Crown Employees (Department of Industry) Regulatory
Officers Award
Review of Award pursuant to Section 19 of the Industrial
Relations Act 1996.
(Case No. 143958 of 2021)
Before Commissioner Sloan
27 September 2021
Clause No. Subject Matter
1. Title
2. Definitions
3. Salaries
4. Saving of
5. Progression
6. Hours of
7. Allowances
8. Penalty
Payments for Shift Work and Weekend Work
9. Overtime
10. Relieving
Duties at Stock Inspection Crossings
11. Job
12. Anti-Discrimination
13. Deduction
of Union Membership Fees
14. Area,
Incidence and Duration
Table 1 - Rates of Pay
Table 2 - Other Rates and Allowances
1. Title
This Award will be known as the Crown Employees (Department of Regional NSW) Regulatory Officers Award.
2. Definitions
(i) "Act"
means the Government Sector Employment
Act 2013.
(ii) "AQIS"
refers to the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service.
(iii) "Association/Union"
means the Public Service Association and the Professional Officers’ Association
Amalgamated Union of New South Wales.
(iv) "Department"
means the Department of Regional NSW, as specified in Schedule 1 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013.
(v) "Secretary"
means the Secretary, Department of Regional NSW, as specified in Schedule 1 of
the Government Sector Employment Act
(vi) "Industrial
Relations Secretary" means the Secretary of the Department of Premier and
Cabinet, or as otherwise specified under the Government Sector Employment and Act 2013.
(vii) "Job
Evaluation" means an agreed methodology within the NSW Public Sector to
grade roles under this Award.
(viii) "Member of
Staff" for the purposes of this Award, means a person employed as an
employee on probation, or an employee, employed in any capacity under the
provisions of Part 4, Division 5 of the Act.
(ix) "Normal
Work" is defined as the duties, responsibilities
and capabilities to the role description, of a member, or members, of staff, at
the time of a grievance, dispute or difficulty.
(x) “Public
Service" means the Public Service of New South Wales as defined in the Government Sector Employment Act 2013.
(xi) "Role"
means a role as dealt with in Section 9 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013.
(xii) "Regulatory
Officer" means and includes all members of staff employed as ongoing,
ongoing part time, temporary or casual employed under the provisions of the
Act, who at or after the date this Award are assigned to a role of, and were
classified as a Regulatory Officer under this Award.
(xiii) "Regulatory
Officer Grade 1" means a member of staff whose duties are of single or
dual function/discipline in nature and the role is designated as such by job
(xiv) "Regulatory
Officer Grade 2" means a member of staff whose duties are of
multi-functional or multi-disciplinary and may include the supervision of more
than one Grade 1 Regulatory Officer in a field operation and is a role.
(xv) "Regulatory
Officer Grade 3" means a member of staff who has a multi-functional or
multi-disciplinary roles including the preparation of legal briefs for
prosecutions, and/or assistance with the supervision of a section of an
operation and is a role.
(xvi) "Regulatory
Officer Grade 4" means a member of staff, who performs the role of a Grade
4 Regulatory Officer whilst being designated as a functional or disciplinary
specialist or supervises a particular section of an operation and is a role.
(xvi) "Regulatory
Officer Grade 5" means a member of staff whose role includes management of
teams or staff over a geographic area or operational unit and is a role
designated as such by job evaluation.
(xviii) "Regulatory
Officer Grade 6" means a member of staff whose responsibility is State or Program based and is a role.
(xix) "Regulatory
Officer Grade 7" single graded management or specialised role.
(xx) "Regulatory
Officer Grade 8" single graded management or specialised role.
(xxi) "Salary
Rates" means the ordinary time rate of pay for the member of staff’s
grading, excluding shift allowances, weekend penalties, and all other allowances
not regarded as salary.
(xxii) "Service"
means continuous service for salary purposes.
3. Salaries
This award is listed in Schedule A of the Crown Employees (Public Sector - Salaries
2021) Award and salaries
payable to employees will be in accordance with that award or any award
replacing it. The rates set out at Table 1 and Table 2 of Part B, of this award
are subject to the rates as set by the Crown
Employees (Public Sector - Salaries 2021) Award or any award replacing
4. Saving of Rights
At the time of making of this Award, no member of staff
covered by this Award will suffer a reduction in their rate of pay or any loss
or diminution in his or her conditions of employment as a consequence of the
making of this Award.
5. Progression Criteria
A Regulatory member of staff who has been in receipt of the
1st Year of Grade 3 for a minimum twelve months will be eligible for progression
to Grade 3, Year 2 subject to the ability to undertake the relevant
capabilities outlined in the Government Sector Capabilities Framework as stated
in their role description and successful completion of any Agricultural
Regulatory Officers Training Program approved by the Secretary. Training
programs will be developed in consultation with the parties to this award.
6. Hours of Work
(a) Regulatory
Officers other than those involved in Stock Inspection -
(i) Members
of staff, at departmental convenience, will work rostered standard hours or
flexible hours of duty in accordance with the Departments Flexible Working
Hours Agreement.
(ii) The ordinary
working hours for Regulatory Officers, who are engaged on rostered hours will
be 35 hours per week, 7 hours per day, Monday to Friday inclusive, between the
spread of hours 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.
Rosters once set may not be altered except with 7 days’ notice or by
mutual agreement between the parties or in the event of an emergency.
(iii) The spread of
hours of work for members of staff working part-time will be the same as those
prescribed for full-time members of staff performing similar duties of the same
classification and grading.
(iv) Members of staff
cannot be required to work more than 5 hours in one continuous period without
an unpaid meal break of at least 30 minutes.
(v) Part-time
members of staff will have set hours which will include the days of the week,
the quantum of hours and the starting and finishing times to be worked within
the spread of hours. The hours will not be changed unless 7 days’ notice is
given or by mutual agreement between the Department and the member of staff, or
in the event of an emergency.
(b) Regulatory
Officers - Stock Inspection
(i) Except
as provided in paragraph (ii) of this subclause the ordinary hours of work of a
Regulatory Officer involved in Stock Inspection will not exceed seventy-six
hours per fortnight to be worked in each instance from Monday to Friday,
(ii) The ordinary
hours of a Regulatory Officer involved in Stock Inspection located at a
crossing will not exceed seventy-six hours per fortnight to be worked in not
more than any ten days of the fortnightly period.
Provided that:
(a) The number of
ordinary hours to be credited as hours actually worked by a Regulatory Officer
involved in Stock Inspection in receipt of the 15% allowance prescribed in
subclause (i) of clause 7, Allowances, while working
at a one, two or four-person crossing is to be determined in accordance with
the following table:
No. of Hours
Credited for each 24 Hours
No. of Hours
Credited for each 24 Hours
at a One-Person
at a Two-Person
8 hours
16 hours
The hours to be credited for a Regulatory Officer
involved in Stock Inspection working on a four-person crossing will be on the basis of one hour's credit for one hour actually
(b) The balance of
hours between time required to be spent at one and two-person crossings for
each twenty-four hours and hours to be credited as actually worked in
accordance with the above formula is stand-by time, and is compensated by the
allowance prescribed in subclause (i) of clause 7,
(c) Where the number
of ordinary hours required at a one or two-person crossing is less than
twenty-four hours, the number of ordinary hours to be credited as hours
actually worked by a Regulatory Officer involved in Stock Inspection will be
proportionate to the respective formulae contained in this subclause.
(d) Regulatory
Officers - 38 hours per week - Animal Health Inspection
(i) Members
of staff employed in the classification of Animal Health Inspection, at
departmental convenience, will work rostered or flexible hours of duty.
(ii) The ordinary
working hours for Regulatory Officers employed in the classification of Animal
Health Inspection, who are engaged on rostered hours, will be 38 hours per
week, Monday to Friday inclusive, between the spread of hours 6.00 am to 6.00
(iii) The spread of
hours of work for members of staff working part-time will be the same as those
prescribed for full-time members of staff performing similar duties of the same
classification and grading.
(iv) Members of staff
cannot be required to work more than 5 hours in one continuous period without
an unpaid meal break of at least 30 minutes.
(v) Part-time members
of staff will have set hours which will include the days of the week, the
quantum of hours and the starting and finishing times to be worked within the
spread of hours. The hours will not be
changed unless 7 days’ notice is given or by mutual agreement between the
Department and the member of staff, or in the event of an emergency.
7. Allowances
(i) Any
Regulatory Officer involved in Stock Inspection who is rostered for duty over
seven (7) days of the week and whose hours are prescribed by paragraph (ii) of
subclause (b) of clause 6, Hours of Work, will also be paid an allowance
equivalent to 15 per cent of salary for all incidents associated with shift
work, stand-by time, work carried out during stand-by time and weekend duty. That allowance is to be deemed as salary for
all purposes except in respect of the following:
(a) Calculation of
overtime rates in accordance with clause 9, Overtime; and
(b) Payment of an
annual leave loading.
(ii) A Regulatory
Officer involved in stock inspection on a one-person crossing who is required
to provide relief and whose hours of duty are as prescribed in paragraph 2 of
subclause (b) of clause 6, Hours of Work, will be paid a relief allowance per
annum as set out in Item 1 of Table 2 - Other Rates and Allowances of Part B,
Monetary Rates. That allowance is for relief provided at the crossing whilst
the officer is on patrol. The allowance
in respect of a crossing will be the amount per annum as set out in Item 2 of
the said Table 2. That allowance relates to after hours
telephone use by the employee and/or spouse.
These allowances will be adjusted in accordance with
any variations applied commensurate with this Award.
(iii) A Regulatory
Officer who is required by the Department to provide forage and equipment to
fulfil their duties will be paid an allowance at the rates and conditions as
determined by the Secretary.
(iv) A Regulatory
Officer who is required to tow their own registered horse float on official
business, whether by Departmental vehicle or by their private vehicle, will be
paid an allowance as determined by the Secretary.
8. Penalty Payments
for Shift Work and Weekend Work
In addition to the salary rates prescribed by this Award, employees
authorised by the Department to perform work on a shift basis and/or weekends
and public holidays will be paid for all time other than overtime worked at the
following prescribed penalty:
(a) On afternoon
shift, commencing at or after 10am and before 1pm at the rate of 10 per cent
(b) On afternoon
shift, commencing at or after 1pm and before 4pm at the rate of 12½ per cent
(c) On night shift,
commencing at or after 4pm and before 4am at the rate of 15 per cent extra.
(d) Early morning
shift, commencing at or after 4am and before 6am at the rate of 10 per cent
(a) Between
midnight Friday and midnight Saturday at the rate of half time extra.
(b) Between midnight
Saturday and midnight Sunday at the rate of three-quarter time extra; provided
that the weekend rates in this subclause will be substitution for and not
cumulative upon the shift premiums prescribed in subclause (i)
of this clause.
(iii) Between
midnight to the following midnight on a public holiday - at the rate of time
and one-half extra in substitution for and not cumulative upon the shift
premiums prescribed in subclauses (i) and (ii) of
this clause.
9. Overtime
(i) A
staff member may be directed by the Secretary to work overtime, provided it is
reasonable for the staff member to be required to do so. A staff member may
refuse to work overtime in circumstances where the working of such overtime
would result in the staff member working unreasonable hours. In determining what is unreasonable, the following
factors will be taken into account:
(a) the staff
member's prior commitments outside the workplace, particularly the staff
member’s family and carer responsibilities, community obligations or study arrangements;
(b) any risk to
staff member health and safety;
(c) the urgency of
the work required to be performed during overtime, the impact on the operational
commitments of the organisation and the effect on client services,
(d) the notice (if
any) given by the Department Head regarding the working of the overtime, and by
the staff member of their intention to refuse overtime; or
(e) any other relevant
(ii) Except for
Regulatory Officers who work a 38 hour week, overtime conditions for all other
regulatory staff will be in accordance with the conditions laid down in the
Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009
as varied or replaced..
(iii) When members of
staff who are working part-time are required to work longer on any day than
their usual part-time hours, payment will be as follows: -
(a) for the time in
excess of the person’s usual hours and up to the normal full
time hours for the classification, payment will be at the ordinary
hourly rate plus a loading of 4/48ths in lieu of recreation leave.
(b) for the time
worked beyond the full time starting and finishing times for the
classification, payment will be in accordance with the Crown Employees (Public
Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009 as varied or replaced.
(iv) Except in
respect of Regulatory officers involved in Stock Inspection, a Regulatory
Officer will be entitled to make a claim on the Department for non-directed out
of hours work where it can be shown that the performance of this work was in
accordance with the efficient and effective performance of official duties.
Non-directed out of hours work can only be claimed on an hour for hour basis
for work performed outside the employee’s spread of ordinary hours (8.30 am -
4.30 pm Monday - Friday). A maximum of
leave in lieu of 10 hours per month can be claimed for work performed by a Regulatory
Officer at his/her office.
(v) The following
overtime conditions apply to Regulatory Officers who work a 38
hour week:
Except for 0.4 of an hour for
each day worked which contributes towards one paid rostered day off in each
twenty working day cycle, any time directed to be worked by a Regulatory
Officer involved in Stock Inspection.
(a) In excess of
seventy-six rostered hours per fortnight, Monday to Friday, or on Saturday will
be overtime and paid for at the rate of time and a half for the first two hours
and double time thereafter.
(b) In excess of 76
rostered hours per fortnight by a Regulatory Officer involved in Stock
Inspection on a Sunday will be overtime and paid for at the rate of double
(c) Where the
excess of fortnightly hours is due to hours credited pursuant to clause 10,
Relieving Duties at Stock Inspection Crossings, of this Award, in respect of
relief of Regulatory Officers involved in Stock Inspection at a one, two or
four-person crossing on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday, hours so credited
will be paid for at ordinary rates.
(d) Except where the
time is worked by arrangement with another employee and with the concurrence of
the supervisor -
(i) any
time directed to be worked by a Regulatory Officer involved in stock inspection
on a rostered day off, Monday to Saturday, inclusive, will be overtime and paid
for at the rate of time and a half for the first two hours and double time
(ii) any time
directed to be worked by a Regulatory Officer involved in stock inspection on a
rostered day off which falls on a Sunday will be overtime and paid for at the
rate of double time.
(iii) any time
directed to be worked by a Regulatory Officer involved in stock inspection on a
rostered day off which falls on a Public Holiday will be overtime and paid for
at the rate of double time and a half.
(e) Except as
provided in paragraph (d) of this subclause, any time directed to be worked by
a Regulatory Officer involved in stock inspection on a public holiday in excess
of the employees rostered seventy-six hours per fortnight, will be overtime and
paid for at the rate of double time and a half.
(f) Except as
provided for in subclause (a) of clause 10, Relieving Duties At
Stock Inspection Crossings, of this Award, an employee may elect to be granted
time off rather than claim payment for overtime directed to be worked. Leave in lieu of payment will be taken at the
convenience of the Department and is to be taken within three months of the
date of the election in accordance with the following:
(a) One days leave
in lieu of time worked for three or more hours;
(b) Half a day’s
leave in lieu of time worked up to three hours.
(g) An employee who
works overtime on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday will be paid a minimum
payment as for three hours’ work at the appropriate rate prescribed by this
(h) An employee who
works so much overtime -
between the termination of his/her ordinary work day or
shift, and the commencement of their ordinary work in the next day or shift,
that the employee has not had at least eight consecutive hours off duty between
these times, will, subject to this subclause, be released after completion of
such overtime until the employee has had eight hours off duty without loss of
pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence and be credited for
such time.
Provided that if, on the instructions of the
supervisor, such an employee resumes or continues, to work without having had
eight (8) consecutive hours off duty, the employee will be paid at overtime
rates until released from duty for such period and will then be entitled to be
absent until the employee has had eight (8) consecutive hours off duty without
loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence.
10. Relieving Duties
at Stock Inspection Crossings
Where a Regulatory Officer involved in Stock Inspection, not
in receipt of the 15% allowance prescribed in subclause (i)
of clause 7, Allowances, is required to relieve another Regulatory Officer on a
one, two, or four-person crossing, the periods of relieving duty performed by
him/her will be credited as part of the ordinary hours worked by him/her or in
accordance with the following:
of Duty
of Hours Credited for each 24 Hour Shift
of Hours Credited for each 24 Hour Shift
of Hours Credited for each 8-Hour Shift
One-person Crossing
Two-person Crossing
a Four- person Crossing
Each 24
Hour Day
from Midnight Sunday
to Midnight Friday
Saturday (24 Hours)
Overtime as per Clause 10
Sunday (24 Hours)
Overtime as per Clause 10
Public Holidays (24 Hours)
Overtime as per Clause 10
Where the period of relief is respectively less than
twenty-four hours, the number of ordinary hours to be credited as hours actually worked by a Regulatory Officer involved in Stock
Inspection will be proportionate to the respective formulae contained in this
Provided that, except in respect of overtime payments, and
where a Regulatory Officer involved in stock inspection whose hours of duty are
as prescribed in paragraph (i) of subclause (b) of
clause 6, Hours of Work, and who is required to relieve another Regulatory
Officer involved in stock inspection at a one or two-person crossing for a
minimum period of eight hours, will be credited with a minimum of eight hours
duty for that shift.
Provided that -
(a) Where a Regulatory
Officer involved in Stock Inspection is required to relieve on Saturday, Sunday
or Public Holiday, the employee may elect to take time in lieu for all or part
of the time credited as part of the ordinary hours worked on an hour-for-hour
basis, up to a maximum of eight hours.
(b) A Regulatory
Officer involved in Stock Inspection who is required to relieve a Regulatory
Officer as per this paragraph and who is not in receipt of the entitlements
prescribed by subclause (i) of clause 7, Allowances,
of this award and subclauses 87.7 and 87.8, Shift Work, of the Crown Employees
(Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009 as varied or
replaced will be paid the monetary equivalent of a proportionate amount of the
allowance and leave respectively specified in subclause (i)
of clause 7 and subclause 88.7 or 88.8, calculated on the hours worked.
11. Job Evaluation
(i) Roles
classified as Regulatory Officers will be graded in accordance with the
accredited Job Evaluation methodology agreed by the Department, Secretary and
(ii) The grading of
Regulatory Officers roles will be carried out in consultation between the
Department and the Association using the Department’s Joint Consultative
Committee. This Committee will be the forum for negotiation and consultation on
the operation of the Department’s Job Evaluation methodology during the
operation of this Award.
(iii) Roles will be
evaluated and graded from time to time in the following circumstances:
(a) where the
nature of a role is significantly changed, or a new role is created;
(b) where a role
falls vacant, the Department can determine whether it is necessary to evaluate
and grade the role prior to advertising the vacancy;
(c) at the request
of any part to this Award provided that the role occupied by the member of
staff has not been evaluated and graded for a minimum of twelve (12) months.
Where a member of staff’s role is evaluated as falling
within a lower or higher grading than that to which the member of staff is
presently assigned, then the Department:
(A) will examine the
feasibility of initiating work redesign changes to the role in order to seek to
justify the role’s salary range at its existing grading level, or;
(B) adhere to
existing statutory and related Public Service policies on filling regraded
roles if initiating action under paragraph (A) of this subclause is determined
to be inconsistent with maintaining Department efficiency, or otherwise
It is the intention of the parties bound by this Award to seek
to achieve the object in section 3(f) of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 to prevent and eliminate
discrimination in the workplace. This
includes discrimination of the grounds of race, sex, marital status,
transgender identity, martial or domestic status, disability, responsibilities
as a carer, homosexuality, HIV/AIDS infected or age.
(ii) It follows that
in fulfilling their obligations under the dispute resolution procedure
prescribed by this Award the parties have obligations to take all reasonable
steps to ensure that the operation of the provisions of this Award are not
directly or indirectly discriminatory in their effects. It will be consistent with the fulfilment of
these obligations for the parties to make application to vary any provision of
the Award which, by its terms or operation, has a direct or indirect
discriminatory effect.
(iii) Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, it is
unlawful to victimise an employee because the employee has made or may make or
has been involved in a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment.
(iv) Nothing in this
clause is to be taken to affect:
(a) any conduct or
act which is specifically exempted from anti-discrimination legislation;
(b) offering or
providing junior rates of pay to persons under 21 years of age;
(c) any act or
practice of a body established to propagate religion which is exempted under
section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination
Act 1977;
(d) a party to this
Award from pursuing matters of unlawful discrimination in any State or Federal
(v) This clause
does not create legal rights or obligations in addition to those imposed upon
the parties by legislation referred to in this clause.
(a) Employers and
employees may also be subject to Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation.
(b) Section 56(d) of
the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977
"Nothing in this Act affects any other act or
practice of a body established to propagate religion that conforms to the
doctrines of that religion or is necessary to avoid injury to the religious
susceptibilities of the adherents of that religion".
13. Deduction of Union
Membership Fees
(i) The
union will provide the employer with a schedule setting out union fortnightly
membership fees payable by members of the union in accordance with the union's
(ii) The union will
advise the employer of any change to the amount of fortnightly membership fees
made under its rules. Any variation to the schedule of union fortnightly
membership fees payable will be provided to the employer at least one month in
advance of the variation taking effect.
(iii) Subject to (i) and (ii) above, the employer will deduct union
fortnightly membership fees from the pay of any employee who is a member of the
union in accordance with the union's rules, provided that the employee has
authorised the employer to make such deductions.
(iv) Monies so deducted
from employee's pay will be forwarded regularly to the union together with all
necessary information to enable the union to reconcile and credit subscriptions
to employees' union membership accounts.
(v) Unless other
arrangements are agreed to by the employer and the union, all union membership
fees will be deducted on a fortnightly basis.
(vi) Where an employee
has already authorised the deduction of union membership fees from his or her
pay prior to this clause taking effect, nothing in this clause will be read as
requiring the employee to make a fresh authorisation in order for such
deductions to continue.
14. Area, Incidence
and Duration
The members of staff regulated by this Award will be
entitled to the conditions of employment as set out in this Award and, except
where specifically varied by this Award, existing conditions are provided for
under the Government Sector Employment
Act 2013, the Government Sector
Employment Regulation 2014, the Government Sector Employment (General) Rules
2014, the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009 and the Crown Employees (Public
Sector - Salaries 2021) Award or any Awards replacing these Awards.
This award is made following a review under section 19 of
the Industrial Relations Act 1996 and
rescinds and replaces the Crown Employees
(Department of Regional NSW) Regulatory Officers Award Award published 25 October 2019 (385 I.G.513), as varied.
The changes made to the award pursuant to the Award Review
pursuant to section 19(6) of the Industrial
Relations Act 1996 and Principle 26 of the Principles for Review of Awards
made by the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales on 28 April 1999
(310 I.G. 359) take effect on and from 27 September 2021.
This award remains in force until varied or rescinded, the
period for which it was made having already expired.
Table 1 - Rates of Pay
Effective from the beginning of the full first pay period to
commence on or after 1.07.2021
(A) Full Time
Regulatory Officer
Common Salary
Annual Salary
Grade 1
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Grade 2
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Grade 3
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Grade 4
Year 1
Year 2
Grade 5
Year 1
Year 2
Grade 6
Year 1
Year 2
Grade 7
Year 1
Year 2
Grade 8
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
(B) Part-Time Hourly
Rate Formulae - for staff other than those involved in Stock Inspection.
1 hours pay
(C) Part-Time Hourly
Rate Formulae - for Staff involved in Stock Inspection.
1 hours pay
Table 2 - Other Rates and Allowances
Effective from the beginning of the first pay period to
commence on or after 1.07.2021.
Brief Description
Amount per annum
One person crossing relief allowance
One person crossing telephone allowance
D. SLOAN, Commissioner
Printed by the authority
of the Industrial Registrar.