert to full-time or part-time employment; and
(ii) if it is agreed
that the employee will become a part-time employee, the number of hours and the
pattern of hours that will be worked either consistent with any other part-time
employment provisions of this award or pursuant to a part time work agreement
made under Chapter 2, Part 5 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW);
Provided that an employee who has worked on a full-time
basis throughout the period of casual employment has the right to elect to
convert their contract of employment to full-time employment and an employee
who has worked on a part-time basis during the period of casual employment has
the right to elect to convert their contract of employment to part-time
employment, on the basis of the same number of hours and times of work as
previously worked, unless other arrangements are agreed between the employer
and the employee.
(g) Following an
agreement being reached pursuant to paragraph (f), the employee will convert to
full-time or part-time employment. If there is any dispute about the
arrangements to apply to an employee converting from casual employment to
full-time or part-time employment, it will be dealt with as far as practicable
and with expedition through the disputes settlement
(h) An employee must
not be engaged and re-engaged, dismissed or replaced
in order to avoid any obligation under this subclause.
(iii) Work
Health and Safety
(a) For the
purposes of this subclause, the following definitions will apply:
(i) A
"labour hire business" is a business (whether an organisation,
business enterprise, company, partnership, co-operative, sole trader, family
trust or unit trust, corporation and/or person) which has as its business
function, or one of its business functions, to supply staff employed or engaged
by it to another employer for the purpose of such staff performing work or
services for that other employer.
(ii) A
"contract business" is a business (whether an organisation, business
enterprise, company, partnership, co-operative, sole trader, family trust or
unit trust, corporation and/or person) which is contracted by another employer
to provide a specified service or services or to produce a specific outcome or
result for that other employer which might otherwise have been carried out by
that other employer’s own employees.
(b) Any employer
which engages a labour hire business and/or a contract business to perform work
wholly or partially on the employer’s premises will do the following (either
directly, or through the agency of the labour hire or contract business):
(i) consult
with employees of the labour hire business and/or contract business regarding
the workplace occupational health and safety consultative arrangements;
(ii) provide
employees of the labour hire business and/or contract business with appropriate
occupational health and safety induction training including the appropriate
training required for such employees to perform their jobs safely;
(iii) provide
employees of the labour hire business and/or contract business with appropriate
personal protective equipment and/or clothing and all safe work method
statements that they would otherwise supply to their own employees; and
(iv) ensure employees
of the labour hire business and/or contract business are made aware of any
risks identified in the workplace and the procedures to control those risks.
(c) Nothing in
clause 50(iii) is intended to affect or detract from any obligation or
responsibility upon a labour hire business arising under the Work Health and
Safety Act 2011 (NSW) or the Workplace Injury Management and Workers
Compensation Act 1998 (NSW).
(iv) Disputes
Regarding the Application of this clause
Where a dispute arises as to the application or
implementation of this clause, the matter will be dealt with pursuant to the disputes settlement procedure of this award.
(v) This clause has
no application in respect of organisations which are properly registered as
Group Training Organisations under the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act
2001 (NSW) (or equivalent interstate legislation) and are deemed by the
relevant State Training Authority to comply with the national standards for
Group Training Organisations established by relevant federal bodies.
51. Superannuation
(i) Superannuation
(a) The subject of
superannuation is dealt with extensively by federal legislation, including the Superannuation
Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth), the Superannuation
Guarantee Charge Act 1992 (Cth), the Superannuation
Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth), the
Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Act 1993 (Cth),
and section 124 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW). This legislation, as varied from time to
time, will govern the superannuation rights and obligations of the parties.
(ii) Contribution
(a) The employer
will make, in respect of qualified employees, legislated superannuation
contributions currently set at 10% of ordinary-time earnings into an approved
fund. Such contributions will be
remitted to the approved fund on a monthly basis. With respect to casual employees,
contributions will be remitted at the time that employees receive their annual
group certificate.
(b) It is provided
further that an employee may nominate one complying fund to which all award and
statutory superannuation contributions in respect of them will be paid, subject
to employer approval of the fund nominated by the employee. Provided that the employer will not
unreasonably withhold agreement unless it establishes good and proper reasons
for the withholding of agreement.
(c) Where no such
nomination is made before any such contributions become payable, the
contribution referred to in subclause (a) of this clause will be paid to the
approved fund for that place of employment.
(iii) Salary
Sacrifice to Superannuation
(a) Salary
Sacrifice to Superannuation means the option of making additional
superannuation contributions by electing to sacrifice a portion of the gross
earnings (pre tax dollars) under this award. This will give the effect of reducing the taxable
income by the amount for salary sacrifice.
(b) Salary sacrifice to superannuation will be offered to employees by
mutual agreement between the employee and employer.
(c) Such election
must be made prior to the commencement of the period of service to which the
earnings relate.
(d) One change of a
sacrificed amount will be permitted in an employee’s anniversary year, which is
12 months from the date of commencement of employment, without incurring an
administration charge ($50.00). Changing
from full-time to part-time or part-time to full-time employment will not be
classified as a change for administration charge purposes.
(e) The amount
sacrificed must not exceed any relevant superannuation guarantee contribution
(f) The sacrificed
portion of salary reduces the salary subject to PAYG taxation deductions.
(g) Any allowance,
penalty rate, overtime, payment for unused leave entitlements, other than any payments
for leave taken whilst employed, will be calculated by reference to the salary
which would have applied to the employee in the absence of any salary sacrifice
to superannuation. Payment for leave
taken whilst employed will be at the post-salary sacrificed amount.
(h) Salary sacrifice
arrangements can be cancelled by either the employer or employee at any time
provided either party gives one month's notice.
The employer has the right to withdraw from offering salary sacrifice to
employees without notice if there is any alteration to relevant Australian
Taxation legislation.
(i) Contributions
payable by the employer in relation to the Superannuation Guarantee Legislation
will be calculated by reference to the salary which would have applied to the
employee this award in the absence of any salary sacrifice.
(j) Employers will
not use any amount that is salary sacrificed by an employee to negate
contributions payable under the Superannuation Guarantee Legislation.
(k) The employee
will have the portion of payable salary that is sacrificed paid as additional
employer superannuation contributions into the same superannuation fund that
receives the employer’s SGC contributions.
(l) Nothing in this
clause will affect the right of an employer to maintain alternate arrangements
with respect to salary sacrifice for employees.
52. Introduction of
(i) Employer's Duty to
(a) Where
an employer has made a definite decision to introduce major changes in
production, programme, organisation, structure or technology that are likely to have
significant effects on employees, the employer will notify the employees who
may be affected by the proposed changes and the union to which they belong.
(b) "Significant
effects" include termination of employment, major changes in the
composition, operation or size of the employer's
workforce or in the skills required, the elimination or diminution of job
opportunities, promotion opportunities or job tenure, the alteration of hours
of work, the need for retraining or transfer of employees to other work or
locations and the restructuring of jobs.
(ii) Employer's Duty
to Discuss Change
(a) The employer
will discuss with the employees affected and the union to which they belong,
inter alia, the introduction of the changes referred to in subclause (i) of this clause, the effects the changes are likely to
have on employees and measures to avert or mitigate the adverse effects of such
changes on employees, and will give prompt consideration to matters raised by
the employees and/or the union in relation to the changes.
(b) The discussion
will commence as early as practicable after a definite decision has been made
by the employer to make the changes referred to in the said subclause (i).
(c) For the purpose
of such discussion, the employer will provide to the employees concerned and
the union to which they belong all relevant information about the changes,
including the nature of the changes proposed, the expected effects of the
changes on employees and any other matters likely to affect employees, provided
that any employer will not be required to disclose confidential information the
disclosure of which would adversely affect the employer.
53. Area, Incidence
and Duration
(i) This
award is made pursuant to section 10 and 11 of the Industrial Relations Act
1996 (NSW) and rescinds and replaces the reviewed Nursing Homes, &c.,
Nurses' (State) Award published 24 January 2020, the Nurses' (Private Sector)
Training Wage (State) Award published 27 January 2012, the reviewed Nurses
(Private Sector) Superannuation (State) Award published 24 January 2020, and
the reviewed Nurses (Private Sector) Redundancy (State) Award published 21
February 2020.
This award combines the above awards by mirroring as
closely as possible the contents of those awards into a new, consolidated,
The changes made to the award are pursuant to section
19(6) of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) take effect on 8
October 2021 for a nominal period of 1 year. This award remains in force until
varied or rescinded
(ii) It will apply
to persons engaged in the industry of nursing as defined herein within the
State of New South Wales, within the jurisdiction of the Private Hospital, Day
Procedure Centre, Nursing Home, &c., Nurses' (State) Industrial Committee,
which includes as part of its coverage the following:
Trained nurses, Trainees and Assistants in Nursing and
all persons employed as nurses in the industry and calling of nursing and
employed in or in connection with a residential aged care facility.
(iii) The rates of
pay in this award include the adjustments payable under the State Wage Case
2019, State Wage Case 2020, and State Wage Case 2021. These adjustments may be offset against:
(a) any equivalent overaward payments, and/or
(b) award wage
increases since 29 May 1991 other than the safety net, State Wage Case, and
minimum rates adjustments.
The rates of pay and allowances in Part B, Monetary
Rates take effect from the first full pay period on or after 1 September 2023.
Table 1 - Salaries
SWC 2022 4.6%
FFPP 1/9/2022
SWC 2023
FFPP 1/9/2023
Assistant in nursing/trainee enrolled nurse
First year of experience
Second year of experience
Third year of experience
Enrolled nurse
First year of experience
Second year of experience
Third year of experience
Fourth year of experience
Registered nurse general, MR Psych., Infants, geriatric, midwifery
First year of service
Second year of service
Third year of service
Fourth year of service
Fifth year of service
Sixth year of service
Seventh year of service
Eighth year of service
Nursing unit manager (personal to current occupants as at 1 March 1999)
Level 1
First year
Second year
Level 2
Level 3
Nurse undergoing pre-registration Assessment
Clinical nurse specialist
Clinical nurse consultant
Clinical nurse educator
Nurse educator
First year
Second year
Third year
Fourth year
Senior nurse educator
First year
Second year
Third year
Assistant director of nursing
Less than 150 beds
150-250 beds
250 beds and over
Deputy director of nursing
Less than 20 beds
20 beds, less than 75 beds
75 beds, less than 100 beds
100 beds, less than 150 beds
150 beds, less than 200 beds
200 beds, less than 250 beds
250 beds, less than 350 beds
350 beds, less than 450 beds
450 beds, less than 750 beds
750 beds and over
Director of nursing
Less than 25 beds
25 beds, less than 50 beds
50 beds, less than 75 beds
75 beds, less than 100 beds
100 beds, less than 150 beds
150 beds, less than 200 beds
200 beds, less than 250 beds
250 beds, less than 350 beds
350 beds, less than 450 beds
450 beds, less than 750 beds
750 beds and over
Table 2 - Other
Rates and Allowances
In Charge of Nursing Home
(a) less than 100 beds
(b) 100 beds and less than
150 beds
In Charge of ward/unit
On Call
24 hours or part thereof
On Call on rostered days off
24 hours or part thereof
On Call During Meal Break
Travelling Allowance
Climatic Allowance
Isolation Allowance
Expense Allowance for DON's
less 100 beds
100 - 299 beds
300 - 499 beds
over 500 beds
Cardigan or Jacket
Meal on Overtime
Other Meals
Table 3-
Continuing Education Allowances
Item No.
Clause No.
RN - Post Graduate Certificate
per week
RN - Post Grad Diploma/Degree
per week
RN - asters/Doctorate
per week
EN - Cert IV
per week
Table 4 - Monetary Rate for Assistant in Nursing Trainees
Highest Year of Schooling Completed
4.6 %
Skill Level A - Year 10
School Leaver
1 year out of school
2 years out of school
3 years out of school
4 years out of school
5 years out of school
Highest Year of Schooling Completed
Skill Level A - Year 11
School Leaver
1 year out of school
2 years out of school
3 years out of school
4 years out of school
5 years out of school
Highest Year of Schooling Completed
Skill Level A - Year 12
School Leaver
1 year out of school
2 years out of school
3 years out of school
4 years out of school
5 years out of school
Table 5 - Monetary Rates for School Based Traineeships
Year of Schooling - Year 11
Skill Level 1
Year of Schooling - Year 12
Skill Level 1
Table 6 - Wages - School Based Traineeships
Year of Schooling - Year 11
Skill Levels A, B, C
Year of Schooling - Year 12
Skill Levels A, B, C
Printed by
the authority of the Industrial Registrar.