Crown Employees (Department of Planning, Industry
and Environment and the Environment Protection Authority) Environment Award
Application by Industrial Relations Secretary.
(Case No. 237287 of 2023)
Before Commissioner Sloan
18 August 2023
1. Delete clause
8, On Call Allowance for Communications, Engagement and Public Affairs Branch
Officers from clause 1, Arrangement, of the award published 3 December 2021
(391 I.G. 172) and insert in lieu thereof the following:
8. On Call
Allowance for the Communications, Engagement and Public Affairs Branch Officers
and Officers of the Digital Information Office
2. Delete the title clause 8, On Call Allowance for
Communications, Engagement and Public Affairs Branch Officers, of the award and
insert in lieu thereof the following:
8. On Call Allowance
for the Communications, Engagement and Public Affairs Branch Officers and
Officers of the Digital Information Office
3. Delete
subclause 8.1 of clause 8 and insert in lieu thereof the following:
8.1 A weekly
allowance of $199 per week (of 7 days) will be paid to employees of the
Communications, Engagement and Public Affairs Branch and employees of the
Digital Information Office who are directed to be on call.
4. This
variation will take effect from 14 August 2023.
D. SLOAN, Commissioner
Printed by
the authority of the Industrial Registrar.