NSW Ambulance Death and Income Protection Benefits
(State) reviewed Award 2022
Review of Award pursuant to Section 19 of the Industrial
Relations Act 1996.
(Case No. 101377 of 2021)
Before Commissioner Sloan
17 November 2022
1. Introduction and
1.1 This Award will
be known as the NSW Ambulance Income Protection and Death Benefits (State)
Award 2017.
1.2 The intentions and
commitments of this Award are to provide:
1.2.1 benefits in the
event that an on duty or off duty illness or injury results in the death or
incapacity of an officer; and
1.2.2 transitional
arrangements related to the cessation of lump sum benefits for total and
permanent disablement and partial and permanent disablement previously
available under the Ambulance Service of NSW Death and Disability (State) Award
published 21 October 2016 (380 I.G. 1549) as varied from time to time.
1.2.3 a health and wellness
program for officers.
1.3 This Award is in
five parts as follows:
Part A - Introduction and Intentions, Arrangement and
Part B - Arrangements for Officers Entitled to the
Death and Income Protection Benefits Prescribed by this Award.
Part C - Transitional Provisions
Part D - Health and Wellness Program
Part E - Exclusions, Disputes, Anti-Discrimination and
Area, Incidence and Duration
2. Arrangement
Clause No. Subject
1. Introduction and Intentions
2. Arrangement
3. Definitions
4. Coverage
5. Other Entitlements Not Affected
6. Insurance
7. Lump Sum Payments for Death
8. Income Protection
9. Officers Covered by the Transitional
10. Transitional Payments for On Duty Total
and Permanent Disability
11. Transitional Payments for Off Duty Total
and Permanent Disability
12. Rehabilitation, Retraining and
Transitional Payments for Officers Who Suffer Partial and Permanent Disability
13. Insurance and Assessment of Entitlement to
Transitional Benefits
14. Exclusion
15. Health and Wellness Program
16. Grievance Mechanism
17. Anti-Discrimination
18. Cost of the Scheme and Award Review
19. Area, Incidence and Duration
Annexure A -
Definition of ‘Suitable Employment’
Annexure B -
Benefits for On Duty Death
Annexure C - Benefits
for Off Duty Death
Annexure D -
Transitional Benefits
Annexure E -
Components of ‘Salary’
3. Definitions
"actuary" means an actuary appointed by NSW
"date of disablement" means the last day the
officer works in their pre-injury duties.
"NSW Ambulance" means the Ambulance Service of
NSW, a Division of the NSW Health Service, as established by the Health Services Act 1997.
"off duty injury" means any personal injury or disease
which is not an on duty injury.
"officer" means an employee in a classification
for which it is an essential requirement that they possess, or undertake the
Diploma in Paramedical Science (or an equivalent, or its predecessor
qualification). This is confined to classifications under clause 5,
Classifications, of the Paramedics and Control Centre Officers (State) Award
2022 and clause 4, Definitions, of the Operational Ambulance Managers
(State) Award 2022, as varied or replaced from time to time, but excludes
temporary and casual employees of both Awards.
For the purpose of this Award, NSW Ambulance positions designated as
Health Relationship Manager are included in the definition of officer at the
operative date of this Award.
"on duty injury" means an injury (including a
disease injury) for which an officer is entitled to compensation under the
applicable terms and provisions of the Workers
Compensation Act 1987, as
amended or replaced from time to time.
"partial and permanent disability" means the
officer’s cessation of employment was substantially due to the permanent
physical or mental disability of the officer (not caused by any act or default
of the officer intended to produce an injury leading to that disability) and
the officer is, when the officer ceases to be employed by NSW Ambulance,
permanently unable, by reason of that disability, to perform the duties of the
position for which the officer was substantively employed.
"salary" means for officers covered by the Paramedics
and Control Centre Officers (State) Award 2022, as varied or replaced from
time to time, the base salary prescribed by that award (including allowances
regarded as part of salary for the purposes of that award) plus 20% and salary
plus 3% for officers under the Operational Ambulance Managers (State) Award
2022, as varied or replaced from time to time. The award components that
make up "salary" are contained in the schedule at Annexure E -
Components of ‘Salary’. In the case of officers employed on a full time basis, lump
sum benefits payable under this Award will utilise the salary as defined above.
In the case of officers who have worked a period of their service on a
permanent part-time basis, the benefits will be calculated by applying the
relevant part time ratio to the prescribed benefit. This ratio will be calculated by dividing the
officer's actual service by the full time equivalent service. The period of
service taken into account is from 10 November 2006 or the date employment
commenced, whichever is the later.
"State Authorities Superannuation Scheme" means
the superannuation scheme established under the State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987.
"State Superannuation Scheme" means the
superannuation scheme established under the Superannuation
Act 1916.
"suitable employment" means the same as the
definition prescribed in the applicable provisions of the Workers Compensation Act 1987,
as amended or replaced from time to time. The applicable definition that has
application from the commencement of this Award is contained at Annexure A -
Definition of ‘Suitable Employment’ to this Award.
"total and permanent disability" means:
a) An officer
suffers the loss of:
the use of two limbs, or
the sight of both eyes, or
the use of one limb and the sight of one eye
where limb is defined as the whole hand or the whole
foot: or
b) An officer
working 15 hours each week or more
The officer having been absent from his/her occupation with
the employer through injury or illness for six consecutive months and becoming
incapacitated to such an extent as to render the officer unlikely to ever
engage in any gainful profession, trade or occupation for which the officer is
reasonably qualified by reason of education, training or experience.
c) An officer
working less than 15 hours each week
The officer, because of injury or illness becomes
permanently unable to perform the basic activities normally undertaken as part
of everyday life as evidenced by the officer being unable to undertake any two
of the activities listed below:
i) Bathing - to
shower or bathe
ii) Dressing - to
dress or undress
iii) Toileting - to
use the toilet including getting on or off
iv) Feeding - to
eat and drink
v) Mobility - to
get in or out of his/her wheelchair
vi) Continence - to
control bladder and bowel function
If the officer can perform the activity on his/her own
by using special equipment the officer is not to be considered unable to
perform the activity.
"Union/s" means Health Services Union NSW
(‘HSU’) and/or Australian Paramedics Association (NSW) (‘APA’).
4. Coverage
4.1 This Award
applies to all officers with the following exceptions:
4.1.1 members of the
State Superannuation Scheme; and
4.1.2 officers aged 65
years and over.
4.2 Officers who are
members of the State Authorities Superannuation Scheme who have additional
benefit cover are not entitled to the death benefits provided by clause 7, Lump
Sum Payments for Death, of this Award.
However, such officers are entitled to income protection benefits
provided by clause 8, Income Protection, of this Award.
5. Other Entitlements
Not Affected
5.1 The benefits
conferred upon officers by this Award do not affect:
5.1.1 any compensation
payable under the Workers Compensation
Act 1987; or
5.1.2 any
superannuation entitlements.
6. Insurance
6.1 NSW Ambulance
must establish with Aware Super, a superannuation scheme to pay the benefits
prescribed by clause 7, Lump Sum Payments for Death, of this Award.
6.2 NSW Ambulance
must take out an insurance policy to pay the benefits prescribed by clause 8,
Income Protection, of this Award.
6.3 An officer
6.3.1 who suffers a disability
arising from an injury before the commencement date of the insurance policy
described at subclause 6.2; and
6.3.2 who is not
covered by the insurance policy described at subclause 6.2 in respect of that
disability; and
6.3.3 who is not entitled
to a payment under Part C - Transitional Provisions of this Award; and
6.3.4 who would have
been covered and eligible for benefits in respect of that disability under the
Ambulance Service of NSW Death and Disability (State) Award, is entitled to be
paid by NSW Ambulance in respect of that disability such amounts as are
equivalent to the amounts that the officer would have been paid under the new
insurance policy described at subclause 6.2, if that policy had covered the
7. Lump Sum Payments for
7.1 Officers will be
entitled to a lump sum payment in accordance with Annexure B - Benefits for On
Duty Death to this Award in the event that an on duty injury results in an
officer’s death.
7.2 Lump sum
benefits payable under subclause 7.1 of this Award will be calculated utilising
the salary as defined in this Award.
7.3 Officers
will be entitled to a lump sum payment in accordance with Annexure C - Benefits
for Off Duty Death to this Award in the event that an off duty injury results
in an officer’s death. The lump sum amounts specified at Annexure C will be
increased in accordance with general increases in salaries prescribed in Paramedics
and Control Centre Officers (State) Award 2021 or the Operational
Ambulance Managers (State) Award 2022, as varied or replaced from time to
7.4 For the purposes
of this clause, an officer’s age will be his/her age at the date of death.
7.5 Entitlements to
receive a lump sum benefit from the Aware Super insurance superannuation scheme
will be assessed in accordance with the applicable trust deed and policy
document that applies at such time. Any dispute will be assessed in accordance
with the Aware superannuation scheme’s Disputes and Complaints procedure, as
varied or replaced from time to time. This includes any dispute as to
entitlement to receive a lump sum payment from the Aware Insurance
Superannuation Scheme.
8. Income Protection
8.1 NSW Ambulance
will take out and maintain an income protection insurance policy that provides
insurance cover that applies where, due to illness or injury incurred either on
or off duty, an officer is unable to perform the duties of the position for
which they are substantively employed and they are under the care of a medical
8.2 NSW Ambulance
will take out an insurance policy that includes the following terms at a
A disability benefit which tops up any other income
received by the officer so that the officer receives 75% of pre-disability
A waiting period of 90 days before any benefit is
payable in the case of an Off Duty Injury, or 26 weeks in the case of an On
Duty Injury.
A maximum benefit period of five years for on duty
injuries, and two years for off duty injuries.
An officer is not forced to use their accrued sick
leave during waiting periods.
If an officer’s employment is terminated as a result of
illness or injury during the benefit period, the termination of the employment
does not affect benefits to which the officer is otherwise entitled.
8.3 Entitlements to
income protection benefits will be assessed in accordance with the terms of the
insurance policy. Any associated dispute will be assessed in accordance with
the Disputes and Complaints procedure as contained in the insurance policy.
9. Officers Covered by
the Transitional Provisions
9.1 This Part of the
Award applies to officers who as at 19 August 2016 contributed a percentage of
their salary towards the benefits formerly provided under the Ambulance Service
of NSW Death and Disability (State) Award as follows:
9.1.1 Officers who
contributed 1.8 per cent of their salary are entitled to the provisions of
clauses 10, 11 and 12 of this Award.
9.1.2 Officers who
contributed 0.92 per cent of their salary are entitled to the provisions of
clauses 10 and 11 of this Award.
9.1.3 Officers who
contributed 0.88 per cent of their salary are entitled to the provisions of
clause 12 of this Award.
10. Transitional
Payments for on Duty Total and Permanent Disability
10.1 Officers
specified at subclauses 9.1.1 and 9.1.2 of this Award and whose date of
disablement is on or prior to 19 August 2016 will be entitled to a lump sum
payment in accordance with Table 1 of Annexure D - Transitional Benefits to
this Award in the event that an on duty injury results in an officer suffering
total and permanent disability.
10.2 For the purposes of
this clause, an officer’s age will be his/her age at the date of disablement.
11. Transitional
Payments for Off Duty Total and Permanent Disability
11.1 Officers specified at 9.1.1 and 9.1.2 of this Award and
whose date of disablement is on or prior to 19 August 2016 will be entitled to
a lump sum payment in accordance with the scale set out in Table 2 of Annexure
D - Transitional Benefits to this Award in the event that an off duty injury
results in their total and permanent disability. Any such lump sum payment will be at the rate
effective at the date of disablement.
11.2 For the purposes
of this clause, an officer’s age will be his/her age at the date of disablement
or at such earlier date as may be determined by the parties in accordance with
clause 16.1.
11.3 The lump sum
amounts prescribed at Table 2 of Annexure D - Transitional Benefits to this
Award will be increased in accordance with general increases in salaries
prescribed by the Paramedics and Control Centre Officers (State) Award 2021
or the Operational Ambulance Managers (State) Award 2022, as varied or
replaced from time to time.
12. Rehabilitation,
Retraining and Transitional Payments for Officers who Suffer Partial and
Permanent Disability
12.1 The lump sum
payments prescribed by this clause may be payable to officers:
12.1.1 specified at
subclauses 9.1.1 and 9.1.3 of this Award; and
12.1.2 who are medically
unfit for their pre-injury duties on 19 August 2016; and
12.1.3 whose date of
disablement is on or prior to 19 August 2016.
12.2 An officer who
returns to pre-injury duties on or after 20 August 2016 is not entitled to the
provisions of this clause. For this
purposes of this subclause, an officer who returns to their substantive
position with restrictions under a supervised return to work plan as part of
the rehabilitation processes as outlined in this clause, is not considered to
have returned to pre-injury duties.
12.3 In order to be
entitled to a benefit pursuant to this clause an officer must engage in the
provisions outlined within this clause.
12.4 There is a mutual
obligation on both NSW Ambulance and the injured officer to identify suitable
employment. However, it is the injured officer’s responsibility to accept a
reasonable offer of a suitable employment made by NSW Ambulance, which may
include transfer to another location. A failure to accept one of three offers
of suitable employment will jeopardise any benefits or entitlements payable
under this Award and may result in termination of employment.
12.5 An officer who
suffers an on duty injury will receive rehabilitation/retraining consistent
with the following NSW Ambulance policies and procedures:
a. Workers Compensation
and Recovery at Work Operating Procedure (PRO2019-002);
b. Redeployment of
Injured Workers Under Workers Compensation Operating Procedure (PRO2017-044);
as varied or replaced from time to time, leading to a
return to pre-injury employment wherever possible.
12.5.1 Where a return to
pre-injury employment is not possible, as determined by a medical assessor
contracted by NSW Ambulance, the officer will be declared as suffering a
partial and permanent disability and opportunities for permanent placement in
suitable employment will be sought.
12.5.2 If
permanent placement in suitable employment within NSW Ambulance is not possible
the employment of the officer may be terminated. In such circumstances the officer, subject to
eligibility being established, will be paid a lump sum payment in accordance
with Table 3 of Annexure D - Transitional Benefits to this Award.
12.6 An officer who
suffers an off duty related injury/illness will receive
rehabilitation/retraining consistent with the non work related injuries/illness
section/s of the NSW Ambulance’s ‘Workers Compensation and Recovery at Work
Operating Procedure (PRO2019-002)’, as varied or replaced from time to time,
leading to a return to pre-injury employment wherever possible.
12.6.1 No medical or
rehabilitation costs will be met by NSW Ambulance for off duty injuries.
12.6.2 Where a return to
pre-injury employment is not possible as determined by the medical assessor,
the officer will be declared as suffering a partial and permanent disability
and opportunities for permanent placement in suitable employment will be sought
wherever reasonably practical. Suitable employment can include redeployment to
an administrative position.
12.6.3 If permanent
placement in suitable employment within NSW Ambulance is not possible the
employment of the officer may be terminated and, in such circumstances, the
officer will be paid a lump sum payment equivalent to the unexpired portion of
the two-year full salary or full salary to age 60 (whichever is the
lesser). In the case of permanent part
time officers, the entitlements under this sub clause are calculated on a pro
rata basis. The two-year period commences when medical evidence indicates that
an officer is not able to return to their pre-injury employment.
12.7 The objective of
the rehabilitation/retraining program creates mutual obligations, which is for
every officer who suffers partial and permanent disability to be placed in
suitable employment with NSW Ambulance, wherever reasonably practical
12.8 An
adequate opportunity will be given to the officer concerned and the Union
(unless the officer expressly declines to agree to the Union being informed) to
consider the NSW Ambulance’s opinion that no suitable employment is available
and to put that opinion into dispute in accordance with clause 16, Grievance
Mechanism, of this Award prior to cessation of employment. Such opportunity
will also be given in situations where it is disputed that any alternate
employment is genuinely suitable. Suitable employment does not include
employment that is merely token in nature and does not involve useful work in
relation to the activities of NSW Ambulance, or is demeaning in nature having
regard to the officer’s incapacity and pre-injury employment, age, education,
skills and work experience. The officer’s place of residence will also be
considered when determining suitable employment.
13. Insurance and
Assessment of Entitlement to Transitional Benefits
13.1 The benefits
prescribed by clauses 10 and 11 of this Award will be paid from Aware Super
superannuation scheme which was established under the terms of the Ambulance
Service of NSW Death and Disability (State) Award. Provided that NSW
Ambulance will administer and pay for any benefits under clauses 10 and 11 of
this Award for officers who are not covered by the scheme’s trust deed and
policy document
13.2 The benefits
prescribed by clause 12 of this Award will be administered and paid by NSW
13.3 Officers can only
receive one transitional benefit either a "partial and permanent
disability benefit" or "total and permanent disability benefit".
An officer will be required to sign a deed of undertaking when making a claim
for benefits for partial and permanent disability. This deed ensures that any benefits obtained
under partial and permanent disability will be repaid to NSW Ambulance should
the officer be successful in claiming total and permanent disability.
13.4 Entitlement to
benefits to be provided by NSW Ambulance pursuant to this Part may be assessed
by an assessment provider engaged by NSW Ambulance, or by NSW Ambulance. Any
dispute can be initially assessed in accordance with clause 16, Grievance
Mechanism, of this Award.
13.5 Entitlement to
receive a lump sum benefit under clauses 10 and 11 from the Aware Super
superannuation scheme will be assessed in accordance with the terms of the
Aware Super superannuation scheme Trust Deed and Policy Document. Any dispute
will be assessed in accordance with the Aware Super superannuation scheme’s
Disputes and Complaints procedure.
13.6 Lump sum benefits
payable under this Part will be calculated utilising the salary as defined in
this Award.
13.7 Officers covered
by the transitional provisions under clause 10, 11 or 12 of this Award cannot
receive both a transitional payment and income protection benefits under
subclause 6.3 or clause 8, Income Protection, of this Award. If such officers claim an income protection
benefit they will be required to sign a deed of undertaking when making that
claim. This deed ensures that any
benefits obtained under income protection will be repaid to NSW Ambulance
should the officers be successful in claiming transitional total and permanent
disability payments or transitional partial and permanent disability
14. Exclusion
14.1 An officer
otherwise entitled to benefits provided by Part C - Transitional Provisions of
this Award will not be entitled to such benefits in relation to an injury (or
consequent disability) directly caused by the taking of disciplinary action
that may lead to removal from NSW Ambulance.
However, if:
14.1.1 the initiation of
or conduct of such disciplinary action by NSW Ambulance was not reasonable; or
14.1.2 the officer is not ultimately removed from NSW
Ambulance as a consequence of the disciplinary action, then the officer will
continue to be eligible to claim benefits for such injury.
15. Health and
Wellness Program
15.1 NSW Ambulance
will implement a Health and Wellness Program in accordance with the following
15.1.1 to promote health
and wellness of paramedics and to assist them in meeting the occupational
requirements of their job
15.1.2 to provide practical
support, education and assistance to paramedics through structured health and
wellness programs.
15.2 Nothing in the
Health and Wellness Program will give rise to any additional payment, allowance
or any other financial benefit to any officer.
The Program will not give rise to any additional leave entitlements to
any officer.
15.3 1.9% of the
Government’s maximum contribution as stipulated at subclause 18.2 of this Award
will be used to fund initiatives under the Health and Wellness Program.
For example: If the Government’s maximum contribution
pursuant to subclause 18.2 of this Award was $10 million, then subclause 15.3
of this clause provides a fund of $190,000 for initiatives under the Health and
Wellness Program.
15.4 NSW Ambulance
must provide the unions with a yearly breakdown of the expenditure of the 1.9%
of the Government’s contribution on health and wellness initiatives.
15.5 Prior to funds
identified in subclause 15.3 of this clause being applied, NSW Ambulance are to
consult with unions on how such funds will be applied to initiatives under the
Health and Wellness Program.
16. Grievance
16.1 A committee will
be formed comprised of equal representatives of APA, HSU and NSW Ambulance to
consider grievances that arise from the application of this award. The Unions,
NSW Ambulance or individual officers may refer such matters to the committee.
16.2 With the
exception of the procedures outlined in subclauses 7.5, 8.3 or 13.5 of this
Award, if an issue gives rise to a dispute, it must be dealt with in accordance
with the issue resolution procedures in Paramedics and Control Centre
Officers (State) Award 2021 and the Operational Ambulance Managers (State)
Award 2021, as varied or replaced from time to time.
17.1 It is the
intention of the parties bound by this Award to seek to achieve the object in
section 3(f) of the Industrial Relations
Act 1996 to prevent and eliminate discrimination in the workplace. This includes discrimination on the grounds
of race, sex, marital status, disability, homosexuality, transgender identity,
age and responsibilities as a carer.
17.2 It follows that
in fulfilling their obligations under clause 16, Grievance Mechanism, of this
Award the parties have obligations to take all reasonable steps to ensure that
the operation of the provisions of this Award are not directly or indirectly
discriminatory in their effect. It will
be consistent with the fulfilment of these obligations for the parties to make
an application to vary any provision of this Award, which by its terms or
operation, has direct or indirect discriminatory effect.
17.3 Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, it is
unlawful to victimise an employee because the employee has made or may make or
has been involved in a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment.
17.4 Nothing in this
clause is taken to affect any conduct or act which is specifically exempted
from anti-discrimination legislation; offering or providing junior rates of pay
to persons under 21 years of age; any act or practice of a body established to
propagate religion which is exempted under section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977; and/or a
party to this Award from pursuing matters of unlawful discrimination in any
State or Federal jurisdiction.
17.5 This clause does
not create legal rights or obligations in addition to those imposed upon the
parties by legislation referred to in this clause.
18. Cost of the Scheme
and Award Review
18.1 There will be
yearly actuarial and financial reviews conducted on the death and income
protection scheme and the transitional provisions of this Award. The actuarial
and financial reports created as part of these reviews are to be provided to
the HSU and APA within four weeks of receipt by NSW Ambulance.
18.2 The long term
cost to Government of benefits, rehabilitation and administrative costs for
injury and the health and wellness program provided under this Award are to be
a maximum of 3.6% of salaries as defined by this Award.
If the results of the actuarial and financial reviews referred to above or if
in any 12-month period:
18.2.1 the insurance
premium/s quoted for the next 12 months, and/or
18.2.2 the claims
experience of the preceding 12 months
are such that, in the opinion
of the actuary and NSW Ambulance, the long term cost to the Government is
likely to exceed 3.6% of salaries, there will be an immediate review of the
scheme. Appropriate steps must then be
taken by the parties to implement a revised scheme that maintains a maximum
cost to Government of 3.6% of salaries.
18.3 If the results of
the actuarial and financial reviews referred to above or if in any 12-month
18.3.1 the insurance
premium/s quoted for the next 12 months, and/or
18.3.2 the claims
experience of the preceding 12 months
are such that, in the opinion
of the actuary and NSW Ambulance, the long term cost to the Government is likely
to be less than 3% of salaries, there will be an immediate review of the
scheme. Appropriate steps will then be taken by the parties to increase the
benefits available to officers under a scheme that maintains a maximum cost to
Government of 3.6% of salaries.
18.4 After the receipt
of the actuarial and financial reports outlined in subclause 18.1 of this
clause, any party may request a meeting to discuss the implication of the
reports on the benefits available to officers.
19. Area, Incidence
and Duration
19.1 This Award will
apply to all officers as defined in clause 3, Definitions, of this Award who
are employed in NSW Ambulance by the Secretary of the Ministry of Health and
this Award is binding on the Secretary of the Ministry of Health.
19.2 This Award
follows the expiry of the NSW Ambulance Death & Income Protection Benefits
Interim (State) Award published 20 October 2018 (382 I.G. 896) and take effect
from 17 November 2022.
19.3 This Award
commenced on 20 August 2017 and remains in force until it is rescinded,
replaced or made obsolete by the Commission.
19.4 The parties to
this Award are the Secretary of the Ministry of Health, the Health Services
Union NSW and the Australian Paramedics Association (NSW).
Definition of ‘Suitable Employment’ pursuant to section 43A of the Workers Compensation Act 1987
(1) Suitable
employment in relation to a worker, means employment in work for which the
worker is suited, having regard to the following:
(a) the nature of
the worker’s incapacity and pre-injury employment,
(b) the worker’s
age, education, skills and work experience,
(c) the worker’s
place of residence,
(d) the details
given in the medical certificate supplied by the worker,
(e) the provisions
of any injury management plan for the worker,
(f) any suitable
employment for which the worker has received rehabilitation training,
(g) the length of
time the worker has been seeking suitable employment,
(h) any other relevant
(2) In the case of
employment provided by the worker’s employer, suitable employment includes:
(a) employment in
respect of which:
(i) the number of
hours each day or week that the worker performs work, or
(ii) the range of
duties the worker performs, is suitably increased in stages (in accordance with
a rehabilitation plan or return-to-work plan or otherwise), and
(b) if the employer
does not provide employment involving the performance of work duties-suitable
training of a vocationally useful kind provided:
(i) by the employer
at the workplace or elsewhere, or
(ii) by any other
person or body under arrangements made with the employer, but only if the
employer pays an appropriate wage or salary to the worker in respect of the time
the worker attends the training concerned.
(3) However, in any
such case, suitable employment does not include:
(a) employment that
is merely of a token nature and does not involve useful work having regard to
the employer’s trade or business, or
(b) employment that
is demeaning in nature, having regard to subsection (1)(a) and (1)(b) and to
the worker’s other employment prospects.
(4) A worker is to
be regarded as suitably employed if:
(a) the worker’s
employer provides the worker with, or the worker obtains, suitable employment,
(b) the worker has
been reinstated to the worker’s former employment under Part 7 of Chapter 2 of
the Industrial Relations Act 1996.
Entitlements to receive lump sum benefits will be in
accordance with the applicable Aware Superannuation Scheme Trust Deed and
Policy Document.
The lump sum benefits shown in the table below are payable
from the Aware Super insurance superannuation scheme in accordance with the
scheme’s trust deed. Where an on duty benefit is less than the off-duty
benefit, the higher benefit would be payable.
Age At Death or
Lump Sum as
Multiple of Salary
(salary effective
at date of disablement)
Less than 45 years
of age
Entitlements to receive lump sum benefits will be in
accordance with the applicable Aware Superannuation Scheme Trust Deed and
Policy Document. The lump sum benefits shown in the table below are payable
from the Aware Super insurance superannuation scheme in accordance with the
scheme’s trust deed. Where an on duty benefit is less than the off-duty
benefit, the higher benefit would be payable.
Lump Sum
Effective from the
first pay period to commence on or after 1 July 2017
Less than 61 years of age
At age 61 to less than 62 years
At age 62 to less than 63 years
At age 63 to less than 64 years
At age 64 to less than 65 years
Age At Disablement
Lump Sum As
Multiple of Salary
(salary effective
at date of disablement)
Less than 45 years
of age
Age at Disablement
Lump Sum
Effective from the first
pay period to commence on or after 1 July 2017
Less than 61 years of age
At age 61 to less than 62 years
At age 62 to less than 63 years
At age 63 to less than 64 years
At age 64 to less than 65 years
Where an on duty benefit is less than the off duty benefit,
the higher benefit would be payable.
Age at Disablement
Lump Sum as
Multiple of Salary
(salary effective
at date of disablement)
of Salary
Components of 20%
Salary (Stafflink Element)
Penalties (Stafflink Element)
AR916R AWD ASN Operation Centre Allowance
AN646N ASN Relocation Disturbance Allowance
AR919R AWD ASN Broken Hill Advanced Life Support
AN001N On Call Weekly
AR920R AWD ASN Broken Hill Paramedic Allowance
AN001N On Call
AR923R AWD ASN Broken Hill Allowance
AR564R Broken Hill Climatic and Isolation
AR937R AWD ASN Specialist Allowance
zzzAR938R ASN Standby Rescue Allowance
AN945N ASN Living Away Sustenance After Tax
AR941R AWD ASN Duty Operations Centre Air Ambulance
PL001 Penalty 10 Percentage
zzzAR942R AWD ASN Ambulance Studies Certificate
PL002 Penalty 12 and half Percentage
AN944R AWD Operations Centre Standby
PL003 Penalty 15 Percentage
EA001 Normal Hours
PL006 Penalty Saturday 50 Percentage
LP004 Sick Leave Payment
PL008 Penalty Sunday 75 Percentage
LP006 Annual Leave Entitlement Payment
PL010 Public Holiday Penalty 50 Percentage
LP006 Annual Leave Entitlement Payment
PL011 Public Holiday Penalty 100 Percentage
LP009 Extra Leave Payment
PL012 Public Holiday Penalty 150 Percentage
LP011 Long Service Leave Payment
EA037 Public Holiday
LP016 Time in Lieu Payment
EA001 Normal Hours HGD
WC044 Full Incapacity
PL007 Penalty 100 Percentage
WC045 Partial Incapacity
PL001 Penalty 10 Percentage HGD
WC046 Statutory Incapacity
PL002 Penalty 12 and half Percentage HGD
WC047 Section 38
PL003 Penalty 15 Percentage HGD
WC048 Suitable Duty Full Hours
PL006 Penalty Saturday 50 Percentage HGD
WC048 Suitable Duty Full Hours HGD
PL008 Penalty Sunday 75 Percentage HGD
WC049 Suitable Duty Partial Hours
PL010 Public Holiday Penalty 50 Percentage HGD
WC049 Suitable Duty Partial Hours HGD
PL011 Public Holiday Penalty 100 Percentage
WC050 Statutory Make Up
PL012 Public Holiday Penalty 150 Percentage
WC051 Partial Incapacity No Time Lost
PL007 Penalty 100 Percentage HGD
WC063 Workers Comp Public Holiday
EA140 Crib Break Penalty
WC064 Totally Unfit Pd 1 Wks 1 to 13 PC 95
WC065 Totally Unfit Pd 2 Wks 14 to 52 PC 80
WC066 Totally Unfit Pd 3 Wks 53 to 130 PC 80
WC067 Totally Unfit Wks 131 to 260 PC 80
WC068 Totally Unfit greater than 260 Wks PC 80
WC069 Suitable Duties Pd 1 Wks 1 to 13 PC 95
WC070 Suitable Duties Pd 2 Wks 14 to 52 GTR 15 PC 95
WC071 Suitable Duties Pd 2 Wks 14 to 52 LESS 15 PC 80
WC072 Suitable Duties Pd 3 Wks 53 to 130 GTR 15 PC 95
WC073 Suitable Duties Pd 3 Wks 53 to 130 LESS 15 PC 80
WC074 Suitable Duties Wks 131 to 260 PC 80
WC075 Suitable Duties greater than 260 Wks PC 80
WC076 Surgery after 143 Wks PC 80
WC077 Partial Incapacity No Time Lost
LE039 ADO in Hours Leave
LP052 FACS Leave Payment
LP055 Crown Witness Leave Payment
LP056 Jury Duty Leave Payment
LP612 Parental Leave Payment
LP611 Parental Leave Half Pay Payment
LP060 Defence Leave Payment
LP631 NAIDOC Leave Payment
LP633 Special Leave Payment
LP064 TESL Payment
LP068 Union Leave Payment
LP067 Examination Leave Payment
LP066 Short Course Leave Payment
LP063 SES Leave Payment
of Salary
Components of 3%
Salary (Stafflink Element)
Penalties (Stafflink Element)
EA001 Normal Hours
PL010 Public Holiday Penalty
50 Percentage
LP004 Sick Leave Payment
PL011 Public Holiday Penalty
100 Percentage
LP006 Annual Leave Entitlement Payment
PL012 Public Holiday Penalty
150 Percentage
LP006 Annual Leave Entitlement Payment
EA001 Normal Hours HGD
LP009 Extra Leave Payment
PL010 Public Holiday Penalty
50 Percentage HGD
LP011 Long Service Leave Payment
PL011 Public Holiday Penalty
100 Percentage HGD
LP016 Time in Lieu Payment
PL012 Public Holiday Penalty
150 Percentage HGD
WC044 Full Incapacity
AN945N ASN Living Away
Sustenance After Tax
WC045 Partial Incapacity
EA001 Normal Hours HGD
WC046 Statutory Incapacity
WC047 Section 38
WC048 Suitable Duty Full Hours
WC048 Suitable Duty Full Hours HGD
WC049 Suitable Duty Partial Hours
WC049 Suitable Duty Partial Hours HGD
WC050 Statutory Make Up
WC051 Partial Incapacity No Time Lost
WC063 Workers Comp Public Holiday
WC064 Totally Unfit Pd 1 Wks 1 to 13 PC 95
WC065 Totally Unfit Pd 2 Wks 14 to 52 PC 80
WC066 Totally Unfit Pd 3 Wks 53 to 130 PC 80
WC067 Totally Unfit Wks 131 to 260 PC 80
WC068 Totally Unfit greater than 260 Wks PC 80
WC069 Suitable Duties Pd 1 Wks 1 to 13 PC 95
WC070 Suitable Duties Pd 2 Wks 14 to 52 GTR 15 PC 95
WC071 Suitable Duties Pd 2 Wks 14 to 52 LESS 15 PC 80
WC072 Suitable Duties Pd 3 Wks 53 to 130 GTR 15 PC 95
WC073 Suitable Duties Pd 3 Wks 53 to 130 LESS 15 PC 80
WC074 Suitable Duties Wks 131 to 260 PC 80
WC075 Suitable Duties greater than 260 Wks PC 80
WC076 Surgery after 143 Wks PC 80
WC077 Partial Incapacity No Time Lost
LE039 ADO in Hours Leave
LP052 FACS Leave Payment
LP055 Crown Witness Leave Payment
LP056 Jury Duty Leave Payment
LP612 Parental Leave Payment
LP611 Parental Leave Half Pay Payment
LP060 Defence Leave Payment
LP631 NAIDOC Leave Payment
LP633 Special Leave Payment
LP064 TESL Payment
LP068 Union Leave Payment
LP067 Examination Leave Payment
LP066 Short Course Leave Payment
LP063 SES Leave Payment
D. SLOAN, Commissioner
Printed by
the authority of the Industrial Registrar.