Transport Industry - General Carriers Contract
Determination 2017
Application by Transport Workers' Union of New South Wales, Industrial Organisation of Employees.
(Case No. 77087 of 2022)
Before Commissioner Sloan
9 January 2024
1. Delete
subclause F.3.2 of clause F.3, The Surcharge, of Schedule F - Temporary Fuel
Surcharge and insert in lieu the following:
F.3.2 For pay periods
commencing between 15 January 2024 and 18 February 2024, the Temporary Fuel
Surcharge shall be:
Vehicle Carrying Capacity
Surcharge (per km)
Rigid-carrying capacity over 3 and including 5 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 5 and including 8 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 8 and including 10 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 10 and including 12 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 12 and including 14 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 14 tonnes or more
Single Axle Prime Mover
Bogie Axle Prime Mover
For pay periods commencing between 18 December 2023 and
14 January 2024, the Temporary Fuel Surcharge shall be:
Vehicle Carrying
Surcharge (per km)
Rigid-carrying capacity over 3 and including 5 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 5 and including 8 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 8 and including 10 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 10 and including 12 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 12 and including 14 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 14 tonnes or more
Single Axle Prime Mover
Bogie Axle Prime Mover
2. Delete the
tables in subclause F.3.3 of clause F.3, The Surcharge of Schedule F -
Temporary Fuel Surcharge, and insert in lieu the following:
For pay periods commencing between 15 January 2024 and
18 February 2024:
Vehicle Carrying
(per hour)
Rigid-carrying capacity over 8 and including 10 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 10 and including 12 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 12 and including 14 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 14 tonnes or more
Single Axle Prime Mover
Bogie Axle Prime Mover
For pay periods commencing between 18 December 2023 and
14 January 2024:
Vehicle Carrying
(per hour)
Rigid-carrying capacity over 8 and including 10 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 10 and including 12 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 12 and including 14 tonnes
Rigid-carrying capacity over 14 tonnes or more
Single Axle Prime Mover
Bogie Axle Prime Mover
3. This variation
will take effect on 15 January 2024.
D. SLOAN, Commissioner
Printed by
the authority of the Industrial Registrar.