NSW Health Service Health Professionals (State)
Award 2023
Application by NSW Ministry of Health.
(Case No. 213696 of 2023)
Before Chief Commissioner Constant
17 August 2023
1. Arrangement
Clause No. Subject Matter
1. Arrangement
2. Definitions
3. Classification of Health Professionals
4. Qualifications
5. Salaries
6. Sole Practitioner Allowance
7. Conditions of Service
8. Dispute Resolution
9. Anti-Discrimination
10. Expanded Scope of Practice
11. No Extra Claims
12. Translation Arrangements
13. Personal Regrading
14. Area, Incidence and Duration
Schedule A - Health
Professional Classifications
Schedule B -
Classification of Health Professional Positions
Schedule C -
Qualification Requirements
Table 1 - Salary
Table 2 - Sole
Practitioner Allowance
2. Definitions
2.1. "Complex"
Professional Work Denotes Work which Includes Various Tasks Involving Different
Processes and Methods that May be Unrelated. It Depends on Analysis of the
Subject, Phase Or Issues Involved in Each Assignment and the Appropriate Course
of Action May Have to be Selected from the Many Alternatives. the Work Involves
Conditions and Elements that Must be Identified and Analysed to Discern
2.2. "Critical"
professional work means a cornerstone or fundamental decision, requiring the exercise
of sound professional judgement of the effects of a decision within a
particular professional field.
2.3. "Employer"
means the Secretary of the Ministry of Health exercising employer functions on
behalf of the Government of New South Wales.
2.4. "Heads of
Departments" are responsible for leading, directing and administering a
department and the supervision of staff that work within the department. The
staff supervised may include other health professionals and technical and
support staff. Heads of Department may have responsibilities across a number of
facilities/sites within a Local Health District.
2.5. "Health
Professional" for the purposes of this Award includes employees who
possess, as a minimum, a relevant bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification,
and who are involved in one or more of the following:
provision of direct clinical
and/or professional services to patients
planning, co-ordination or
evaluation of the delivery of clinical or professional services
provision of professional
supervision or consultation to other health professionals
provision of professional
education services to other health professionals
management of clinical or
professional services providing direct services to patients.
Health professional classifications
covered by this Award are listed at Schedule A.
2.6. "Novel"
professional work encompasses work requiring a degree of creativity,
originality, ingenuity and initiative and of a type not normally undertaken in
a department or organisational unit within a department. The term may refer to
the introduction of a new technology or process used elsewhere.
2.7. "NSW Health
Service" consists of those persons who are employed under Chapter 9, Part
1, of the Health Services Act 1997 by
the Government of NSW in the service of the Crown, as amended or varied from
time to time.
2.8. "Professional
judgement" involves the application of professional knowledge and
experience in defining objectives, solving problems, establishing guidelines,
reviewing the work of others, interpreting results and providing and assessing
advice or recommendations and other matters which have an element of latitude
or decision making.
2.9. "Professional
knowledge" includes the knowledge of principles and techniques applicable
to the profession. It is obtained during the acquisition of professional
qualifications and relevant experience.
2.10. "Professional
supervision" refers to supervision given to subordinate health professionals
from the same discipline, which requires the exercise of professional judgement
and consists of:
guidelines for the work of the health professional
approaches to the conduct of professional work
technical problems raised by subordinate health professionals
reviewing and
sometimes checking the work of other health professionals.
2.11. "Union" means the
Health Services Union NSW.
3. Classification of Health Professionals
3.1. Health
Professional positions will be classified according to the criteria set out at
Schedule B of this Award.
4. Qualifications
4.1. The minimum qualification
requirements for each health professional classification are set out at
Schedule C of this Award.
5. Salaries
5.1. Full time Health
Professional employees shall be paid the salaries and allowances as set out in
the tables of Part B - Monetary Rates of this Award.
5.2. Minimum
commencing salaries at Level 1 are as follows:
5.2.1. employees who
hold an appropriate degree, or other approved equivalent qualification,
requiring three years of full-time study shall commence on the Level 1, Year 1
5.2.2. employees who
hold an appropriate degree, or other approved equivalent qualification
requiring more than three years full-time study shall commence on the Level 1,
Year 2 salary.
5.2.3. employees who
have completed an undergraduate degree and a Master’s degree, or other approved
equivalent qualifications requiring more than four years of combined full-time
study shall commence on the Level 1, Year 3 salary.
5.3. Salary
progression within Levels 1 - 6 will occur following 12 months satisfactory
6. Sole Practitioner
6.1. The sole
practitioner allowance is payable to positions at Level 1 or Level 2 where
position occupants:
are the only practitioner of their
discipline at the site; and
are required to exercise independent
professional judgement on a day to day basis without ready face to face access
to another like professional who has expertise and knowledge relevant to the
sole practitioner’s discipline for the purpose of providing informal
consultation, assistance and advice; or
undertakes administrative or other
related responsibilities that would otherwise not be expected of a Level 1 or
Level 2 position.
6.2. The sole
practitioner allowance is equal to the difference between the maximum Level 2
salary and the minimum Level 3 salary. The current allowance is set out at
Table 2 of Part B - Monetary Rates of this Award.
7. Conditions of
7.1. The Public Hospitals (Professional and Associated
Staff) Conditions of Employment (State) Award 2023 as varied or replaced
from time to time, shall apply to all persons covered by this Award, excepting
for those professions identified in subclause 7.2.
7.2. The Health Employees Conditions of Employment
(State) Award 2023, as varied or replaced from time to time, shall apply
to Diversional Therapists, and Orthotists/Prosthetists covered by this Award.
7.3. The Health Industry Status of Employment (State)
Award 2023 as varied or replaced from time to time, shall also apply to
relevant employees.
8. Dispute Resolution
8.1. The dispute
resolution procedures contained in the Awards identified in Clause 7,
Conditions of Service, shall apply.
9. Anti-Discrimination
9.1. It is the
intention of the parties bound by this Award to seek to achieve the object of
section 3(f) of the Industrial Relations
Act 1996 to prevent and eliminate discrimination in the workplace. This
includes discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, marital status, disability,
homosexuality, transgender identity and age.
9.2. It follows that
in fulfilling their obligations under the dispute resolution procedure
prescribed by this Award the parties have obligations to take all reasonable
steps to ensure that the operation of the provisions of this Award are not
directly or indirectly discriminatory in their effects. It will be consistent
with the fulfilment of these obligations for the parties to make application to
vary any provision of the Award which, by its terms or operation, has a direct
or indirect discriminatory effect.
9.3. Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, it is
unlawful to victimise an employee because the employee has made or may make or
has been involved in a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment.
9.4. Nothing in this
clause is to be taken to affect:
9.4.1. any conduct or
act which is specifically exempted from anti-discrimination legislation;
9.4.2. offering or
providing junior rates of pay to persons under 21 years of age;
9.4.3. any act or
practice of a body established to propagate religion which is exempted under
Section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination
Act 1977;
9.4.4. a party to this Award
from pursuing matters of unlawful discrimination in any State or Federal
9.5. This clause does
not create legal rights or obligations in addition to those imposed upon the
parties by legislation referred to in this clause.
(a) Employers and employees may
also be subject to Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation.
(b) Section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 provides:
"Nothing in this Act affects
any other act or practice of a body established to propagate religion that
conforms to the doctrines of that religion or is necessary to avoid injury to
the religious susceptibilities of the adherents of that religion".
10. Expanded Scope of Practice
10.1. Should a profession within the
coverage of this Award incorporate an expanded scope of practice, the parties
agree to discuss the impact of this on the classification structure.
11. No Extra Claims
11.1. Other than as
provided for in the Industrial Relations
Act 1996 and the Industrial
Relations (Public Sector Conditions of Employment) Regulation 2014 (or its successor however described),
there shall be no further claims/demands or proceedings instituted before the
Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales for extra or reduced wages,
salaries, rates of pay, allowances or conditions of employment with respect to
the employees covered by the Award that take effect prior to 30 June 2024 by a
party to this Award.
12. Translation Arrangements
12.1. The translation
to the new structure for health professionals covered by this Award will be
undertaken utilising the following basic principles.
12.1.1 Anniversary/incremental
date of employees will be retained.
12.1.2 Relevant years of service
will be counted toward placement on the new salary scale.
12.1.3 Employees will be
placed into a position in the new structure that is most reflective of their
current duties and responsibilities.
12.1.4 Any disputes that
cannot be resolved at a Local Health District level should be referred to the
Employer and Union for consideration at a peak level committee, which will
subsequently make a recommendation to the Local Health District.
12.1.5 Nothing contained
in this Award shall operate to reduce the wages or conditions of employment
available to any employee at the time of the Award coming into effect.
13. Personal Regrading
13.1. Health
professionals at Level 2 may make application to the employer for personal
progression to a Senior Clinician Level 3. A Senior Clinician Level 3 may make
such an application to progress to Level 4.
13.2. An application
for personal regrading will need to demonstrate that the health professional is
consistently working at a level and undertaking duties that are equivalent to
the Level and role being applied for. The applicant must be able to demonstrate
that the claimed expertise is being utilised and there is a positive impact on
services arising from the work of the applicant.
13.3. Such applications
must be provided to the direct line manager of the health professional.
Applications must be commented upon, including whether it is supported or not
and the reasons why, by the direct line manager and another relevant senior
professional in the discipline e.g. Area Advisor.
13.4. The application
will then be forwarded to Human Resources, who deals with the application on
the basis of the information and professional input provided as part of the
application, or by Human Resources seeking additional professional input on the
application, if this is seen as necessary.
13.5. Human Resources
will then make a recommendation on the application to the employer, or approved
delegate, for final decision. The delegate must be provided with all relevant
information on the application.
13.6. The date of
effect of any approved personal regrading will be the first full pay period on
or after the date the application was initially provided to their direct line
13.7. If an application
is declined by the employer, the health professional is to receive written
advice at the time of being notified that their application was declined and
the grounds and reasons for the decision.
13.8. If the health
professional wishes to pursue their application, the matter will be referred to
a peak level (state-wide) Health Professional Regrading Committee, to be
established in consultation between the employer and Union. Such a Committee
will meet on a regular or needs basis to consider any such personal regrading
applications from across the state and subsequently make recommendations to the
relevant approved delegate of the employer.
13.9. Any disputes that
arise regarding personal regrading applications may be dealt with under the
dispute resolution provisions of this Award.
13.10. Personal gradings
will not automatically transfer with a health professional should they be
successful in gaining employment in another position within NSW Health. The
transferability of a personal grading must be raised by the health professional
as part of the selection process and addressed by the selection panel with the
panel making a specific recommendation on transferability. The employer, or
approved delegate, will determine whether or not the personal grading will
14. Area, Incidence and Duration
14.1. This Award takes effect
from 1 July 2023 and shall remain in force for a period of one year. The rates
and allowances in the last second in the tables of Part B - Monetary Rates,
will apply from the first full pay period on or after (ffppoa) 1 July 2023
14.2. This Award rescinds
and replaces the NSW Health Service
Health Professionals (State) Award 2022 published on 20 March 2023 (393
I.G. 1574) and all variations thereof.
14.3. This Award
applies to persons employed in health professional classifications as defined
in the NSW Health Service under s115(1) of the Health Services Act 1997, excluding the County of Yancowinna.
Art Therapist
Diversional Therapist
Exercise Physiologist
Genetic Counsellor
Music Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Play Therapist
Sexual Assault Worker
Social Worker
Speech Pathologist
Welfare Officer
Provided that additional classifications that the Union has
constitutional coverage for may be added to this list as agreed between the
Union and the Employer.
Level 1
Health professionals employed at Level 1 are newly qualified
employees. Health professionals at this level are beginning practitioners who
are developing their skills and competencies.
Level 1 staff are responsible and accountable for providing
a professional level of service to the health facility.
Level 1 staff work under discipline specific professional
supervision. Level 1 staff exercise professional judgement commensurate with
their years of experience, as experience is gained, the level of professional
judgement increases and direct professional supervision decreases.
Level 1 staff participate in quality activities and
workplace education.
After working as a health professional for 12 months, Level
1 staff may be required to provide supervision to undergraduate student on
observational placements and to work experience students.
Commencing rates for Level 1 staff are prescribed in clause
5 Salaries.
Level 2
Progression to Level 2 from Level 1 is automatic following
completion of 12 months satisfactory service at the Level 1 Year 4 salary step.
Level 2 health professionals are expected to have obtained
respective new practitioner competencies and to perform duties in addition to
those at Level 1.
Health professionals at this level are competent independent
practitioners who have at least 3 years clinical experience in their profession
and work under minimal direct professional supervision.
Positions at this level are required to exercise independent
professional judgement on routine matters. They may require direct professional
supervision from more senior staff members when performing novel, complex or
critical tasks.
Level 2 staff may be required to supervise Level 1 health
professionals and technical and support staff as required.
Level 2 health professionals may be required to teach and
supervise undergraduate students, including those on clinical placements.
Positions at this level assist in the development of
policies, procedures, standards and practices, participate in quality
improvement activities and may participate in clinical research activities as
Sole Practitioner Allowance
The sole practitioner allowance is only payable in the
circumstances prescribed in clause 6 Sole Practitioner Allowance.
Levels 3 and 4
Positions at Levels 3 and 4 may have a clinical, education
or management focus or may have elements of all three features.
Health professionals working in positions at Levels 3 and 4
are experienced clinicians who possess extensive specialist knowledge or a high
level of broad generalist knowledge within their discipline. Level 3 and 4
staff demonstrate advanced reasoning skills and operate autonomously with
minimum direct clinical supervision. Level 3 and 4 staff provide clinical
services to client groups and circumstances of a complex nature requiring
advanced practice skills. They are able to apply professional knowledge and
judgement when performing novel, complex or critical tasks specific to their
Staff at this level are expected to exercise independent
professional judgement when required in solving problems and managing cases
where principles, procedures, techniques and methods require expansion,
adaptation or modification.
Level 3 and 4 staff have the capacity to provide clinical supervision
and support to Level 1 and 2 health professionals, technical and support staff.
Level 3 and 4 staff are involved in planning, implementing, evaluating and
reporting on services. Level 3 and 4 staff identify opportunities for
improvement in clinical practice, develop and lead ongoing quality improvement
activities with other staff.
The expertise, skills and knowledge of a Level 3 or 4 health
professional is such that they may have the responsibility of a consultative
role within their area(s) of expertise. Level 3 and 4 staff may also conduct
clinical research and participate in the provision of clinical in-service
education programs to staff and students.
Level 3 and 4 staff may be required to manage specific tasks
or projects.
Roles that may be undertaken at Levels 3 and 4 include, but
are not limited to, the following:
Senior Clinician
The employer will establish Senior Clinician positions at
Level 3 or Level 4 as it deems appropriate based on the needs of the service.
Health professionals at Level 2 may also make application to
the employer for personal progression to a Senior Clinician Level 3. A Senior
Clinician Level 3 may make such an application to progress to Level 4. Such
personal progression will be via the process prescribed in Clause 13, Personal
Senior Clinician
(Level 3)
Level 3 Senior Clinicians include the following:
A health professional who has a recognised clinical specialty
within their discipline and works in an area that requires high levels of
clinical expertise and knowledge in that specialty.
A health professional with generalist skills who would
usually work in a regional or rural area and would possess high level clinical
skills enabling them to work across a range of clinical areas within their
A Level 3 Senior Clinician may have an
operational/supervisory role in a small facility. This would be under the
direction of a Department Head with responsibilities across a zone, region or
Senior Clinician
(Level 4)
In addition to applying high level clinical skills as
expected for a Senior Clinician, Level 4 Senior Clinicians may be specialists
or generalists as follows:
A Level 4 Senior Clinician’s expertise in their area of
specialty is such that they provide a consultancy service in their speciality
area across an Area, geographic region or clinical network.
A Level 4 Senior Clinician’s breadth of knowledge and
expertise in general practice is such that they provide a consultancy service
on a range of clinical areas within their discipline across an Area, geographic
region or clinical network. A generalist Level 4 Senior Clinician would usually
work in a rural or regional area.
Level 4 Senior Clinicians provide advice to service managers
on clinical service delivery development, practice and redesign. A Level 4
Senior Clinician will have the ability to assist and provide guidance to
service managers in the development of clinical services in response to demand
and client needs. Level 4 Senior Clinicians make a contribution to education
activities related to their area of expertise.
Deputy Department
Deputy to a Department Head at Level 5 as well as
maintaining a clinical load - Level 3.
Deputy to a Department Head at Level 6, as well as
maintaining a clinical load - Level 4.
Whilst the criteria for a Deputy Department Head will
generally rely upon the Level of the Department Head, this does not preclude
the employer from taking into account other aspects or demands of the role
required including a significant variance between the actual number of staff
supervised to the FTE figure, organisational complexity, range and scope of
duties and other responsibilities to be undertaken.
Unit Head or Team
A unit head or team leader is responsible for the
leadership, guidance and line management of a multi-disciplinary clinical unit or
specialist team that may work across a geographic region, zone or clinical
network. The work involves supervision of other health professionals or other
technical and support staff as well as a clinical load.
Up to 5 other full-time equivalent
health professionals or other technical or support staff providing clinical
input - Level 3
More than 5 - 10 other full-time
equivalent health professionals or other technical or support staff providing
clinical input - Level 4
The criteria for a unit head or team leader will generally
rely upon the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) health professionals or
other technical or support staff supervised, although this does not preclude
the employer from taking into account other aspects or demands of the role required
including a significant variance between the actual number of staff supervised
to the FTE figure, organisational complexity, range and scope of duties and
other responsibilities to be undertaken.
Department Head
(Level 4)
Where the department contains up to 5 full-time equivalent
health professionals or other technical or support staff providing clinical
input Department Heads at Level 4 are also required to maintain a clinical load
The criteria for a Department Head will generally rely upon
the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) health professionals or other
technical and support staff within a department. This does not preclude the
employer from taking into account other aspects or demands of the role required
including a significant variance between the actual number of staff managed to
the FTE figure, organisational complexity, range and scope of duties and other
responsibilities to be undertaken.
Student Educator
(Level 4)
A student educator is responsible for the discipline
specific clinical supervision, teaching and co-ordination of educational
activities for students on clinical placements within one or more health
facilities. This involves liaison with education providers regarding
educational outcomes of the clinical placement and student education and
placement quality evaluation within an area, region, network or zone. The work
may include contributing to discipline workforce research or clinical placement
improvement initiatives.
A student educator may also be required to undertake research
into adult education principles, models of best practice in training and
education and training program development as required, in order to support and
improve the delivery of training to students.
The student educator may also have a clinical load.
Levels 5 and 6
Positions at Levels 5 and 6 may have a clinical, education
or management focus or may have elements of all three features.
Positions at Levels 5 and 6 deliver and/or manage and direct
the delivery of services in a complex clinical setting.
Staff at this level perform novel, complex and critical
discipline specific clinical work with a high level of professional knowledge
and by the exercise of substantial professional judgement.
Health professionals at this level would undertake work with
significant scope and/or complexity and/or undertake professional duties of an
innovative, novel and/or critical nature without direction.
Work is usually performed without direct supervision with a
discretion permitted within the boundaries of broad guidelines to achieve
organisational goals.
Roles that may be undertaken at Levels 5 and 6 include, but
are not limited to, the following:
Department Head
Department Heads at these levels may also be required to
maintain a clinical load
Where the department contains more than 5 - 15 other
full-time equivalent health professionals or other technical and support staff
providing clinical input - Level 5
Where the department contains more than 15 - 25 other
full-time equivalent health professionals or other technical and support staff
providing clinical input - Level 6
The criteria for a Department Head will generally rely upon
the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) health professionals or other
technical and support staff within a department. This does not preclude the
employer from taking into account other aspects or demands of the role required
including a significant variance between the actual number of staff managed to
the FTE figure, organisational complexity, range and scope of duties and other
responsibilities to be undertaken.
Deputy Department
Deputy to a Department Head at Level 7, Grade 1, as well as
maintaining a clinical load - Level 5
Deputy to a Department Head at Level 7, Grade 2, as well as
maintaining a clinical load - Level 6.
The criteria for a Deputy Department Head will generally
rely upon the Level of the Department Head. This does not preclude the employer
from taking into account other aspects or demands of the role required
including a significant variance between the actual number of staff managed to
the FTE figure, organisational complexity, range and scope of duties and other
responsibilities to be undertaken.
Unit Head or Team
A unit head or team leader is responsible for the
leadership, guidance and line management of a multi-disciplinary clinical unit or
specialist team that may work across a geographic region, zone or clinical
network. The work involves supervision of other health professionals or
technical or support staff as well as a clinical load.
More than 10 - 20 other full-time equivalent health
professionals or other technical or support staff providing clinical input -
Level 5
More than 20 - 30 other full-time equivalent health
professionals or other technical or support staff providing clinical input -
Level 6
The criteria for a unit head or team leader will generally
rely upon the number of full-time equivalent health professionals or other
technical or support staff supervised, although this does not preclude the
employer from taking into account other aspects or demands of the role required
including a significant variance between the actual number of staff managed to
the FTE figure, organisational complexity, range and scope of duties and other
responsibilities to be undertaken.
Health Professional
Educator (Level 5)
This position facilitates learning and professional
development for health professionals, technical and support staff. The Health
Professional Educator may work across a geographic region, zone or clinical
network. The Health Professional Educator is responsible for the design,
development, delivery and evaluation of education programs including continuing
professional education, new graduate orientation and general staff development
courses. The role may also entail instructional design and research into
education best practice to support ongoing learning and development of clinical
Clinical Specialist
(Level 6)
Discipline specific clinical specialists are recognised as
experts in their field at an advanced level of clinical expertise and practice.
This advanced level of expertise will be demonstrated by the
fact that the health professional:
has extensive experience in their
field of expertise; and
is actively contributing to their
clinical field of expertise by presenting papers at conferences and
contributing to peer reviewed journals
A clinical specialist will possess
clinically relevant post graduate
qualifications; or
have gained peer recognition by a
panel of discipline colleagues, professional association or professional
registration body in the relevant clinical speciality area; or
a substantive academic conjoint
In recognition of their superior clinical expertise, a position
at this level is responsible for quality assurance, development of better
practice and clinical research within a facility and is actively involved in
teaching staff and students in their field of expertise. The clinical
specialist also has responsibility for education support to other clinicians in
the management of patients requiring ongoing specialist treatment in a
geographic network, region or zone. Clinical specialists will also participate
on relevant high level committees. A clinical specialist can also undertake,
dependent on workloads, specific supervisory, management or educative roles.
Level 7
Positions at Level 7 are managers, leaders or deputy
managers of large units, teams or departments.
The work requires considerable co-ordination and the
position is responsible for human, physical and financial resources. The
position contributes directly to the development of policy for the work area
and must have a sound understanding of the broader policy and strategic
Programs, strategies and priorities are generally decided at
a higher management level but positions at this level have the authority to
decide how to achieve results within the limits of available resources.
Decisions at this level have direct consequences on the achievement
of results for the area for which the position is responsible.
Level 7 positions may maintain a clinical load or may be
required to provide an expert speciality consultancy role in their area of
The size and complexity of the areas managed and the
consequent impact on the nature of the work and are reflected in the different
grading of positions as follows:
Deputy Department
Deputy to a Department Head at Level 7, Grade 3, as well as
maintaining a clinical load - Level 7, Grade 1.
Whilst the criteria for a Deputy Department Head will
generally rely upon the Level of the Department Head, this does not preclude
the employer from taking into account other aspects or demands of the role
required including a significant variance between the actual number of staff
managed to the FTE figure, organisational complexity, range and scope of duties
and other responsibilities to be undertaken.
Unit Head or Team
A unit head or team leader is responsible for the
professional leadership, guidance and line management of a multi-disciplinary
clinical unit or specialist team that may work across a geographic region, zone
or clinical network. The work involves supervision of other health
professionals or technical or support staff.
More than 30 - 45 other full-time equivalent health
professionals or technical and other staff providing clinical input - Level 7,
Grade 1
More than 45 - 60 full-time equivalent health professionals or
technical and other staff providing clinical input - Level 7, Grade 2
The criteria for a unit head or team leader will generally
rely upon the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) health professionals or
technical and other support staff supervised, although this does not preclude
the employer from taking into account other aspects or demands of the role
required including a significant variance between the actual number of staff
managed to the FTE figure, organisational complexity, range and scope of duties
and other responsibilities to be undertaken.
Department Head
Where the department contains more than 25 - 40 other
full-time equivalent health professionals or technical and other support staff
providing clinical input - Level 7, Grade 1
Where the department contains more than 40 - 55 other
full-time equivalent health professionals or technical and other support staff
providing clinical input - Level 7, Grade 2
Where the department contains more than 55 other full-time
equivalent health professionals or technical and other support staff providing
clinical input - Level 7, Grade 3
The criteria for a Department Head will generally rely upon
the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) health professionals or other support
staff within a department. This does not preclude the employer from taking into
account other aspects or demands of the role required including a significant
variance between the actual number of staff managed to the FTE figure,
organisational complexity, range and scope of duties and other responsibilities
to be undertaken.
Level 8
Discipline Specific Director/Advisor
Positions at this level lead, direct, co-ordinate and
provide strategic advice on major functions or work areas within a Local Health
District(s), a geographic region, zone or clinical network. Positions at this
level will make a major contribution towards the development and achievement of
the strategic directions of the Local Health District(s). They have significant
responsibility for the resources under their control.
Discipline Directors/Advisors will exercise a high degree of
independence in the determination of overall workforce and clinical service
strategies, priorities, work standards and the allocation of resources.
The position will make independent decisions related to area
wide expert practice in their field and will be responsible for outcomes for
clients and the organisation from the practice of other health professionals
and staff. The position participates in strategic management and service
development decisions.
The position requires expert professional knowledge of
methods, principles and practice and skills across client groups and work
Positions at this level are required to apply senior
strategic processes in the management of departmental resources and services.
Positions at this level have a combination of operational
and strategic roles as follows:
has professional responsibility
with regard to strategic workforce and service development and professional
practice across a Local Health District(s), a geographic region, zone or
clinical network
provides professional
co-ordination and leadership across a Local Health District(s), a geographic
region, zone or clinical network to department heads
acts as a central point of contact
for strategic consultation and liaison with Senior Executive management and the
Allied Health Director/Advisor
may have a dual role of department
may be required to provide an
expert speciality consultancy role in their area of expertise
may be involved in the provision
of relevant clinical or leadership training, management development and/or
mentoring to staff within the Local Health District(s), geographic region, zone
or clinical network.
The varying size and complexity of disciplines and the scope
of the Discipline Director/Advisor positions and the consequent impact on the
nature of the work are reflected in the different grading of positions as
Where the area of responsibility
includes up to 25 full-time equivalent health professionals or technical and
other support staff providing clinical input - Level 8, Grade 1
Where the area of responsibility
includes more than 25 - 55 full-time equivalent health professionals or
technical and other support staff providing clinical input - Level 8, Grade 2
Where the area of responsibility
includes more than 55 - 100 other full-time equivalent health professionals or
technical and other support staff providing clinical input - Level 8, Grade 3
Where the area of responsibility
includes more than 100 other full-time equivalent health professionals or
technical other support staff providing clinical input - Level 8, Grade 4.
The criteria for a Discipline Director/Advisor positions
will generally rely on the number of full-time equivalent health professionals
or technical and other support staff within the area of responsibility. This
does not preclude the employer from taking into account other aspects or
demands of the role required including a significant variance between the
actual number of staff managed to the FTE figure, organisational complexity,
range and scope of duties and other responsibilities to be undertaken.
Must hold a Master’s degree in clinical audiology which
provides eligibility for full membership of the Audiological Society of
Australia, or other qualification deemed equivalent by the employer.
Art Therapist
Must hold a Master’s degree in art therapy which provides
eligibility for professional membership of the Australian, New Zealand and
Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association, or other qualification deemed
equivalent by the employer.
Must hold as a minimum a bachelor’s degree in counselling or
a related field, or other qualification deemed equivalent by the employer.
Must hold a bachelor or post graduate degree in nutrition
and dietetics that provides eligibility for full membership of the Dietitians
Association of Australia, or other qualification deemed equivalent by the
Diversional Therapist
Must hold a health science or applied science bachelor’s
degree in leisure, recreation or diversional therapy recognised by the
Diversional Therapy Association of Australian National Council, or other
qualification deemed equivalent by the employer.
Exercise Physiologist
Must hold a bachelor’s degree in exercise and sports
science, or other qualification deemed equivalent by the employer.
Genetics Counsellor
Must have an undergraduate degree in a non-nursing,
non-medical discipline and in addition hold a post graduate qualification in
genetic counselling or have attained Part I certification in genetics
counselling from the Human Genetics Society of Australasia.
Music Therapist
Must hold as a minimum a bachelor or post graduate degree in
music therapy which provides eligibility for registration with the Australian
Music Therapy Association, or other qualification deemed equivalent by the
Must hold qualifications recognised for registration with
the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia.
From 1 July 2012, must hold general registration with the
Occupational Therapy Board of Australia.
Must hold as a minimum a bachelor or post graduate degree in
Orthoptics which provides eligibility for registration with the Australian
Orthoptic Board, or other qualification deemed equivalent by the employer.
Must hold as a minimum a bachelor’s degree in prosthetics
and/or orthotics which provides eligibility for membership of the Australian
Orthotic Prosthetic Association, or other qualification deemed equivalent by
the employer.
Must hold qualifications recognised for registration with
the Physiotherapy Board of Australia.
Must hold general registration with the Physiotherapy Board
of Australia.
Play Therapist
Must hold a Bachelor of Early Childhood, primary teaching or
a related field that includes two years study in child development, or other
qualification deemed equivalent by the employer.
Must hold qualifications recognised for registration with
the Podiatry Board of Australia.
Must hold general registration with the Podiatry Board of
Sexual Assault Worker
Must hold as a minimum a bachelor’s degree in a relevant
field such as counselling or other qualification deemed equivalent by the
Social Worker
Must hold as a minimum a bachelor’s degree in social work
which provides eligibility for membership of the Australian Association of
Social Workers, or other qualification deemed equivalent by the employer.
Speech Pathologist
Must hold a bachelor’s or post graduate degree in speech
pathology which provides eligibility for membership of Speech Pathology
Australia, or other qualification deemed equivalent by the employer.
Welfare Officer
Must hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a relevant
field e.g. community welfare, or other qualification deemed equivalent by the
Table 1 – Salaries
In the period 1 July
2023 to the commencement of the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2023,
the applicable rates of pay are those that applied immediately prior to the
first full pay period on or after 1 July 2023.
Rate from ffppoa
Per Annum
Health Professional Classifications
Audiologist, Art Therapist, Counsellor, Dietitian,
Diversional Therapist, Exercise Physiologist, Genetics Counsellor, Music
Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Orthoptist, Orthotist/Prosthetist,
Physiotherapist, Play Therapist, Podiatrist, Sexual Assault Worker, Social
Worker, Speech Pathologist, Welfare Officer
Level 1
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Level 2
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Level 3
Year 1
Year 2
Level 4
Year 1
Year 2
Level 5
Year 1
Year 2
Level 6
Year 1
Year 2
Level 7
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Level 8
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Table 2 - Sole
Practitioner Allowance
Allowance Description
Rate from ffppoa
Per Annum
Sole Practitioner Allowance
(Health Professional)
N. CONSTANT, Chief Commissioner
Printed by
the authority of the Industrial Registrar.